


Bones and joints 1

Fili in the crossword.


1 A bonę in the arm which sounds as though it should be funny! 4 The last bonę in the back.

7 A little bonę in the throat.

9 l he patient calls this the collar bonę.

11 This bonę in the ear means 'anvil'.

12    Another word for lower jaw.

13    It protects the brain.

17 The finał limb bones.

20    It provides support, movement and protection.

21    The patient calls this the funny bonę!

22    This is known as the knee cap.

23    This is the spherical top end of the femur.

24    Arms and legs.

26    Joints allow bones to do this.

27    The shin bonę.

28    You will find the metatarsals here.


2    One of the bones in the lower arm.

3    There's fluid in this type of joint.

5    The socket for the eye.

6    The most abundant extracellular fibrę in the body! 8 The common name for spinał column.

14 ll's tough, flexible and much lighter than bonę.

It) I hls is one of the bones forming the spinał column. 16 Tliese aftach muscle to bonę.

II (lommonly called the breast bonę.

IU A smali pit in the cartilage on the femur.

86 The long central section of the femur.


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