
Personal evaluation

These past few weeks of worki ng on my semester pro-ject have definitely learned me equally much (if not morę) about what it means to work as a graphic designer, as everything else weVe learned during the whole semester. It’s been an exciting and at times frustrating experience and l’m very grateful for the patience teachers shcwed me, answering all my questions.

The hardest part for me was to create a logo with a char-acter, as well as finding a combination of colours that would be satisfying. Working with a real Client has been very educational but also extremelly challenging. Not only because he knew exactly what he wanted and the vision he had was quite complex, but also because the brand I was creating required from me to go pass my comfort zonę.

Tm morę of a minimalist I like simple design Solutions and morę elegant, toned colours. Here, the design for the Cuckoo’s Nest required from me morę morę playful approach and morę fun and vibrant colour palette, as I was after all creating a brand for a hostel that will com-municate with backpackers. I think though that a good graphic designer shoukJ be able to work on all different types of projects and not limit to what feels comfortable so l’m glad I faced this challenge.

Following the Schedule I delivered together with my pro-ject descriptlon was also a quite hard task and IVe defl-nitely spent morę hours on my projects than expected. Organizing myself better and avoiding overly correcting smali things throughout the day is perhaps something I can try to work on In the futurę.

Reflection diary post:

https://j uli et tasdesignfactory.wordpress. com/2020/05/08/semester-project-1/


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