historia - Ćwiczenia - 02.12.2011 1649 - Charles I beheaded.
OUVER CROMWELL - wanted to create purltan England. Engiand -> republlc -> Lord Protector (Cromwell)
People missed not havlng king. but Cromwell rejected to take the throne. because In practlce he had the same power.
17m century religious groups:
a) Protestants
b) Catholics - persecuted
c) Purltans - extreme protestants. dldn't llke the church of England. Wanted to purlfy tt from cathollc influenc es.
Purify = make elear
Ellsabeth. James - dldn‘t llke purltans, they left to America. Some of them stayed -> one of them was Oliver Cromwell. Many of purltans were MPs.
a) Personal salvation ls entirely from God (predestinatlon)
b) Bibie swas God's true law - they read the Bibie everyday
c) Wearplalnclothes(nocolourful)
d) Go to church on Sunday
e) Avold entertalnment (It could be slnful)
f) No theatre. no parties
g) Church should reflect the expresslng teachlng of Bibie (church should say a good example)
h) Dldn't llke hierarchy
I) Society: In community you should help to each other
Oliver was puritan. he wanted to create God's Kingdom In England. He used really cruel methods. He was rellglously mad. he heard a lot strange storles about Cathollcs and In Ireland he burnt them allve.