Ó2 ftieatifii Jtmcwatt. (January 23, 1875.
Bark P»»e -•••••- 81.#0 a llae.
Io«lde Poić - -- -- -- 75 centa n llif.
Enęratlrtgt racy head adrertiMment* cU the onuc ratf prrlbtr.by wwiuurcmcrJ, ar the UtUr i*<m. A4-r<ttUtm<r\t$ mwt bt netto fd ut ptibHuUkm ofte/ as ani* <ij AVff <iy inoniinO to appearinneit iwue.
\Vorkinq Models
Aod Exp*rłfl*oial Machinery. MetalorWood, mad# to
order by _J. Y. WRknKK.flCcatcr Sc.. .n >
ENGINE LATflFS. DP.ILLS.4c Sand fcr Prfce LUt.
NCW Ilnrru. Conti.
Vor oralne and «to»ioffKiev*tor Ikots. Mod*?* ran r»c ocen at Utclua w. )v>od*», 1* Liberty St.. K. V. Kor funher tarticuura. addrew W. RKID. Kievtr>tk Street. Brooklyn, N. V.
MOI FOK HltA/IL !—Maanfartorer*. «liMu to
introduoe Into tororfi their war**. woold ilo wcIl to forwtrU c4talo*uea and eorrca^ojKl wlth JOSE llKAL A . NUNKZ. Catnyo^, Pro\*a. de KIOUt Janeiro.
CK.MENTS.AVm K**»r*d rrody for uoe. *cnd for PatnphtoU.Prke-Uat*. de. Ubtral Imlwcctwnu to denlem.
SA TXT fi • l°0.00 dOŁD PKE.MIl.-lf «mj KU.l PR|'/E WII.VER MEDAL, fo
■R* 1*100 Pi UrlOold [TTT •»
0 AA O * B X A Y X R F A t L S I' A
rr-8«od forPRtC-E Łlsr of th.tr 1>AV.AHCV.> TKMPERED SAttS, .r.4 Ctrcul.r coht.lntntc fuli p.rtlcU.
A «t Clocloa.il. J«l. »fw iwo .rp.r 'c contMU, tcoopyln* .1. <Ujr». A bo, thr PIKHT “ PREMIUM *ILVEK MEU Al. for the BEHT CROSH.CUT SAWH ... ardcd to
tar* of the great contrat.
nno machinery and factory
A SLPPLY AGENT*. -A ItberiU afthCoeimtatton p«!4 oo Sak* of hpeclal Mechankal ApplUncea. rr^utred it> MAChiae Shop and M a rui fetory. Oooda thoroughljr e*tabl!»\ed. of ackno* ledjfed amt, *e,i »»r-lbc<rcU'łJn u#* Addreaa MAM » At-TI-KKl., .Ui |l. U«rrr/r. Mmi
frcelsfofDo Voar Ołrn Printin^
^Pnf4flble I>rp?ei^Caf<lalUbeU.enveidr>ra
£0naPłQ M. Lar^craizca forlargcnork,
Unalue.«aAIcadi>ihflrpnutinjcon<| adverc^io^.•uvcmoncy aml IncretM tradr. AmairurFrlntlDff.deUphl fulpattime far apare hoora. I)OVS have^rcAtfun and inake moncy fi-t Pnntintf acprinlśf^c. -Seodtuoaumpsfor f: U % 0^cauk>f(ue preaaey typeete. toihc )lfra
KELSLYd ( O.Ylrrldeo. Codo.
Satea tento laeatyprr cent. CHALMKRS8PENCI: CO., foot E Mh Street, |C V.; 1’dK.S 2nd St , St UuIi.Mo
Addreaa JOHN A. .COKBLINO S SONS. Manufactur n. Trentoo. N. J.. or II. Ufcerty *l.. New Yceic.
M beeU and IŁmj* for conteylnir po«er k>nx d!*raoce». Send fce CircuUr
Of Etrry DtKrifilu*. af A:p«»evtStr friłtł.
ThoHull & E«’.4«a Ccapanj, Daabary, Ct.1
łlOILKK SCAI.K l*KEVKJfTIVE...Jop. O Kooia* d Co.. MadUoo. Ind. AOfucitt: R 11. l.ee. Tttatr]Ile.Pa.; Owena. Lane A X)yer Machloe ( o..St. Loula. Mo.; \lhie
St..B‘morc. Md. .Botrfoclcd Mlicox^>Cortla;ŁdlSt.;N.\
Machinists- Tools.
LirCIUAW. POND. MANCFACTl/UEK. Woreoaccr, M«aa.
