
{Change Comments ***********************************************************} {9/26/88, Added CRCOffC to rapid up and repeats, same as all other Fadal posts, WFG} {6/5/89, Changed Maximum Spindle RPM from 10000 to 15000 in Form's 'Numbers' Dialog, JR} {1/26/90, Updated: Fadal M003.58, to .69 format, JR} {2/90/90, Updated: Fadal M003.69, to .70 format, JR} {3/23/90, Changed SetMaxRPM from 10000 to 15000 in Prog, JR} {4/6/90 Added '01' literal for looping once on CallLab line at ZonlyRepAutoCycle & ZonlyRep subs. DWB} {7/24/90, Added InitProg globally to posts with this remark, DWB} {7/24/90, Replaced all occurances of SetSRXYZero with SetSRXYtoSP, DWB} {8/10/90, Updated: Fadal M003.71 to .74 format, JR} {3/6/91, Updated: Fadal M003.74 to .76.1 format, JR} {4/3/91, Updated: Fadal M003.76.1, to .80 format, DWB} {9/11/91, Updated: Fadal M003.79, to .81 format, DWB} {* 11/3/93 [cwh] Modeified: Fadal M003.81 To: Fadal M003.81.1 For: Gibbs and Associates Modified the form so that it could be used with the 32MP and 32MPOL versions of Catalyst ( Virtual ). *} {11/8/93 Modified: Fadal M003.81.1 For: Gibbs & Associates Modified to get consecutive sequence numbers thru subroutines: Changed; Seq to SeqLab, SeqC to SeqLabC and N to N? in MachSpec. Added Retag Jim Radcliffe} {1/3/95 Updated: Fadal M003.81.2 For: Gibbs & Associates Versions: ncCad 4.33/ncCAM 4.33/ncPost 4.33.04/Compost 4.21.23 Changes made per Pete Jackson Updated to Version 4.2 per Fanuc 6M M001.81.2f Format. Corrected FORMAT5 from '########;0' to '#######0'. Added RestoreScale Sub per 4-Axis Post Processor. Moved UnSkipZ from FinishSub1 to ZOnlyRep where SkipZ is set. Changed FeedRateC to FeedEntC for FIFO Exit Moves. Added CkCRC sub for CRCOffC per version 4.2. CutterRadiusCompensation ExitLength will output G40 on LastFeat AND LineFeat at StdLine sub. Changed logic to output CRCOnC in OneFeat ToolPath. Added logic to suppress output of CRCOnC on ZMove Feature. Added support of CRC during multiple pocket dog-bone operation. Added condition to output CRCOnC for XMove OR YMove only at CkCRC sub. Outputs G41/G42 on First LineFeat after Z Plunge. Modified condition to output CRCOffC for LastFeat AND AutoCycle at ToolPath RapidFeat. Assures that G40 is not output prior to LastFeat. Added CRCOffC to RapidFeat at ToolPath. Outputs G40 at all ZMoveOnly Feature Retract blocks. Changed TrackZNO# ZDepth# to TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# at IF Drilling. SPZ# is affected by SetScale, whereas ZDepth# is not. DWB} {1/3/95 Copied: Fadal M003.81.3 Created: Fadal LongHand M728.81.3 For: Gibbs & Associates Versions: ncCad 4.33/ncCAM 4.33/ncPost 4.33.04/Compost 4.21.23 Changes made per Pete Jackson Updated to Version 4.2 per LongHand M001.81.3f Format. DWB} {9/14/95 Modified: Fadal LongHand M728.81.3 Created: Fadal LongHand M728.85 For: Gibbs & Associates Versions: Catalyst v3.30C/ComPost2 MSL 68K These version notes were added on 3/13/97. Identity of developer remains unknown to me. Added OptCyc1F at PSInit sub. Added IF Tap? AND OptCyc1? condition at DrillStuff sub. IF TRUE, post outputs literal 'G84.1', RigidTap Cycle Code. IF FALSE, post outputs normal Cycle command. Added IF Drilling? AND RigidTap? condition at MasterSub sub IF TRUE, post outputs Speed block followed