3-4 short tests (10 min) - basie questions 1 absence per semester allowed
Credit - "zaliczenie" - based on the tests. participation. attendance
1) IIIustrated history of GB
2) History of GB as easy as pie
We dont have to know every detail. what we need is to select important Information (pay special attention to the words in bold on our lecture)
1) Albion - albios (lat- White) - probably because of Wbite Cliffs of Dover
2) British (Bntons were Celts)
3) 15 century - England (=the land of Angles. Tbey mhabited middle part of island)
4) Great Britain
5) The UK of GB and Ireland
6) The UK of GB and Northern Ireland
1604 - Scotland and England started have the same king •> personal union (James VI of Scotland was also James I of England)
1707 - political union. the Act of Union - Scotland and England started to have the same parliament
1801 - Ireland Jomed GB. Act of Union. Ireland was riied from London. Not everybody was happy aboi* that -> 20 century: War of Independertce. Ireland was divided into 2 parts:
3) Northern Ireland - Belfast
b) The Irish Free State - Dublin (then the Republic of Ireland)
Commander - dowódca
Infantry - soldiers whofight on foot - piechota Charlot - a horse-drawn vehicle - rydwan Cavalry - soldiers fighting on horseback - kawalena Levy - a recruit - rekrut Javelln /'dj«V3lin/_ a |,ght . o52C2ep Combat - a figKt • walka
Ambush - a surprise attack from a hidden place - zasadzka Garrison - troops staboned in a towrv/ fort - garnizon Sleg* . surroinding of a town/ fortress - oblężenie
(miasta, twierdzy)
Raider - a person w ho makes a surprise attack - najeźdźca
Chieftaln - a leader of a tri be/ elan - wódz
Usurper - a leader by force - uzurpator
1. Each Roman legion had an establishment of over 5000 man. mostly heavy infantry.
2. The permanent Roman w a mors were the aristocracy: they favorite weapon was the cha not.
3. The exact (dokładny, precyzyjny) status of a cavalry is uncertain: they were probably men who could provide theirown horses.
4. The British army consisted mostly of levies summoned (zebranych) from the farms.
5. The Britons depended on a long slashing (tnęcy) sword. whereas the Roman used javelins.
6. In hand-to-hand combat (walka wręcz) the Britons were at a disadvantage faced with the armoured Romans.
7. The Celts were successful in their surprise attacks and ambushes. thus the Roman commanders almed to (dężyć do) force them out into the open.
8. The Roman garrisorts permitted permanent occcpation of the British towns.
9. Some of the British Romę. there were many usurpers who had solzed /ł,:z powor (przejęć władzę).