WAKEKOOMS n UnKKTr SI., A 2 . nr S'Uk'».riQW.li>ri*t .V.łi’#. OrltU/anJ Q«tr (Jut Ier# o
The Mwt Powerfal. and the Only TUM StoKtc*. Good Part Gale Turht&e trtr madę. rrlce of amall whrcia to auli the tl met. Send addreaa t o
Narth Cbrlaaafard. Miim.
Portland Cement.
l“rom the beit London Maeufaeiorerm. Por fale by - ^ JAMES MKANll.W CTIff S<.. N.Y.
A ITactlcal Trealfae on Cemcot fureUNM for 25 eeota.
OFFICE.....................................................FIFTH an4 TaSMT ER S TREEZ S PHI LAL>XIPRIA .
• FFICEanfi WARE/łOUSE.............. ............................. .Vo. 12 COLO 'TRt.ET, SEW YORK.
f.FI/CEa nd WA REBOU S E..........................................Vo. 35 O! fVER S? REŁT ROSTOM
Maniifactureraof M’rouitht Iron Melded Tubea» puto. KalranUed. and r*M r for vraa, ateam aod water,
Lap MeJded tturcoal Iron Molier Tubea. OII-We;i TobloK and Ca«injt Oaa ar#' Śtuar, * 'tliuica. Hraaa VaUea and Cocka.Caa aadSteam Ptttera' Toola, UK Iron Gaaand Water Pipę. Street Lamp I tt» -nd ^anferna. fmprovedCoai Gaa .\pparatoa. Imoroved Sonat Machinery. dc. wc w., iid cali tlić
BEST c^m.
MtiKKILL d: H KIZER. li llollldnyr St.. Bnlc.
n to TI A-art J(U Brortiyn. M.T. Manufoctured aolely or
ENGINE6AND BoiLKRft. PuUey$,8Kafl\ng and Hang er § a SpeciaUy.
Inspection <fe Insurance COMPANY.
W. B. Fbankun. V. Pt. J. M. Au w. Ml
i. B. Lna Sec lURTfORD, CO X K,
C. IIENKY HALL 4 CO..^iCortlandtM...N,i mT>
The atmpkat. moat du aMc a .4 elcctUe Stbaw l*\ wr r»wtn u«< Mffupn ..pKrltty or tnuddy water mfibrni ^ear o- Inrorjr to Ita parta. It cannc; *r\ ou; of order.
Branek Dcfotu
11 PembeHoa Sąoore, Uooton.Mooa.
»ITT Market St.. ITilladftphla. Ta 50 Weila Si Chlcatro 111
AMERICAN TWIST HKiLt. w.. WooMocket.K. I.. Mawsracturer* vt l*atrr< DrawoMo Sot.ro Eifinr ^■BSta. 2;MBBT WMfli Mac«(x« ht. and AfrowATro K««tri tiniyn-im Medai aod liblcmr awnrded t>j Aryrttrn InaUtUe. N. Y.. VfVl aod I^H.alaolT M.C. M. A.,Boaton. VTA
mb $■
Iron and Steel Sat $crew$, Round, Sd«re. and Ifeaaitun Hcad: Matfjlae and CaoSirew^. :*Ueo. Knob.and Lock Screwa; Marblic. Urtdire. and Roof EoUa. Holt Eoda. Blanka. J\ut». Wathera. etc..of every deacrlptton.
See»d for Prtce Lfat
:> MOKK YOCNO MEN TO learn TclcirrapAr. Oood alfva-t 'on* icuaranteed.
Addrcaa. wlth •tamo.
lin. L*. T. C., ober Ilo. O.
T\c cetehrated Oreene Yariable Cut-rHT Kncine: Lone ■ Patent TobeUr a%d Klue Botlcra.Kłalo Sllde Valvc Sta tli Bary. Hokttr*. and 2*or<aMe Kn^mea. Bollera of all
klr.ia. Sream MUI Gearlr*. bhaftiojt. Ac . Wik.