by literal 'G84.2' block. IF FALSE, post outputs normal Speed SpinOn block. Occurs at FirstOperation, NewTool and SameTool LAST ProgStop situations. DWB} {2/12/96, Updated .85 number to .86, no changes necessary, MPK} {3/22/96, Tested ZOnlyRepAutoCycle, Changed version # to .89, MPK} {3/18/97 Updated: Fadal LongHand M728.89 Created: Fadal LongHand M728.89.1 For: Gibbs & Associates/Acurite Injection Mold Versions: Catalyst v3.30C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Updated for Catalyst v3.30C per LongHand M001.89b Format. Added SetDrillEndOpZ sub and call to same at IF Drilling. Added IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? 2 places at XYZRep. Modified ZonlyRepAutoCycle to call EntryMove for all cases. Modified logic of MultipleParts OneToolAllParts at GetToolLastOP sub. Problem with output when there are blank operations prior to SameTool. Minor modifications made to MPLoop and GetToolFirstOp subs. Added Flag(2) and Flag(3). Added .14 Additions: Changed FORMAT#2 from ###.###;0. to #####.###;0. at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed FORMAT#3 from *###.###;0. to *#####.###;0. at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Deleted Flag(1) for CRCOffsetC at ckCRC and ckCRCNum subs and at setup and initializations. Added NOT LastFeat? AND Equal? SPZ# EPZ# condition at ckCRCNum sub. Moved contents of FormatLine back to ToolPath LineFeat. Deleted version comments. Simplified ExitMove sub. Deleted OpenMP and CloseMP commands. Simplified EndPartSub sub. Modified WorkFixtureOffset logic. Added Flag(1) for WFOStuff at setup and initializations. Added WFONum sub. Rewrote logic at WFOStuff sub. Added EOL to NewWFO MP WFOStuff sub Warning. Deleted SeqC and EOL at WFOStuff sub. Added Flag(1) logic at start of EachOp/NextOp Loop. Moved WFOStuff after MP-OTAP-FU condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added WFOStuff for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added AbsOrInc Rapid to StrtPos block for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added SeqC and EOL at WFOStuff calls at GetStartOfSameTool, FirstOperation and NewTool. Moved Speed SpinOn after MP-OTAP-FU condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added Speed SpinOn for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added SetMaxFeed(12700) for Metric VNC files. Added LongDrillStuff. Uses Var(8). Deleted all occurances of TagInit, TagInc and Tag#. Replaced with PartNum# for better WFO handling. DWB} {3/18/97 Modified: Fadal LongHand M728.89.1 Created: Fadal 2 LH [AIM] MY42.89 For: Acurite Injection Mold Versions: Catalyst v3.30C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Changes made per Jim Jarrett of Acurite Injection Mold Modified Sequence Line Numbers. Need for SeqLab and Retag are not necessary because there is no Line Number Calling involved. Changed Sequence Label from N? to N in Mach Spec General Info Dialog. Changed all occurances of SeqLab to Seq in Prog. Changed all occurances of SeqLabC to SeqC in Prog. Deleted Retag at end of Prog. Added literal 'G9' block at ToolPath. Per CNCVIS1 M610.89.1 post change on 2/16/93. Post outputs block on FIRST LineFeat OR ArcFeat following RapidFeat condition. Moved WFOStuff to StrtPos block at FirstOperation, NewTool and