l)r. Martfc Perkowski and Dr. XUo)u So«R
Our reseorch in me oiea ot quantum compuhng wśy de^etop Computer oióed I design roois tor quantum circuits and j Systems wtiich w>v be simitor in use to thc design aulomation roois tor VLSf mor ore uscd now in industry.
| Cla>iaW>hb> «ta4n«>iv - .i'.'; H
Thts rcscarch arca includcs Logic and System design of VLSI circuits. Field Progrannnablc Gale Array circuits and Quantum Computcrs. Partiailar rccent projocts inelude synthesis and test of quantum circuits. rcvcrsiblc logie. quantum algorithms. Quantum Computational Intelligcnce. Fvolutionary. Quantunvlnspircd and Biologically-Motivatcd Algorithms for Circuit design, and Multiplc-Valucd logie. Past | funding ca mc frorn NSF (thrcc limes). US Air Forcc Office of Scicntific Research. Sharp Microclectronics and ołhcrs. Good programmmg skillsand ccrtain likingof nuthematies arc cxpectcd from student* who want to woric in this arca.
Ouantum 8roifcnbcrg Automota Robots use concepts from quontum compufing to sofve probiems cod presont emotional behav»ors
Porttand Quontum logie Group is me group 0< intemotional rcseorchers from countries *ko USA Concda. Jopon. Korea. Roland Germany. The Nethertands. 8angladesh. Chino. Russia. Jordan. Estonio ond Ukrainę interested in technicol ospects of futurę quontum computers. The reseorch issues Inelude:
• Synthesis of quontum ond reversible circuits from high levci speolicofions
Ouontum Aulomoto and the-r opplicotions Testing quantum circuits
• Ouontum AJgcrifhms for NP hord probiems. especialfy CAD probiems.
• Ouontum Image Processing and Tronsforms.
Solcctcd Pubtlcatlons
S Lee. $ J Loe. I Kim. J-S Leo. J B-amontc. M Perko*sk>.
I The Co*t ot Ouantum Gate Pnmrtfros,' Journal ot IAM-valued Logic and Sort Computng. 2005
J Biamonto. M Perkowski. 'Autematod Ton Pałtern GencraUon Icr Ouantum Circuits." McK.nr Roso aren Journal. Mol. t. Issuo 1. 2005.
A N AJ-Rabnck. M Perkowski, "New FamAo* ot Rovers4*i I Euponslon* and thor Rcgjiar Lange Circuit*," Journal ot Muftpfo-MoUedLogic and Sod Computmg (UYLSC), US A. Moiumo 11. Numbor 3-4,2005.
G Yang, X Song. M Perkowski. J Wu. "Rrutong lemary I gu.mbjm swilchmg networks wthout anertn b»ts.' Journal ot I PnysJcsA. UathomaUca!and General. 2005.
W Hurvg. X. Song. G Yang. M Perkowski. "Optimal S>nOu»a o! mijtiplc output bootean funebons usryg a set of gaanlum gol es by I symbonc roachawity anafysis.' IEEE TramacDoos on Computer-I Audcd Dougn. 2006
G Yang. W Hur>g. X Song, M Porkowslo, 'M^onty-Basod I RerwsibSo Lope Gatas.* Tdeoretical Computer Science C 33411-3), pp 259-274, ISSN 0304-3975. Apnl 15.2005.
X Song G. Yang M. Perkowski. ' Algebra* Characł«rt**>cs ot I RevorsiKc Gatos.* Acceptod to Theoy ot Compubng Systems (Mathomatkal Systems Thoory. Springer Mcrlag First pubbshcd on Onlmo Test. ISSN 1432-4350,2005
M Khan, M Perkowski, M Khan. P Kemlopt. Temary GFSOP Minłmlzabon usng Kroneckcr Declskm Diagram* and Their S)r4hes« with Ouantum Cascade*.' MW Journal Spoo.tr Issuo. ISSN 1542-3960.
P KemlopT. M Perkowski. M H A Khan Unhersatty o7 tomary I reversible galcs* Acceptod tospecial «soo of JWomaOonaf I Journal on Mabpfo- Valu«d Log* and Sod Compubng. SvMLina I YanushkoWch. cdtor. ISSN 1542-3960 IA At-Rabod. L. Casperson. M. Perkowski. *MUbple-vtfUed I quantum logie.' Ouantum CcmpoSers and Compubng. Mol 3.
I Mamb* 1
W. Hung, X Song. M Porkowsk), -ReachatoMy Auty** tor I rc-aersibio mmrrucilion." Procoodmgs oIDĄC 2004, June 2004. San Oiego. Cafrfomia
M Lukae. M Porkowski. H. Goc M PMorako. C H Yu, K.
Chung. M. Jee. B-G Kim. Y-D Kim. *Evolutjcnary Apęroach to Ouantum and Rev«rstio Orcuts Synlhesi*.' ArUk/al intoOgence Weiww Journal. Special Issuo on Antficinl łnlcftgcnco r\ Log<c | Design. S Yanushkęyrch guesl cdlor, ISSN 0269-2621.2003