30. Van Looy B., Van Dierdonck R., Gemmel P., Service Management. An Integraled Approach, „Financial Times” 1998.


Abstract: The ąuality of services and goods is an important element of the activity of entities in the private zonę, including in particular, those which conduct the activity of business entities. Changes in the scope of the management of the public sector and the introduction of the principles and methods typical of private entities have also madę it necessary to become interested in the ąuality of conducted public activity. This is so as the recipients of the actions of public administrative bodies expect not only performing the actions reąuired by the regulations of the law, but also expect them to represent appropriate ąuality. As a result, the entities responsible for the functioning of public administration are obligated to become interested in the whole rangę of issues relevant to the ąuality of services provided by them, including, in particular, the factors by which this ąuality is determined and by which the improvement of it is influenced.

Key words: the ąuality, the ąuality of services, the ąuality of administrative senices



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