
ÿþQuick Start Turn on the detector Press NOISE CANCEL After 30 seconds electrical interference will be reduced Go Detecting! Congratulations on 1 Purchasing Your Metal detecting is a fascinating and The Explorer SE will locate valuable rewarding activity enjoyed by people all metal objects in a variety of ground over the world. By getting to know your conditions, including extreme salt Explorer SE you can become one of the conditions and sea water, wet beach many who find valuable coins, relics, sand and highly mineralized ground gold and jewelry on a regular basis. conditions. The Explorer SE is Minelab s most This manual is designed to help both technologically advanced detector, the beginner and expert treasure hunter incorporating the unique Full Band get the best performance out of the Spectrum (FBS) Technology. Explorer SE. Its sleek, sturdy design, innovative Minelab wishes you every success in control panel, lightweight coil and your treasure hunting! comprehensive targeting options set it apart from any other detector available today. Discrimination Pattern 32 Changing Discrimination Patterns 33 IRON MASK - Setting the Level of Ferrous Rejection 34 Contents 2 All Metal - Accepting All Targets 36 3 Menu Structure 38 SELECT - Preset Discrimination Patterns 40 SELECT - Selecting Preset Discrimination Patterns 42 Quick Start Back Page SELECT - Saving Discrimination Patterns 43 How Metal Detectors Work 4 LEARN - Creating a Discrimination Pattern The Unique Technology of the Explorer SE 5 with a Specific Target 44 Assembly 6 LEARN - Accepting a Target 46 Battery Packs 10 LEARN - Rejecting a Target 47 Adjusting the Detector for LEARN - Saving Discrimination Patterns 48 Comfortable Detecting 12 EDIT - Editing Discrimination Patterns 50 EDIT - Editing Discrimination Patterns 52 Introducing the Control Panel 14 EDIT - Saving Discrimination Patterns 53 Introducing the Smartfind Detect Screen 16 Help Function 17 RECOVERY - Enhancing Explorer SE Performance 54 Turning the Detector On 18 CONTRAST - Adjusting LCD Brightness 55 Detecting Basics 19 NOISE CANCEL - Reducing Electrical Interference 56 A Simple Detecting Exercise 20 VOLUME 58 Detector Sounds 20 TONE - Adjusting Audio Pitch 60 Sensitivity 22 RESPONSE - Selecting the Way Targets Sound 62 Depth 23 SOUNDS - Tone Identification 64 Threshold 24 Pinpointing - Locating the Target 66 Full Screen Display 26 Recovering the Target 68 Smartfind Display 28 Where Will I Find Treasure? 69 Digital Display 30 USER SETTINGS - Saving Your Preferred Settings 70 User Preferences - Range, Factory Presets Table 71 Battery Performance 72 Accessories 74 Technical Specifications 75 Detector Care and Safety 76 Troubleshooting 77 Glossary of Terms 78 Warranty 82 Service Repair Form 83 4 How Metal The Unique Technology 5 Detectors Work of the Explorer SE Metal detectors create an electro- A metal detector s EM operating Full Band Spectrum (FBS) The Full Band Spectrum (FBS) circuit magnetic (EM) field, which penetrates frequencies are measured in kilohertz automatically transmits multiple Most detectors on the market operate the ground. Because metal is conductive (kHz). frequencies simultaneously. This on a single or dual frequency, ranging it causes a change in this field. The increased frequency range means that from 1 to 70 kilohertz (kHz) Low frequency EM fields (e.g. 1.5 kHz) detector senses this change and sends a the signal received from the detector deeply penetrate the ground, but Although this technology has served the signal back to the control box, alerting coil is analyzed from a wide range of sensitivity to smaller targets is low. industry well for years, Minelab found the operator. responses. This allows the Explorer SE High frequency EM fields have a more that a frequency that worked well in one to analyse more target information so Metal detectors can determine the shallow depth of penetration but area would often offer only marginal that the target identification (ID) is more size, shape and composition of metallic sensitivity to small targets is high. performance when used in another accurate. objects beneath the coil. Typically, location. Ground mineralisation, trash The Explorer SE s multiple frequency Minelab s unique FBS technology means the larger the object, the easier it is to content, and target size all had an effect operation provides the advantage of deep, sensitive, accurate detecting. detect. on how effective a detector transmitting both. a single frequency would operate. Full Band Spectrum