HISTORIA - WYKŁAD - 17.11.2011

At some moment Thomas was afrald of Henry VIII and reslgned.

1534 - Act of Supromacy - Thomas Cromwell (advłser) Honry VIII - Supremo Hoad of tho Church of England.

It broke the pope authorlty. Now Henry was free to marry Annę Boleyn (mother of Ellsabeth I).

1532-1536 - England became polltlcally a Protestant country. Catholicism was stiii popular, king was also stlll catholic - It was only a politlcal change.

1536-40 - Henry VIII needed money and he decided about Dissolution of Monastorlos (It was supervised by Thomas Cromwoll). Treasure grew 3 tlmes. and land was sold to gentry. Huge and prMIeged clerical soclety was swept away. This situatlon provoked rlslngs -> Pllgrlmage of Grace. Rebels supported traditional religlon and wanted Thomas Cromwell to be removed. But it was not coordlnated. and they were arrested and executed.


Henry VIII, unllke his father, didn't llke the Welsh. He wanted to contro! Wales. and Welsh people to become English. English names adopted.

1536-1543 - Wales joined to England under the administration. English - only offldal language. They had a Welsh bibie.

He wanted also IRELAND

Many monasterles. Catholic church - It was very Important. Ireland tempted Catholic Europę as a place from which to attack the English. Spaln and France could attack - pretext of bringing Catholicism.

Old Gaellc life destroyed.

Ulster - greater influence of English. Sold to Scottlsh and English merchants. Irlsh people had to leave thelr houses.

Foundation War (religious war) in Ulster in 1970 between Cathollcs and protestants (IRA).


Won battle of Flodden 1513. James IV. Henry Vlll's brother-in-law (Margaret marrled Hames IV) was kllled in the battle. James V forced to gain authority. Henry hoped to marry his son Edward with a daughter of James V. Scots preferred to glve the girl to France.

1547 - died, Catherlne Parr - Mary. Elisabeth. Edward.


He was only 6 - his advlsers ruled. They were protestants. Some of them have bought the church land. If Catholicism would be brought back, they would have to glve lands back.

Acts of Uniformlty, Book of Common Prayer in In English England became truły protestant country.

MARY I - the elder one

M    'h*‘re was attemat to put lasy lane Gtey

[' ■'■L    i protestant to Lrglish th-o-e Mary was

Catherine of Aragon s daughter brougnt up in Catholicism She married Spamsh / i    k;ng. she realiy ioved mm. and he was

also catholic

She dissolved any law passed by Edward Roman mass was restored and pope was

recognlsed again


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