Tc- Oikern. Rajrcle^. Kopę. Plaa.ar.d Hemp M»ohI--fiy. AK'3t»for the New HaveD Maw&factorlnC Co ‘a Machin, tal’* Toola; for Ju4ao»*a Goyerpora and Stop-Vaivra. Sturtetaet IUo»era; and tłKTerantlai Puliry *Btocka WAREROOMS. t« BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK WORKS PATERSON. NEW JERSEY
of all klnda and ałzee. BOtHJHT.SOLD A KICH ANGED Lance atock alwayt oo hond. Seod foreircalar to
ROBERT8 * KIKG.USt Liberty St.. New York
TM FORTA Ml' FOR ALC LARGE WRPO I RATIONSandMANITPACTI-RINO concerns-Duerk*n WntehcnnnU Time Drtnetnr. caęableof controlli&f. wlth the uttne^t accoracy. tto cr.oUoa of a watrhiuac or patrctm&o. aa thr aacae reacbee dlfferent auttonaof hi* f.mt. Seod for aCircotar.
J.F. IU EKK.P.O. lłox 1.057, Bo«tom Maa N. U.—Tłdideteftor la corcrcd by t»o V . h. patenu. Partlea walc* or aeirny theae ln*tromea«a wnhout aa-tbonty from av win ę<- dealt with Acconenc to law.
HOHABLY no !nv<**tmcnt of a s«mall sum of mowy LrlnigA a greater return tban tbe €*xpcn!R? łncurreel In oLUinlng u putrnt. cvcn wbrn the Inwntion L*» Lut a imali ono. Lauro lnv<*n«U>tw aro found to pay corrwpoodingly wfll. Th<* na mes of Blnnchnrd. Morre. Ukgciow. Colt. Erics* oon, Howc, McCormick, lloe, and otbenc w ho harc amawsl Imrocnsc fortunes from their lnventtorw, arc well known. And t herc arc thousa min of otbrm w bo havc real-łtod largo Mims from tbelr patent*.
Morę tban FrprY TuocsaND Inrcnton bave n\’al)ci2 tbeniM*Ivcjt of the *crvlcr-« of MpnN Sc Ca durlng the T\Y KNTY-SIX ycnr» ttacy havo actrd a.* a<dicitor»and Pt»t>H»her* of the ScilntikiC Amebi-Can. They «tHtid ut thebead łn tbb cliSS of bual-ne»; Mnd their lance corp* of ambtantiL moatly se-lected fn>m the ranką of the Patent Office: men capa We of remlerlng tbe Lest sereloe to tbe inrentor. rom ftheexperience pmctk*ally oblalndl «bOeex* amlnera In tbe Patent Olbcc: enabl« MtwN 4 CO. to do eąerylhlng uppertalnlng to patents mrrrirr. amJ Chkapkk tluin «ny other relJnble agency.
ery letter,de*crlWngj*omc inv«*nt(on.wbich come» to tbb Office. A pofdir* answer tan only t>e bad by pre*cnting a coroplete appllcatlon for a patent to tbeCommUaSooer of Patent*. An npplkatlon con-sfctsof a Mcwlel, Drawings, Petltlon, Onth. and fuli SpecHlcatlon. Vario\« officlal rule* an»J formalltk*ą muat nbo Le ob«*rved. The elforU of tbe Inrentor to do all tbla LuMnc-* hlmąelf are generally wltb-out8occ*ve. After great perptexlty and delay, be U i»ually gUd to reek the uld of pcr*oiw experl-ence<l In patent buMnr**, and bave all the work done over ngain. Tlie test plan In to aolScIt proper ad\ioeatthe beglnnlng. If the partie* conaultcd ure bonorablc men, the lnvcntor may safely conflde hH Idea* to them: they will adv!*c wbetherthe Im-provement to probably patcntable. and will gń* hlm all tbe dlrecHon* needful to protect his rlgbt.
Ilotr Can 1 neaCSeenre Wy Inrentloii f
Thia tonn ln<|utry whlch one ln\ entornatur;illy aakannother. who ban bad aome expejieneein ob-talnlng patent*, lito an*wer generally to as follows and eorrecl:
ConatnRt u ncut model, not over a foot In any dl-menąion-.'malk*r If po**lWe and send Lyeaprews prcpald, mldu-se.I to >lt'NN A CO., Park Row, togetberwrth a dcncmdlon of It* opcratJon nnd mcitt*. <)n r«xdpt tbereof. they will e.\:imlnc tlię lnventlon carefully.and adtlse youw to lt* patent-ablllty, freeof cba»xe. Or, if you havc not tlme, or tbemeunaat band, to constroct w model, m^ke a* good a pen and Ink sketebof the Impcorement a* poMiblc wnd oend by malL An nn*wer a* to tbe protąpect of a patent will bc rccciied, usuBlly, by return of mail. It to *oroct*ines test to have o aeareb madęat the Patent Office; soch u mc**urc often aa\‘ct% tbe co*t of an appltcntlon for ii patent.
Prellmlnar> Kiamlnatlon.