technology Discrimination combines Minelab s existing multiple Discrimination is the ability of a metal frequency BBS technology with a detector to identify the user s desired powerful new microprocessor to give: target (e.g. jewelry) and eliminate signals from undesirable material (e.g. > greater detecting depth nails). > high sensitivity over a wide range of The Explorer SE can be programmed targets in a number of ways to discriminate > less interference from electromagnetic against unwanted targets in different sources types of ground. > more accurate identification of target (Discrimination Pattern, pg. 32) characteristics. Ground Compensation The Explorer SE uses a sophisticated approach to the elimination of ground mineralisation. It uses advanced digital filtering to eliminate the influence of ground signals. 6 Assembly 7 Attaching the Coil to the Lower Shaft: Attaching the Lower Shaft to the 1 Plug the two rubber washers into the 5 Insert the bolt through the lower shaft Upper Shaft: holes on either side of the lower shaft. and the bracket on top of the coil. 1 Fully unlock the upper shaft camlock by 2 Feed the coil cable up through the 6 Fasten with the nut provided, being releasing the lever from the shaft. inside of the lower shaft. careful not to damage the thread of the 2 Feed the coil cable up through the nut by over-tightening. This will need to 3 Place the coil on a flat surface. inside of the upper shaft. be loosened later to adjust the coil to a 4 Slide the lower shaft into the bracket on 3 Ensuring that the camlock side of the comfortable detecting angle. top of the coil. Ensure that the open side shaft is facing the ground, slide the 7 Ensure that the coil cable appears out of the lower shaft faces the ground. upper shaft over the lower shaft, so that the top of the lower shaft. the coil cable appears out the top. The coil cable is directly wired into the coil and is not removable. Any attempt to remove this cable will void your warranty. 8 Assembly 9 Connecting the Shaft Assembly to the Handle Assembly: Attaching the Armrest Strap: Removing the Coil: 1 Fully unlock the control box camlock. Clip both buckles onto the outer sides 1 Follow the steps of Attaching the lower of the armrest. shaft ... and Attaching the coil ... (pg. 6) in 2 Align and push the coil cable connector reverse order to disconnect the coil from into the socket underneath the control the detector. box, firmly tightening the retaining ring Attaching the Headphones: to secure. 2 Pull the coil cable out from inside the Plug the headphone jack into the lower shaft. 3 Push the handle assembly onto the headphone socket, located in the upper shaft, as far as it will go. Do not attempt to remove the shaft rubber seal at the top of the handle assembly without first disconnecting the 4 Fully lock the control box camlock by assembly. coil cable from the control box. pushing the lever flat onto the control The headphones may be plugged or box. A range of accessory coils are available, unplugged at any stage during detecting. (Accessories, pg. 74) (Adjusting the Detector for Comfortable Detecting, pg. 12) 10 Battery Packs 11 Recharging NiMH Battery Pack with Replacing  AA Batteries. the Mains Charger: 1 Slide the lid of the battery pack in the 1 Remove battery pack. direction of the arrow to open. 2 Insert the mains charger cable into the 2 Place 8 x  AA cell alkaline batteries into socket at the tapered end of the battery the battery pack ensuring that the + and pack.  are aligned as indicated on the label. 3 Plug the mains charger into the wall 3 Slide the lid onto the battery pack until socket and turn on the switch. Leave for it  clicks into place. 18 hours to fully recharge. New batteries High quality alkaline batteries are will reach their full capacity after several recommended to optimise detector usage charge/ discharge cycles. time. Rechargeable alkaline, NiMH or 4 Remove the battery charger plug from NiCad batteries may be used but must be the battery pack. Slide the pack back removed and recharged separately. Check into the battery compartment until it The Explorer SE has two types of battery Removing the Battery Pack from the fitment of rechargeable batteries prior to clicks into place. packs: Battery Compartment: purchase, as some makes do not comply with standard size requirements. > One is a sealed rechargeable Nickel 1 Ensure that the detector is turned off It is normal for the tip of the rechargeable Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery pack. before removing the battery pack. battery to get warm while charging Rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries It comes with a charger which plugs because the current regulator is mounted will give a combined voltage above 13 V 2 Rest the detector on a flat surface. into a conventional wall socket. The inside the battery pack. and therefore cannot be used with the 3 Lift the rubber seal of the battery NiMH battery pack is supplied in the Explorer SE. The battery pack will not be damaged if compartment located at the end discharged condition and needs to be left on the charger for more than 18 hours. Do not leave drained AA batteries in the of the handle assembly. charged before operating the detector. detector as they can leak. The battery chargers will not recharge 4 Raise the yellow tab to release the > The other battery pack is a housing rechargeable alkaline or NiCad batteries. spring loaded battery pack. for 8  AA batteries. Placing the Battery Pack into the Using a non-Minelab charger with the 5 Remove the battery pack entirely from Battery Compartment: battery pack may damage it and will void the battery compartment. the product warranty. 1 Lift the rubber seal of the handle Do not attempt to disassemble the NiMH assembly. Unlike Nickel Cadmium batteries, the battery pack. NiMH battery pack DOES NOT have to be 2 Place the battery pack entirely into If disposing of pack, do not incinerate. flattened to be recharged. the handle assembly, until it clicks into Contact your local authorities to enquire place. Whenever the detector has been unused about disposal or recycling facilities. for a lengthy period, recharge the battery 3 Close the rubber seal, to close the The headphone jack must be unplugged pack to ensure full performance. battery compartment. before lifting the rubber seal. 12 Adjusting the Detector for 13 Comfortable Detecting For comfortable, long term detecting, it is important that you take the time to adjust the detector correctly. Adjusting the Position of the Armrest: Adjusting the Length of the Shafts: Holding the Detector: Adjusting the Armrest Strap: The correct position of the armrest 1 Loosen strap by tilting the edge of the The correct length of shaft should allow Thread your arm through the armrest should allow you to comfortably grip the buckle out to release it from the armrest. you to swing the coil across the ground and strap. Grasp the handle of the handle. Your elbow should sit just above without any uncomfortable stretching detector and rest your forearm in the 2 Undo the Velcro and pull the buckle the back of the armrest and the detector or stooping. armrest. outwards (towards yourself). Clip the should feel like an extension of your buckle back into place and tighten the If the coil is too far from your body it forearm. strap to secure. will be more difficult to balance and 1 Use a screwdriver or the edge of a coin manoeuvre while detecting. to loosen the screw in the centre of the If the coil is too close to your body it armrest (turn counter-clockwise). may detect your digging tools or any 2 While holding the detector, slide the other metal which you are carrying, armrest to sit just below your elbow. causing confusing sounds. 3 Remove your arm. Tighten screw Adjust the lower shaft to the correct (clockwise) to lock the armrest into length, securing the camlock to hold it position. in place. For tall people, a longer lower shaft is available, (Accessories, pg. 74) 14 Introducing the Control Panel LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 15 BATTERY LIFE Indicates the battery charge available (pg. 72). SHIFT BUTTONS Pressing and releasing a shift button next to an icon on the display will SHIFT BUTTONS select this option. Pressing and releasing a shift button next to an icon on the display will BACKLIGHT select this option. The backlight provides greater screen clarity in dim conditions. Even if it is switched off, the backlight illuminates for 1 second as the detector is switched on. Turning this light off will POWER extend battery life. Contrast of the Turns the Explorer SE on/off and when LCD can be adjusted (pg. 55). held for 2 seconds, restores factory presets (pg. 18). To turn the backlight on/off: Press the BACKLIGHT button. NOISE CANCEL Automatically selects the quietest, DETECT most stable channel for detecting Returns to the detect display (pg. 56). (Smartfind / Digital) at any stage of operation, allowing you to continue detecting. When in the detect display, MENU pressing DETECT will switch between Brings up the MAIN MENU at any Smartfind and Digital (pg. 31). stage of detector operation. This allows access to the various settings of IRON MASK PINPOINT the detector (pg. 38). Turns Iron Mask on/off, switching Turns Pinpoint on / off (pg. 66). between Iron Mask and using BACK A black and flashing bar on the LCD Discrimination Patterns (pg. 34).  