of apphcation of digital logie elements are given, also with Computer simulation. Students study operating principles and functions of microprocessors in modem electronic instrumentation. Students experimentally investigate selected electronic circuits, widely used as interface to sensors.

• Lecture:

Particular leclures contents

Number of ho urs

1 .Basic electrical ąuantities. Linear and non-linear elements of electronic circuits. Current and voltage sources.


2.Signals, amplitudę and time parameters. Symbolic method of Circuit analysis. Electrical impedance.


3. Measurements of direct and altemate currents. Energy consumption by measuring device from the phenomenon field.


4.Apparent power, active and reactive power. Measurement of electrical power and energy.


5. Transformers, DC and AC Motors, power generators, electrical installations, safety devices.


ó.Semiconductor elements of electronic circuits: diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs.


7.Rectifiers, power supply circuits, linear and switching regulators.


8.Feedback and its apphcation in electronics: operational amplifiers, signal generators, active filters, comparators.


9.Sensors of non-electrical ąuantities.


lO.Balanced and unbalanced four-arm bridges. Application.


11 .Logic elements and circuits. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion.


12.Microcontrollers, architecture, programming tools.


13.Structure of microprocessor-based measuring devices.


14.Modem electronic eąuipment in Chemical technology.




1. Classes - the contents:

2.    Seminars - the contents:

3.    Laboratory - the contents: Students get practical training in measurements of fundamental electrical ąuantities (voltage, current, power, freąuency, resistance etc.). Characterization and measurements of features of AC and DC supplying circuits, AC and DC motors, signal generators are provided. Fundamental functional building blocks of electronic instrumentation as amplifiers, filters, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, logie circuits are demonstrated. Methods of analysis and simulation of analogue and digital circuits by the means of Computer software are included.

4.    Project - the contents:

Basic literaturę:

1.    Hempowicz P. i inni, Elektrotechnika i Elektronika dla nieelektryków. WNT Warszawa 1999.

2.    W. Nawrocki; Rozproszone systemy pomiarowe. WKŁ Warszawa 2006.

3.    P. Horowitz, W Hill, Sztuka Elektroniki. WKŁ Warszawa 1995.

4.    Instrukcje do ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych.

5.    Additional literaturę:



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