Io order to bove sucb seareb, make out a wrltten dwcrlptlon of the lnventlon, In your own words, and a pencll. or p«*n and Ink, aketch. Send tbeae, witbtbc fcc of Ly nailL addrrwd to Mits.s Sc Co., 37 Park Row, and In duo limę you will teceW-c anacknowlcdgment thercof, foliowe*! by a wrltten report In regnrd to the patrntabłllty of your Im* provement. Th!x*pcclal arareb to madę wlth grrwt cure, anx»ng tbe mo*Jeto and jiatcnu at Washington, toaacertaln wbotber Ihe Improrement pre*4*nU*J to patentBbJc.
To Tlake an ippllcaClon for a Patent.
Theapplkant for a patent *hould fumtoh a model of btoinvci»i.on If su»ceptible of onc,altbough ♦ometlmes it may be dtoperoed wlth; or if tbe In-vcntion Le a Chemical producUon. hc muat fumtoh wimp!v*of theingrcdienlAof whlch hto ©ompositkrn conftou. The*e ąhotoLl be scctirdy packe«L the In-%‘entor'* muw marked on tbem. and *ent by ex-prw. prepald. Smali modela, from n dtolance, «.-an often be *cnt cheaper by mail. The mfr»t way to remit money toby a draft or postał order, on New York, payable to tbe order of Mb'NN Sc Co. Pcr-aoo» w bo łlve In remote part* of the country can uąioally purebaae draft* from their mcrchaot* on their New York corrcspondcnt*.
PoreS^n Patent*.
Tbe populatlon of Great Brltuln to 31J0CMXi): of France.3:,0C0.C42: Belglum, \iO\ifiO: Au«tr2a, 36.-•COJWO; Pruąsta, WttWD, and Ruą*la, 70,4a.tX4 Patent* may be *ecured by American citlren* In all fheąecountrtt**. Now 1* tbe tlme, wben buslncie to du3 at borne, to take advantage of theoe Immenac foreign fleldK MecbunScal lmprovementa of ail kfmtoare alway* In demand tn Kurope. Tbcrc will neverbea bettcrtlme tban tbe prezent to take patent* abroad. We have rellablc bualneiw connec-tton* with tbe prlnelpal Capital* of Kurope. A torge "baro of &l\ tbe patent* securod In foreign oountrfcw by American* arc obtalnrd througb our Agency. Addrt^a MtTNK Sc CO., 37 Park How, New York. Circular* wltb fuli Infoitniition on foreign patent*, fumtohed free.
Canadlan Paleni*.
Inordcrtoapply fora patent łnCnnada, tbe np-plkant must f urn tob a working model, abowmg the operatlon of tbe lmproved parta ; tbe model nced* nottocxceed eigbtecn Inche* on tbe longcet *kle. Send tbe model, wltb o dcocrlptUm of Ita merita, by eipnwa, or otberwbc, to Munn Sc Co*9? Park Row. J Alao remit to tbelr order by draft, check, or poatal order, the money to pay expen*ca, whlch are a*fol-ows: Fora flvc yt^rs' patent, $26: for o ten ycara*
Smali Enafoc l.athee. Smali Cesr cuttera. Ifasd Planen* for metal. Pall Toraln^ Machlzłea. Hlde R*uta. Foot Scrolt Sawa for lUftt atut heary
work.Struli Power Sc roli Sn w*, Foot
Oreolar Snw Machtnea. The vcry Miot reader# Of thl* pąiur h*%r one of tKex». Catalofiurafrec N.ll UALDWfN. Ueoola,N H Jaot i.soantelra for ArtlKiaaor A>utirun*.
patent, $&5; foraAft(*en yeara patent. $116. Tbe : rtvc and ten year*’p«tents Mre gianted with prtoi j lego of extcn*Jon to flfteen year".
Trade marka.
Any penom or firm domlcll#! In the Cnltcd State*.orany firm or oorfK rat*on n^kltog In any ! fonHgn <x»untry wbere almltor prfrJegc* are ex-tended tocitlien* of tbe Un'tc« State*, may rexfto-ter their de*ign« ant obtain protectlon. Thto to very Important to manufacUrertt In tbto country, and equally aoto foreigner*. For fuli partlculur* addrra* Munn Sc C#-, 37 ł^ark How, New York.
Dfalrn Palenia.
Foreign dndgueni and munufacturer*. who send good* to thto country, may neiarc patent* here up-on tbelr new pnttem*. and thu* prevent other* from fabricntlng or felling the Mmc good* In (but market.