Retraces your steps back through the above  ON indicates Pinpoint is on. displays. This is useful to alter the last A black bar on the display above  ON A black bar on the LCD above  OFF adjusted setting. The BACK button indicates Iron Mask is on. A black bar on indicates Pinpoint is off. will retrace the last 3 steps (pg. 38). the display above  OFF indicates Iron Pinpoint assists in locating the exact Mask is off. position of a target prior to recovery. Iron Mask is a basic Ferrous Discrimination. 16 Introducing the Smartfind"! Help Function 17 Detect Screen When you first turn on the Explorer SE, Pressing and holding down the shift the Smartfind display will appear and buttons next to a menu item or pressing you are able to begin detecting. and holding any other button for approximately one second will display a Help screen describing this particular function and various other menu options available. Sensitivity Bar Depth Indicator Smartfind Discrimination Battery Life (pg. 22) (pg. 23) Pattern (pg. 28) (pg. 72) Threshold Bar (pg. 24) Increase Sensitivity Arrow Increase Threshold Semi-Automatic Arrow Sensitivity Mode Indicator Full Screen Icon (pg. 26) Sensitivity Decrease Value Threshold Arrow Decrease Sensitivity Iron Mask On/Off Pinpoint On/Off Arrow Indicator (pg. 35) Indicator (pg. 66) 18 Turning the Detecting Basics 19 Detector On To turn the detector on with Factory Targets Sweeping the Coil The POWER button turns the detector Preset settings: on and off. Buried metal objects are referred to as The Explorer SE will perform at its best Press and hold POWER for 2 seconds. targets. Targets are comprised of ferrous when the coil is kept close and parallel The Explorer SE has factory preset and non-ferrous metals. High-ferrous to the ground at all times. This will settings that have been chosen to suit  FACTORY PRESETS will appear briefly on metals are those that contain iron such increase detection depth and response first-time detectorists. The detector will the start-up display. as steel, nails and some types of coins. to small objects. Avoid excessive respond to some targets (low-ferrous Turning the detector on with factory Low-ferrous metals are those that have brushing of the coil on the ground, metal objects such as silver coins and presets will restore all settings and the no iron content, such as gold, silver, as this may result in false signals and jewelry) and ignore others (high-ferrous Discrimination Pattern. copper, bronze and aluminium. inaccurate Target ID s. objects such as nails). You may wish to find a range of both Practise sweeping the coil over the It is best to only turn the detector on low and high ferrous targets. ground in a side-to-side motion, while To turn the detector on with the when outdoors, away from sources of Examples of common targets: walking forward slowly at the end previous settings: electromagnetic disturbance such as of each sweep. Slightly overlap the power lines and phone towers. These Desired high-ferrous target - Canadian coin Press and release POWER. This will start previous sweep to ensure full ground sources may cause the detector to Undesired high- ferrous target - iron nail the detector with the previous display coverage. An average sweep speed is perform erratically, giving numerous and settings from when the detector was Desired low-ferrous target - gold coin four seconds from left to right to left. false signals. last used (eg. Sensitivity, Volume, etc.) Undesired low-ferrous target - pull-tab A variation in coil height at the end of There are also many metallic objects During the start up display, a four-note each swing may also cause confusing inside a house such as nails in the floor, tune will sound. sounds and reduce detection depth. reinforcing in the walls, televisions and other household appliances that might Sometimes it is possible that a large object close overload the electronics of the detector. to the coil will overload the detector s electronics. When this happens, the Explorer SE emits a low  warble which will repeat until the coil is moved away from the source of the overload. Overloading