The Boi. roHed in through a door cight pcoplc kfllcd.
Ktlled one penon. bumed olherv Hit a church and erplodcd.
ume down 4 chimney. pUycd around the feet of 4 man. rołted around and went back up the chimney F xc4V4tcd 4 to-foot (j-metre) long trench in the ground. Bounccd down j mountain. buned itsełf in the bank of a stream; jo-foot (6-metre) peat ring tumed up on the bank. Floated with an undułating motion. grtting smaUcr each bouner. Travrlled semal mtJa! (Royal Meteorologie*! Society report) likc immense soap bubbłes.
Feli mto a pond. killing om 100 fish The sire of a crickcl balL
Feli intoa lakę; 60-ft (iS-metre) cohunn of water s-tsible.
A dark spocę fnnged with crimson appeartd in a kitchen. then
Great danuge to a barn.
Chipping Sodbury, OK Norfolk. OK
Guildford. OK Glendown Mountams. Ireland
Pyrenea Vence. France Hendon. OK Banbury. OK LimpooLOK Epping, OK
Dunstabic. OK
I>an<ed in the air 'likc rooks at play‘. enterrd a barn, floated upstairs. cipłoded in a bedroom; sulphurous uncU; paint flew off a wali.
Suffolk. OK
Floated indoors then out again. Fjtploded.
A large number of my bright BoLa entered frotn the air inlet of a large atove with a smali wood fire buming.
Traselled 100 yards along a road Htsted and nploded.
The doors of a slaughterhouse 'flew open', the BoL entered the and left by another door.
BOAC piane ftying in ram at Kooo ft (j^«o metres). One BoL entered the cabin and bunt with a 'resounding bang'. A few minuta later a second one passed through the cockpit, bumed the pilot s eycbraws and socne hau. and erpłoded in the rrar cabin. Bounced hkr a rubber bali and dunbed a hifl with a j-foot 1 i-metre) high bounce cmy 10-ao ft (>-« metra).
7ag-/agged acrou the water to a motorboat. growmg larger as ił approached. Hit the boat and oploded: the łaunch lumped in the water. Ali the crews hair stood on end.
Newport. IoW. OK Grindcłwald. Swit/erland
Yarmouth. IoW, OK Morecambe. Lanca. OK
In BOAC piane
In flight. NT-Washington. The BoL left the pilot s cabin and passed down the aisle of the piane.
In US piane in flight