I. Orientation January 23 and 24, 2:00 p.m.
1. The American Stake in Europę (paper)—Louis Adamie, writ-
er and leeturer.
2. Lessons of Past EfTorts at European Regional Organization—
Bogoljub Ja/tic, Minister of State of Jugoslavia.
3. The Changing World in Central and Eastern Europę and
the Futurę—Feliks Gross, Secretary General, Central and Eastern Europcan Planning Board.
4. The Central and Eastern Europcan Region and Post-War Eu
ropę— Sava N. Kosan otuch, Minister of State of Jugoslavia; Chairman, C.E.E.P.B.
America and Europę in Conncction with Central and Eastern Europcan Reconsrruclion (paper)—Achilles Catsonis, Coun-sclor, Greek Embassy. Washington, D.C.
6. Cooperation of Nations in Central and Eastern Europę as the Basic Element of Futurę Pcace in Euronc—Sylwin Strugać z, Minister, Polish Constil General, New York.
11. Planning, Rf.construction and Intkrnational Aspects January 30 and 31, 2:00 p.m.
1. The Futuro of the Concept of the United Nations—Algo D.
Henderson, President, Antioch College
2. The International Labor Office and Post-War Reconstruction
—Carter Goodrich, Chairman, International Labor Office.
i,. Research and Govcrnment in Economic Planning—Sanford Schwarz, Carncgie Endowment for International Peacc.
4. Economic Planning and Political Democracy—-Lewis Corey, Lccturer in Economics, Antioch College.