is not harmful to the electronics of the detector. Press and hold Press and Release 20 A Simple Detecting Detector Sounds 21 Exercise Before attempting to recover real Turn the detector on. The Target Response is the sound When a rejected target is detected, targets, it is important to understand given by the detector when a target the Threshold  blanks (becomes The Threshold is the background  hum how to interpret the audio and visual is located and not discriminated silent) indicating that a target is produced by the detector. It assists in signals of the detector. (rejected). A target that is highly located underneath the coil, but has hearing very small and deep targets. It conductive (e.g. a large silver coin) been rejected by you. Blanking is a Gather a collection of different metal is also used to help distinguish between will generally produce a high-pitched useful way of distinguishing between objects, e.g. various coins, gold and desired and undesired targets (blanking). tone and a low conductive target desired and undesired targets. silver jewelry, a nail, pull-tab, brass The detector may also produce False (e.g. foil) generally produces a lower button and aluminium foil. Take note that as the coil is passed Signals (Noise) when not over the ground pitched tone. Large targets or targets over the nail, the Threshold  hum Take the detector outdoors, away from (i.e. with the coil motionless). These may close to the ground surface emit a momentarily disappears, indicating known electro-magnetic fields or metal not be target signals, but signals caused louder signal (Sounds, pg. 64). that the object ignored was ferrous. objects. from the surrounding environment. You can overcome these false signals by If you are getting signals from a clear performing a Noise Cancel, or by reducing patch of ground, there could be buried the Sensitivity of the detector (Noise metal objects. Try finding another area. Cancel, pg. 56, Sensitivity, pg. 22). Target Response Lay objects in a line, sufficiently spaced Sweep the coil across the objects, one at a apart to allow the coil to pass between time, and observe the LCD and the sounds them, as shown. Threshold of the detector as it detects each object.  Blanking (No Sound) Threshold Modes: Semi-Automatic, Manual Range: 1 to 32 Factory Preset: Semi-Automatic, 22 22 Sensitivity Depth 23 Maximum setting (32) Current Sensitivity level (e.g. 22) Minimum setting (1). Sensitivity is the detector s level of To adjust Sensitivity: The clear portion of the depth indicator response to its environment and to Press the top-left shift button to increase represents the approximate distance of targets. Sensitivity can be only be Sensitivity. a target below the coil. adjusted in Smartfind and Digital Display. Press the bottom-left shift button to The Sensitivity bar is a visual indication of The top of the indicator represents the decrease Sensitivity. the Sensitivity setting. position of the coil and the bottom To switch from Semi-Automatic to represents 300mm (12 inches) from the Sensitivity can be adjusted in both the Manual Sensitivity: coil. The bar will be clear if the target Semi-automatic mode or Manual mode. Press the center-left shift button. A line will is deeper than 12 inches or its depth In Semi-Automatic Sensitivity mode, cycle around the number to indicate that cannot be accurately gauged. the detector continuously monitors the Semi-Automatic Sensitivity is activated. Try to think of the clear area of the depth environmental conditions and will adjust The detector with a high Sensitivity setting indicator as the amount of soil you will the Sensitivity as close as possible to your will detect deep targets but may respond you have to dig to recover the target. specified level of Sensitivity. to unwanted noise and ground signals. A The depth indicator is also In Manual Sensitivity mode the high Sensitivity setting is recommended updated for rejected targets. adjustment allows you to control the for stable conditions with low interference. Sensitivity directly. This is recommended The detector with a low Sensitivity setting for high trash areas when best results will ignore unwanted noise and ground are obtained by sweeping the coil very signals, but may miss deep targets. A lower slowly. Manual Sensitivity is suitable Sensitivity setting is preferable for very for the beach and very quiet/stable variable,  noisy conditions or high trash (unmineralised) ground, where the areas. ground conditions do not change as often. Try reducing interference before reducing Sensitivity. Press the NOISE CANCEL shortcut button, or manually select the least noisy channel (pg. 56). 