Finał E\am -Rcvic\v Guide Part 2 World History

Fili in the Blank—w ord bank is on bach shcct of te st

1.    The spread of idcas. technolog)', ways of lifc. front one group to another_

2.    An objcct madc by human hands-_.

3.    A story that in created, usually fictional, often limes with the intent to exptain an event in a pcople*s livcs-

4. Any advancc or dcvclopment that can bc uscd to make life casier can be referred to as-_.

5 A person or group that wanders from place to place, nevcr settling down. often limes in search of food. shelter, and a hetter climate to live in.-

6.    A person skillcd in a spceific tradc or craft.-_.

7.    Time period beforc written rccord-_.

K A dccree or proclamation, the Chinesc bclicvcd nilers would often get one of the from hcaven gmng them a div ine right to rule.-_.

9.    The belief in morc than one dcity/god.-_.

10.    A typc of govcmment wbere the leader is boih the religious and politieol head of State.-_.

11 Who was the Bab> lonian leader that cn&ted the first set of wnlten laws?-_.

12. A spceific location that Itas boundaries. sovercignty. and is self sustaining. Some of the carliest examples of

thcsc wcrc found in Ancicnt Sumeria.-_.

13 Any rcligion that bclieves in one deity god is said to be -_.

14.    _-is a Greek word meaning scauerod.

15.    A loosc alliance or union of groups. States, ete..-_.

16.    An cconomic system wbere individuals exchangc a good or servicc for another.-_.

17 Blmd Greek poet wntcr, aut hor of the Iliad and the Odyssey.-_.

IX. l.andholding metnber of in>bility or upper etass, usually holding some oftice due to family lineage.-19 In Ancicnt Grcecc a person who took part in the govcmmcnt ofa city-statc and was a małe landowncr -

20.    The first form of this typc of govemment was implcmcnted by the city-statc of Athcns._

21.    A form of govemment in which a sclect fcw members holds the political pow-er.-_

22 A Siudy that most Grecks studied as part of thcir eduention; it is the art of public speaking.-_

23.    A Greek educational foeus; the science of reasomng and establishing proof for argument*.-

24.    Macedonian ruler conquered almost the entire known worki, military genius. and the founder of Hcllenistic



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