A patent for a doiign may be gointcd to any pł*r^ *on. wbetber cltlien or allen, for any new and orig-tnal de»tgn for a munufacture, bu*t, sUttin*, alto re llevo, or ba* relief, any new and orlglnal drełgn for thr printing of woolen. *l!k, cotton, or ot ber fab* rk8,anv new and orlglnal lmpreą*k>n, ornament pat tern, print, or picture, to be printed, palnted, ca*t, or otbi*rwl*c plnced on or worked Into any ar-tlcle of manufacture.
Dc*lgn patent* are e<iually a* importem to cltl-xen* m* to forelgner*. For fuli partk-ulam *end for pamphlet to MONN Sc Co* 37 Pnrk How, New York.
Cople* of Palenia.
Person* de*łr»ng any patent toąuc l from 1A* to November 28, can be supidksl wltbotficlal topie* ut h nru*onuble cost, tbe prtce dep<*ndlng upon tbe cxtcnt of drawlng> and lengtb of *peclflca-tlon*.
Any patent toaued sińce November 27. 16$7, at wbtchtimethe Patent Office commenccd prtnting the dra w Ing* and *pecificat1rną, may be bad by r*-mittlng to tbto offioe $1.
A copy of tbeclalm* of any patent toaucd sińce U96 will bcfuml*h<xl for $1.
Wben orderlng cople*, plense to remit for tbe same ks above, arxl State na me of patentce, title of inventk>n. and datę of patent. Addrea* MusnA Co., Patent Solirltor*, 37 Park Row, New Y’ork.
Mi'NN Sc Co. will be bappy toseelnventors in person at tlieir oXJkx'. or«oadvtoe tbem by letter. In all oa*c* they may expect un bc-ncst cplniim. For *ucb oomidtatlon*. opiniom, nnd advlce, norlkrrQ< t* mneic. Write plałn; do not use pencll or pale Ink: be brlef.
All Ludne** commltted to our cmre. and all eon->ultatlons, arc kept m<to rtłst itricfly confidtntlaL
In all matter* pertalnlng to patent*, sucb as eon-d reting Intcrfercnce*. procurlng extenslonsldraw-Ing asslgnnynto, examlnutlon* Into tbe val(dity of patent*, etc., * pedał care aml attentlon to glven. For Infornwitlon, and for pamphlet* of iitotroctlon aml «<t%ice. nddre«a
*HCNN dc CO.t
37 Park Kou, New York.
OFFICE IN WASHINGTON -Comer Y and 7th Street*, oppoMto Patent Office.
or th r
FOK 1875.
The publtoher* of tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN beg toannouoce tbat on tbe ąeccad*L«yof January, 1*75, a new vo!ume commenccd. It -111 continue tobetbenlm of the pubU*ł-*r« to render tbecon-tent* of the new yolurm* moi*' *ttractłveand u*e-ful tban any of it* predcot *ar-riL
To the Mec hanie and Hemufaelurtr.
No pernon engaged In any of the mechankal pur-*ult**houW think of dolng without tbeSCHCNTtnc American. Every numbercontainsfrom *lx to ten engrayingsof new machinę* and !nventlon* whlch cannot be fouml in any other publlcatlon.
Tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Isdeyoted to tbe interent* of Popular Sclenoe, tbe Mechanlc Art*, Munufacture*. Inyentlon*, AgrlculturcATommerce, and tbetnduatrfal pursult* generally; and It to val-uable nnd in»tructive m»t only In tbe Work*hop nnd Manufactory, but nho ln the Houaebold, the Ll-bmry, and tbe Reading Room.
By tbe new law, tbr połfage mu*t be pnld ln advancM* ln New York, by the publtoher*; and tbe subscriberthen recelves the paper by mail frecof charge.
One copy, one yoar (postage included). ... 83.20 One copy, six montbs<postnge included!.... 1.60 One copy, three montb* <po*tagelncluded). 1.00 One copy of Sclentlflc American for one yenr, nnd one copy of engraylnk M Men
ofProgrW------ ------- ----------10.00
One copy of Selentifle American for one year, and one copy o f *• Science Hecord” for IS74.......... ........5.50
Remit by po*tnI order, draft, or expre«.
Addreaa all letter* and make uli Post Office order* and draft* payable to
THE" SĆTentTfic"AzncrlCŁn" isj>rtnte4 wUU CHA8 ANKO JOHNSONA CO.’*l5?K. Trntaaod Looibard 8d., PMIaitotpbta acd 34 CkiM St., NrW \ork.