
About RUP Informal Resources var backPath = './../../../'; var imgPath = './../../../images/'; var nodeInfo=[{view: "view:_FCx1oN7CEdmsEI4YDGX2ag", path: ["_FCx1oN7CEdmsEI4YDGX2ag", "2.1577600146638846E-305", "_FpOOAD_PEdqDFvujd6NHiA"]}]; contentPage.preload(imgPath, backPath, nodeInfo, '', false, false, false); About RUP Informal Resources Main Description Version Information Version 2.0.1 Based on:     RUP Version: 7.0.1 Content This plug-in includes templates, guidelines, and examples suitable for a small project or for a project wanting less formality in their artifacts. It includes a set of examples based on a small project, the Collegiate Sports Paging System. It also includes a sample Development Case for a small project. ©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved. contentPage.onload();


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