m<DeveCoping 7fuman TaCcntsfor a <Progrcssive Socuty '

uipioma m Service Management

The Instilute of Humań Resource Advancemcnt which is atlached lo the    ^

Univcrsily of Colombo has bccn recogm/cd as one of ihc First 1000 univcrsi(ics in the world. Whilc IHRA engages in dcvclopmcnt of human talcnis for a progrcssivc society. it values freedom of educalion. thus actively engages in expanding ihe acccssibility of higher educalion for all. IHRA is mandalcd lo advance ihe human rcsourccs of ihc country.

Entry Qualification for the Diploma

(1) (a) GCE (A/L) Examination in four (4) subjccis under the old syllabus OR

(b)    GCE (A/L) Examination in thrcc (3) subjccis under the new syllabus


(c)    Foundation Programmc cquivalcn( lo ihc GCE (A/L). AND

(2)    Demonstratcd compctencc in Ihe relevant field and potcnlial for fiiturc carccr development;


(3)    Good working kitów ledge and the competeiice of Ihe instruclional languagc of the Diploma programmc

Medium: Bilingual (English & Sinhala)

Duration: 01 Year

/Application Cfosing t|)atc

51    2021

How to Apply

Application form sltould be submitted Online Pleasc log into www.ibra.cmb-ac.lk to fili the onliite application

Bcforc submitting the application. pleasc make surę that you have madę the application fee using tlte youcher that cau l>e dowuloaded front the same website and altach a copy of il in llie nght place of tlić application Once submitted pleasc kccp a copy of application for your reference.


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