SameTool and DoNewPart sub. Added ToolChng OpToolID block at FirstOperation. Moved ToolChng to OpToolID block at NewTool. Moved SpinOff to CoolOff block at EndPartSub sub. Added Rapid OfstOff AbsOrInc 'Z0' block at EndPartSub sub. Deleted call to ResetWFO for MultipleParts AllToolsOnePart condition at Main. Changed OfstOff UnTool ToolChng block to ToolChng UnTool at end of Prog. Added literal 'X0Y0' to WFOOff block and moved in front of ToolChng UnTool at end of Prog. DWB} {3/18/97 Modified: Fadal 2 LH [AIM] MY42.89 Created: Fadal 2 LH [AIM] MY42.89.1 For: Acurite Injection Mold Versions: Catalyst v3.30C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Changes made per Jim Jarrett of Acurite Injection Mold Modified output of literal 'G9' block at ToolPath. Deleted IF NOT Rapid? and IF LAST Rapid? Booleans. IF LAST Rapid? Boolean was causing post to output extra EntryFeedRates during Toolpath. Developers original intent on 2/16/93 to block on FIRST LineFeat OR ArcFeat following RapidFeat condition was not working as intended. When I changed IF LAST Rapid? to IF LAST RapidFeat, the post output more 'G9' blocks and extra EntryFeedRate problem disappeared. Left IF FirstFeat? boolean in place. This caused no difference in occurance of G9 blocks. DWB} {Prog Numeric Format Definitions ****} #1 = '#.00' #2 = '#####.###;0.' #3 = '*#####.###;0.' #4 = '####.####;0.' #5 = '#######0' #6 = '#####.###;0.' #7 = '#' #8 = '±#bbbb.bbbb#' FORMAT(FileFeet#,1) FORMAT(FileMeters#,1) FORMAT(ToolDiameter#,4) FORMAT(TrackXNO#,4) FORMAT(TrackYNO#,4) FORMAT(TrackZNO#,4) FORMAT(Recall#,5) FORMAT(PartNum#,5) FORMAT(Program#,5) FORMAT(Operation#,5) FORMAT(Tool#,5) FORMAT(NewWFO#,5) FORMAT(Parts#,5) FORMAT(Dwell#,6) FORMAT(RapidF#,7) FORMAT(PartShiftX#,8) FORMAT(PartShiftY#,8) FORMAT(PartShiftZ#,8) {Prog Subroutines ****} RestoreScale: IF Metric? {CAM file is in Metric, tools and tool path} SetScale('.03937007874') { change to English, this is an English post} END RETURN WFO: FORMAT(ADD#,5) 'E' ADD# PartNum# Num#('0') FORMAT(ADD#,4) RETURN WFONum: 'E' NewWFO# RETURN WFOStuff: IF NewWFO? IF MultipleParts? AND WorkFixtureOffsets? EOL '*** WARNING *** DO NOT USE NEWWFO() WITH MULTIPLE PARTS AND WORK FIXTURE OFFSETS' EOL ELSE WFONum END ELSE IF Flag?('1') IF NOT SameTool? IF MultipleParts? IF WorkFixtureOffsets? WFO ELSE WFONum END ELSE WFONum END END END END SetFlagF('1') RETURN ResetWFO: IF WorkFixtureOffsets? SeqC WFO1 EOL END RETURN DoPartCycleComment: IF MultipleParts? AND UseComments? AND SubComment? SeqC '* PART NO. ' PartNum# EOL END RETURN DoCycleComment: IF UseComments? AND SubComment? SeqC '* CYCLE START' EOL END RETURN DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? SeqC '* OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ EOL END IF OperationComment? SeqC '* ' OperationComment$ EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? SeqC '* ' WorkGroupComment$ EOL END IF ToolTypeComment? SeqC '* TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolDiameter# ' ' ToolType$ EOL END IF ToolComment? SeqC '* ' ToolComment$ EOL END RestoreScale END RETURN BadMPWFOReport: SetStatusOff ' ' EOL '¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥' EOL '¥ NOTE: Even though you have elected to ¥' EOL '¥ process this file using Multiple ¥' EOL '¥ Parts with Work Fixtures, there exist ¥' EOL '¥ non-zero values in the invisible, ¥' EOL '¥ Equally SpacedÉ fields, as follows: ¥' EOL '¥ ¥' EOL '*****************************************' EOL IF NotEqual? PartShiftX# Num#('0') ' X axis shift = ' PartShiftX# EOL END IF NotEqual? PartShiftY# Num#('0') ' Y axis shift = ' PartShiftY# EOL END IF NotEqual? PartShiftZ# Num#('0') ' Z axis shift = ' PartShiftZ# EOL END '*****************************************' EOL '¥ ¥' EOL '¥ Please reset these values to zero as ¥' EOL '¥ they affect the coordinate values ¥' EOL '¥ output, starting with Part# 2. ¥' EOL '¥ Thank You. ¥' EOL '¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥' EOL ' ' EOL SetStatusOn RETURN PSInit: NewWFOF RotateF OptCyc1F MasterOpF CallMasterOpF RETURN PSStuff: IF FourthCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,2) SeqC 'A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCWF END IF FourthCCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,3) SeqC 'A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCCWF END IF FifthCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,2) SeqC 'B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCWF END IF FifthCCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,3) SeqC 'B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCCWF END RETURN DoPostScript: PSInit EachPS SeqC PostScript EOL PSStuff NextPS RETURN DoEndOpPS: PSInit EachEOPS SeqC EndOpPS EOL PSStuff NextPS RETURN EntryMove: IF FeedEntry? SeqC FeedC ZInC FeedEntC EOL ELSE SeqC RapidC ZInC EOL END RETURN ExitMove: SeqC IF FeedConnect? IF NOT AutoCycle? IF NOT NoZMoves? FeedC ZInC FeedEntC END END ELSE CRCOffC IF FIFO? FeedC PRIME ZCP2C FeedEntC ELSE RapidC PRIME ZCP2C END END EOL RETURN ExitMove2: IF FIFO? FeedC ZCP3C FeedEntC ELSE RapidC ZCP3C END RETURN CycleWarning: { NOTE: This Post Processor takes care of Z Clearance. } RETURN FormatArc: IF ArcCW? CWArcC ELSE CCWArcC END MoveXYZC IF ArcIJFormat? ArcIJC ELSE ArcRC END RETURN ckCRC: IF LastFeat? CRCOffC ELSE IF NOT ZMove? CRCOnC END END RETURN ckCRCNum: { Not supported } RETURN ToolPath: EACHFeat IF PointFeat? { Drilling Only } SeqC MoveSXYZC EOL ELSE IF FirstFeat? SeqC 'G9' EOL END IF RapidFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? SeqC ckCRC RapidC MoveXYZC EOL END ELSE IF LineFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? IF Decelerate? IF RoomToDecel? DecelMove1 SeqC ckCRC FeedC MoveXYZC FeedRateC EOL DecelMove2 END SeqC ckCRC FeedC MoveXYZC DecelFeed EOL ELSE SeqC ckCRC FeedC MoveXYZC FeedRateC EOL END END ELSE IF ArcFeat? EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, FIRST, LAST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } IF LastQuadrant? AND Decelerate? IF RoomToDecel? DecelMove1 SeqC FormatArc ArcFeedC EOL DecelMove2 END SeqC FormatArc DecelFeed EOL ELSE SeqC FormatArc ArcFeedC EOL END NEXTQuadrant END END END IF AutoCycle? SetAbs Save# Num#('6') SUB# EPX# CurOriginPosX# Save# Num#('7') SUB# EPY# CurOriginPosY# SetInc END END NEXTFeat RETURN AutoCycCutSub1: {part 1} CalcACSRXY {calc tool position, CalcAutoCycleStatusRecordXY} SaveSubStatus {save tool position} SetPass1 {element cut moves} SetSRXYtoSP IF Repeats? AND ZShiftOnly? EntryMove END SeqC IncValue EOL RETURN AutoCycCutSub2: {part 2} SeqC