HISTORIA - WYKŁAD - 10.11.2011 perseeuted and Henry VI repressed them by taking en idee of pumsNng heretics by buming.

Joan of Arc - also claened herecy.

Rebellions from noble* - XV centiay.

Northern Wale* Rebel* Leader: Owaln Głendower. He wanted to break cormecbon with England. National War. Owain Głendower we* cleimed Welsh prince. after 1410 he k»t a I most aD his support Irish people realised that however hard they fought they will never get it A na bona I identity was born (like with William Wallace).



After his father. he got peacefii and umted kingdom. so he co Jd focuł on drfferent issues. He started Hundred Years War. 1415 Agbtcourt - he won. defeated French army 3 time*. captured areas in Normandy.

Treaty of Troyes In 1420 - Henry V became heir to French throne and married French Princess Cathenne of Valois. But he died. and French king also died. So Henry V t son •> Henry VI inherited two thrones (he was only a baby).

Joan of Arc (feeling oi patnotism). French defeated English 1453. English lost everythmg.


He was too debcate. intrested in ctiture and chuch. Struck by mental diseese. So they decided to gńre po w ar to his cousin Richard - The Lord Prołeetor. 1455 Henry VI felt bet ter and dismissed Richard. Richard was an ambitious man so he became really angry.

THE WAR Of ROSES - cńril war.

Nobility divided for those who supported:

Henry VI




Richard wanted to get revange. Ha diad in battle. Hił łon took over tha defeated Henry at Moitlmer'% Cro»» 1461. Henry VI dispoted.



First Yorki łt king. In 1470 defeated by Rkhard Navllla - Earl of Wanmek.

Henry VI wał fraa and rełtored on tha throne Edward IV returned in 1471. Icilled Warwick and Henry VI wał murdered

Edward IV was supported by many. became ha promitad better government and financial reforma.

Development of naw indułtry: prlntlng.

War of tha Rołeł probably woiid hava ended at that bme ifit'ł hadnt been for Edward IV4 brother - Richard of Gloucester.

After hn death. Edward left two łom Uncte Richard decided to put them into Towar of London. Ha woiid navar lat older ona (Edward V) ba

Richard mada park#mant declare that Edward V wasnt illagibmata child. It co Jd ba proved became Edward IV mamed w oman he really loved. bU earlier ha hed been mamed to anothar w oman. Parka mant agread with Richard, and then he became king.


Children of Edward IV ł were never scen again. Itł baliavad that Richard IR braised (udusił) them with piDow.

Richard did ho mb la thing. Hit diłtant relatnre -Henry Tudor decided to punish h«m (he wał John of Gamfł grandton. Lancattnan). Ha defeated Richard


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