REFORMATION - połłcital and rellglous movement. CATHOLIC COUNTRIES: Spaln. France. Itaiy PROTESTANT COUNTRIES: Germany. The Netherlands. Denmark

The dissolution of monasteries - it took 4 years. Thomas Cromwell was responsible for that.

Pilgrimage of Grace - series of risings agalnst. but It dldn't worked. Members of It were executed.

1536 - Ten Artłcles:

a)    Only 3 sacraments

b)    Worshlp of Images forbldden

c)    Existence of purgatory (czyściec) denied

d)    No changes In ceremonles

ej English version of the Bibie (anybody could read it

Slx Artides - relmposed strlct Cathollc orthodoxy. Reformatlon was ONLY a polltical thlng at first. It was establlshed In order to remove pope authorlty.


a)    First Act of Uniformity - first Book of Common Prayer - abollshed Latin services

b)    Second Act of Uniformity - the Revised (or Second) Book of Common Prayer - Imposed strlct Protestant liturgy (It Is still used In England)

Both books were largely the work of Archblshop Thomas Cranmer.


a)    No mass

b)    Confesslon abollshed

c)    No church decoratlon

d)    No processions. no holidays

e)    Prlest free to get marrled


She was crazy Catholic. Peace with Romę and pope again. She ordered everybody:

a)    Supress heresy (zakazywać)

b)    Remove marrled clerlcs

c)    Restora all Catholic ceremonles. processions and holidays

d)    "Bioody Mary"


Inltlally seemed to be the wlsest - she wanted to find solutlon. But later it changed. England broke connection wlth Romę. Act of Supremacy was to be taken by priests. Judges. officers. university graduates.

Book of Common Prayer brought back.

Cathollcs plots agalnst Elisabeth.




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