AbsOrInc IF FIFO? FeedC ZCP2 FeedEntC ELSE RapidC ZCP2 END EOL SetSRSubXY {restore SR to 1st position value} ReSetPass2 {restore for positioning moves} RETURN Milling: EntryMove ToolPath RETURN XYZRep: CycleWarning FindAnyZMoves EachRep DoCycleComment IF FirstCycle? EntryMove ELSE CRCOffC IF FeedConnect? IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC FeedC MoveSXYC FeedEntC EOL END IF ZShiftOnly? EntryMove END ELSE IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC RapidC MoveSXYC EOL END IF FeedEntry? SeqC ZCP2C EOL END EntryMove END END ToolPath ExitMove NextRep RETURN NoRepAutoCycle: EACHFeat DoCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC RapidC MoveSXYC EOL END AutoCycCutSub1 Milling AutoCycCutSub2 NEXTFeat RETURN XYZRepAutoCycle: CycleWarning EachRep EACHFeat DoCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC RapidC MoveSXYC EOL END SetAbs Save# Num#('4') SPX# Save# Num#('5') SPY# SetInc AutoCycCutSub1 Milling AutoCycCutSub2 SetAbs TrackXNO# ADD# Recall# Num#('4') Recall# Num#('6') TrackYNO# ADD# Recall# Num#('5') Recall# Num#('7') SetAbsOrInc NEXTFeat NextRep RETURN ZonlyRepAutoCycle: EACHFeat DoCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC RapidC MoveSXYC EOL END AutoCycCutSub1 EachRep IF NOT FirstCycle? IF FeedConnect? SeqC AbsOrInc EOL DoCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC IncValue MoveSXYC EOL AbsOrInc END ELSE AbsOrInc ExitMove DoCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC IncValue MoveSXYC EOL AbsOrInc END IF FeedEntry? AND NOT FIFO? SeqC ZCP2 EOL END END EntryMove SeqC IncValue EOL END EntryMove ToolPath NextRep AutoCycCutSub2 NEXTFeat RETURN DrillStuff: SeqC DrillCP EOL GetCycle SeqC IF RigidTap? 'G84.1' ELSE Cycle END FromCP StrtPos ZDepth RLevel Dwell Peck Retract IF Tap? FadalTapF FadalTapQ ELSE FeedEnt END EOL TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# {.81.2} RETURN CheckPass: IF AutoCycle? {use the correct StrtPos} SetPass2 ELSE SetPass1 END RETURN SetDrillEndOpZ: IF RetractToCP1? TrackZNO# ClearancePlane1# ELSE TrackZNO# ClearancePlane2# END RETURN GetStartOfSameTool: DoPartCycleComment DoOpComments DoPostScript CheckPass RETURN GetSpeed: IF Drilling? GetCycle IF RigidTap? IF FirstOperation? OR NewTool? OR LAST ProgStop? SeqC Speed EOL ELSE SeqC SpeedC SpinOff EOL END SeqC 'G84.2' EOL ELSE IF FirstOperation? OR NewTool? OR LAST ProgStop? SeqC Speed SpinOn EOL ELSE SeqC SpeedC EOL END END ELSE IF FirstOperation? OR NewTool? OR LAST ProgStop? SeqC Speed SpinOn EOL ELSE SeqC SpeedC EOL END END RETURN MasterSub: IF MultipleParts? IF AllToolsOnePart? IF FirstOperation? OR EquallySpacedOffsets? SetFlag('1') { WFOStuff } END ELSE {implied OneToolAllParts?} SetFlag('1') { WFOStuff } END ELSE SetFlag('1') { WFOStuff } END IF FirstOperation? IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND NOT FirstPart? ELSE IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetHome END Seq ToolChng OpToolID EOL DoPartCycleComment DoOpComments DoPostScript GetSpeed CheckPass SeqC Plane AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos WFOStuff EOL SeqC OfstOn EOL SeqC CoolOn EOL END ELSE IF NewTool? IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND NOT FirstPart? ELSE {Finish off last Operation} SeqC CoolOff EOL IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? ResetWFO END DoEndOpPS IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetAbs LoadFeat SUB# HomeX# CurOriginPosX# SUB# HomeY# CurOriginPosY# Num#('0') { Dummy Z } SeqC Rapid MoveXY SpinOff EOL ELSE SeqC SpinOff EOL END IF LAST ProgStop? SeqC 'M0' EOL ELSE SeqC ProgStop EOL END {Start new Operation} Seq ToolChng OpToolID EOL DoPartCycleComment DoOpComments DoPostScript GetSpeed CheckPass SeqC Plane AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos WFOStuff EOL SeqC OfstOn EOL SeqC CoolOn EOL END ELSE IF SameTool? DoEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqC CoolOff EOL SeqC SpinOff EOL SeqC 'M0' EOL {Start new Operation} GetStartOfSameTool GetSpeed SeqC PlaneC AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos WFOStuff EOL SeqC OfstOn EOL SeqC CoolOn EOL ELSE IF CoolOff? AND LAST NOT CoolOff? SeqC CoolOff EOL END IF NewToolOffset? {Start new Operation} GetStartOfSameTool GetSpeed SeqC PlaneC AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos WFOStuff EOL SeqC OfstOn EOL ELSE {Start new Operation} GetStartOfSameTool GetSpeed SeqC PlaneC AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos WFOStuff EOL END IF NOT CoolOff? AND LAST CoolOff? SeqC CoolOn EOL END END END END END {common point for all operations} RapidF# { No Output } IF Milling? SeqC ZCP2C EOL IF AutoCycle? IF Repeats? IF ZShiftOnly? ZonlyRepAutoCycle ELSE XYZRepAutoCycle END IF NOT FeedConnect? SeqC ExitMove2 EOL END ELSE NoRepAutoCycle SeqC ExitMove2 EOL END ELSE { NOT AutoCycle } IF Repeats? XYZRep ELSE Milling END SeqC CRCOffC ExitMove2 EOL END ELSE IF Drilling? IF Repeats? EachRep DoCycleComment IF FirstCycle? DrillStuff END ToolPath NextRep ELSE DrillStuff ToolPath END SetDrillEndOpZ SeqC 'G80' EOL SeqC RapidC ZCP3C EOL END END RETURN EndPartSub: {End of program ************************************************************} {finish last operation} SeqC SpinOff CoolOff EOL SeqC Rapid OfstOff AbsOrInc 'Z0' EOL IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? ResetWFO END DoEndOpPS IF FIRST ToolChangeAtHome? {.71.2 added FIRST modifier} SetAbs LoadFeat SUB# FIRST HomeX# CurOriginPosX# SUB# FIRST HomeY# CurOriginPosY# Num#('0') { Dummy Z } SeqC Rapid MoveXY EOL END IF ProgStop? SeqC 'M0' EOL ELSE IF MultipleParts? AND AllToolsOnePart? AND NOT LastPart? SeqC ProgStop EOL END END RETURN DoNewPart: IF NOT FirstPart? {Finish off last Part} IF FullUp? SeqC CoolOff EOL END {DoEndOpPS} {Start new Part} SetFlag('1') { WFOStuff } GetStartOfSameTool IF Drilling? GetCycle IF RigidTap? SeqC SpeedC SpinOff EOL SeqC 'G84.2' EOL ELSE SeqC SpeedC EOL END ELSE SeqC SpeedC EOL END SeqC PlaneC AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos WFOStuff EOL IF FullUp? SeqC OfstOn EOL SeqC CoolOn EOL END END RETURN DoParts: EachPart EachOp IF AllToolsOnePart? MasterSub ELSE { OneToolAllParts } IF GTEqual? Operation# Recall# Num#('1') { Tool First Op } IF LTEqual? Operation# Recall# Num#('2') { Tool Last Op } IF Equal? Operation# Recall# Num#('1') { Tool First Op } DoNewPart END MasterSub END END END NextOp IF AllToolsOnePart? EndPartSub END NextPart RETURN GetToolFirstOp: Save# Num#('1') Recall# Num#('3') RETURN GetToolLastOP: SetFlag('3') EachOp IF Flag?('2') IF Flag?