Clinic's stamp
Pećiatka kliniky
East European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
Registratlon for the Slovak Republic
Address: Bukovec 265,044 20 Bukovec Slovak Republic E-mail:
Komom vctenraamvch :k..rr»v 5>R
MVDr. Mirosiav FAGA
\—irrv IcV.i/
iisło OSVl*;: ■* \
Animal /
Name/Mcno: | ^
O____1__ I V1 J /--
Breed/Ptem»no: [ C ^ o 7 Wdjf//
/Pohl arie
Małe / Samce Female/Samka
Dateof birth
/ Di tum narodenia
(7 LC
Studbook No^
SP^P -/5~-
Coat colour /Farbami
—l | ||||
puNo/ 1 | ||||
Result negative/n^Btfvny /VyU«k* posłtlve/poiWvny |
s |
partial cha nges / 6asto&k mwty uncłear cha nges / nciasik zmmy |
B |
Prevlous eye exam / Y**ikno
Pmkhidrajucc vyictrcokod no/Nic
Datę/w tum /?. C?*!. J o
directophthalmoscopy go
/ prttfM oft^mo ifc cipta V* ^ _ __
indirect cyhthalmoscopy [7| Fundus pte^^raph^-g--
□ £>£«* □ un/tdąble □
SgSET* □ 52583?“ □stea*
STTk RE: mm/min |
1 iOP: RŁmmHg |
ś | |
LŁmm/mln |
| LŁmmHg |
s |
Resul te for the p lesume dinheri fed eye dise ases /
•a | Condbonsvalidfor 12morths/
Unaffected/ Suspicious/ Affected/
Unaffected/ Undetermined / Affected/ negatńme neurfen* pozitryne
I.Goniodysplasia |
a □ □?§£■?• |
9. Distichiash/Irichiasłs |
1 Cataract (coogenitaO -y OOII |
0 □ □ 2 □ |
10. Entropion / Ectopic cillla |
3. PrM emiomr pąAtn mrabnrw |
11. Ectropion / Macrobłepharon | |
4. Hypoplasia/Micro papilla |
EJ □ □ _ |
llComealdystrophy |
5. RDrrttuidr^ |
2 □ c^yŁh,t |
13. Cataract (non-congwital) |
6. |
0 □ Dcajau |
14. lens liaation (primary) |
7. Other. |
e- & -b |
15. Rettoal degeneration (PRA) |
8. CEAtoicncw««ty |
ą O |
IŁOther. |
•.Unaffected” signlfies that there b no evidence of the presumed eye dbease(s) spedfted. whereaj "affected” slgnlftes that there b juch evłdence./'Negatfvne”rnamen4, h zvtera nevyłcazuie Ładne Drtznakv dedtfn* podmlenenćho/nych ofrkho/nyth ochorenla/l, zatiaf ćo'pozitfvne" potvrdzu)e prfiomnosf dediine podmienen<ho/nych odkho/nych ochorenia/l. 7
• The animal dispUys dinkal featurej that couid pouibły frt the presumed eye dljease(j) mentioned. but the dtanęej are lnconduslve. /. 2viera yykazuje UlnłcW petznaky. ktor* by mohll zodpovedaf dedkne Dod mienen^mu/nym o&kmu/nym ochorenlu/lam, ale zmeny nie su Jednoznaćrk.
Reexamination in months /Opatovnć vyie trenie
‘ B^anMS^ys minor,but spjKłfjc^s Mt^f presumed^ di$ea$e(s) mentioned. Further devełopment will conftrm the dlagnosls. / Zviera yykazuje mak. ale ipectficW priznaky dedtfne podmieneneho/nych
Descriptive comments (Eye disease No): / Komenttre (Ochocenie t)
Exam per fomned by / Vyietril:
(stampand dgnatur*/ pcCiatka a podpis