auncil for I
Higher Educatic
HEAT is a fuli scholarship program,inviting faculty members frOm ASFAN higher edbcation institutior^s to support thćir acquisition of a doctpral degree In Kbrea. Th? Higher Education for ASEAN Tal^nts AT) is funded fro,m ASEAN-ROK J Cpbperation Fund, a'nd Korean Coupcil for Urjiversitv Educatioh (KCUE') is the/
opportunity for ASEAN faculty membei
Eligiblity /
/jipplicants with ASEAN citizen^nip Academic facufty members af a univer: / their home cpuntry whos^flighest educałional atłainmeoHs a ma$ter-ts^
degree^dr its equj,valent. ....
Number of Grantees
- 30T3 persons per country)
3 year;
larship Period .
Juitions, Rourf^trip travel, lyionthly Allowańęe, Settlement. Allowance', and Other Costs.
Eligible Universities
Ch^ng-Ang Uniyersity.
Ewha Womans Uniyersity,
Jeonbuk National Uniyersity,
Kangwon National Uniyersity,
Korea Uniyersity,
Ky,ung Hee Uniyersity /
(Seoul Campus / Global Campus)/
1 Mlnlstry