('3') IF GTEqual? Operation# Recall# Num#('1') Save# Num#('2') Operation# IF LastOp? SetFlagF('2') Save# Num#('3') Num#('0') ELSE IF NEXT NewTool? SetFlagF('3') Save# Num#('3') NEXT Operation# END END END END END NextOp RETURN MPLoop: IF AllToolsOnePart? DoParts ELSE { OneToolAllParts } IF LTEqual? Recall# Num#('1') Recall# Num#('3') GetToolFirstOp GetToolLastOP DoParts END END RETURN {Start of executable Prog **************************************************} {setup and initializations} InitProg ReverseXZArcs InitWFONum SetFlood SetMaxRPM('15000') IF Metric? SetMaxFeed('12700') ELSE SetMaxFeed('500') END Save# Num#('1') Num#('0') { Current Tool FirstOp# } Save# Num#('2') Num#('0') { Current Tool LastOp# } Save# Num#('3') Num#('0') { NewToolOp# } Save# Num#('4') Num#('0') { XPos Status Register Updated Position for Repeated AutoCycles } Save# Num#('5') Num#('0') { YPos Status Register Updated Position for Repeated AutoCycles } Save# Num#('6') Num#('0') { LastFeat EPX# AbsPosValue for Repeated AutoCycles } Save# Num#('7') Num#('0') { LastFeat EPY# AbsPosValue for Repeated AutoCycles } SetFlagF('1') { WFOStuff } SetFlag('2') { MultipleParts OneToolAllParts } SetFlag('3') { MultipleParts OneToolAllParts } IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: may be capital and/or lower case letters. Separate commands with a space.' EOL ' EndOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL ' NewWFO(56), NWFO(56) -' EOL ' The Work Fixture Offset # you specify will be used for all following operations.' EOL ' Do not use with the ncPost multiple part option.' EOL ' 4thAxisCW(12.5), 4ACW(12.5) -' EOL ' generates a + A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 4thAxisCCW(22.5), 4ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCW(30), 5ACW(30) -' EOL ' generates a + B move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCCW(22.5), 5ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - B move of the value you specify' EOL END EOR EOL SeqC 'O' Program# IF UseComments? AND ProgramNameComment? '*' ProgramName$ END EOL IF UseComments? IF ProgramComment? SeqC '* ' ProgramComment$ EOL END IF FormatNameComment? SeqC '* FORMAT: ' FormatName$ EOL END IF TimeComment? SeqC '* ' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ EOL END IF MovesComment? SeqC '* OUTPUT IN ' MoveType$ ' INCHES' EOL END IF PartsComment? SeqC '* PARTS PROGRAMMED: ' Parts# EOL END IF StartToolComment? SeqC '* FIRST TOOL IN SPINDLE' EOL END END OpenSub RestoreScale IF MultipleParts? IF WorkFixtureOffsets? IF NotEqual? PartShiftX# Num#('0') BadMPWFOReport ELSE IF NotEqual? PartShiftY# Num#('0') BadMPWFOReport ELSE IF NotEqual? PartShiftZ# Num#('0') BadMPWFOReport END END END END IF OneToolAllParts? EachOp IF FirstOperation? Save# Num#('3') Operation# END NextOp MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop EndPartSub ELSE MPLoop END ELSE EachOp MasterSub NextOp EndPartSub END SeqC WFOOff 'X0Y0' EOL SeqC ToolChng UnTool EOL SeqC EOP EOL EOR EOL 'BYE' EOL Post Close IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '* FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? '* FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? '* FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS' EOL END Close END


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