300mm eg. 120mm Range: 0 to 40 Factory Preset: 16 24 Threshold 25 Maximum setting (40) Current setting (e.g. 13) Adjusting Threshold: Minimum setting (0) Threshold is increased by pressing Try experimenting with known targets to the top shift button and decreased by assist in setting Threshold. pressing the bottom shift button on the The Threshold may need to be adjusted right side of the control panel. when connecting and disconnecting the Threshold is the constant background If the Threshold Volume is too low, the headphones.  hum produced by the detector. slight variation caused by a small or A number corresponding to the deep target may not be sufficient to Threshold level will appear temporarily This control sets the Threshold Volume. hear. Adjusting the level to below an between the two adjustment arrows. By setting the Threshold Volume to the audible level will ensure silent operation correct level for your hearing, Threshold but could mask the audio response to can highlight the variations in signal small targets. response which often indicate detection of a target. The factory preset Threshold of 16 will usually emit a constant Threshold The volume of the Threshold is a hum and is programmed to enable an personal preference. The correct level Audible Target Response audible response to most target signals. Audible Target Response will depend on your hearing and Target Target associated noise such as wind and Since everyone s hearing is different, so Volume Volume Target #2 machinery. Minelab suggests that you set a level Target #1 of Threshold that is a very low, but still If the Threshold Volume is high, Target #2 audible level for hearing. accepted targets will be harder to Threshold distinguish above the Threshold  hum . Threshold also helps you distinguish Inaudible = 14 Small target responses will become the difference between accepted and Target #1 Audible Level Audible Level difficult to discern as Threshold nears a rejected targets. When a rejected maximum setting of 40 when there will target is detected, the Threshold sound Threshold be a persistently loud Threshold  hum .  blanks (becomes silent) to indicate that = 0 a rejected target is underneath the coil. If the Threshold is set to 0, small target If the Threshold is set to a positive value, signals will not produce a signal big enough the detector will produce target signals to go above the Audible Level. and a Threshold sound. Full Screen Display 26 27 The Smartfind or Digital display To switch between Normal and Full Screen: may be enlarged during detecting. Press the shift button next to the full screen The Full Screen Display enlarges the icon at the right of the control panel. Discrimination Pattern details and removes the display border and other screen elements. The detection results information will be cleared as you switch between Normal to Full Screen, until a new detection is made. These bars line up with the text on the control panel, indicating whether Iron Mask and Pinpoint are on or off. Factory Preset Pattern: Coins 28 Smartfind"! Display 29 Crosshair representing a target signal High-ferrous target Low-ferrous target High-conductivity, Low-conductivity, low-ferrous target high-ferrous target High-ferrous targets contain a large High-conductivity targets (e.g. large amount of iron (e.g. nails). A high- silver coins, copper items) will cause the high Ferrous Content low ferrous target is often magnetic and will Target Crosshair to appear at the top of generally display the Crosshair on the the Smartfind screen. left side of the Smartfind window. Low-conductivity targets (e.g. small Smartfind is Minelab s unique two The vertical dimension (or axis) rates the Low-ferrous targets have little or no alloy coins, foil, 9ct and fine jewelry) will dimensional scale of discrimination. object on size/conductivity. iron content, such as pure gold, silver, cause the Target Crosshair to appear at copper and bronze. Low-ferrous targets the bottom of the Smartfind screen. The Explorer SE rates detected objects The horizontal dimension (or axis) rates will generally appear on the right side of according to their conductivity (like the extent of the object s resemblance The size of objects will have some effect the Smartfind window. most traditional detectors). What makes to ferrous characteristics. on the conductivity rating for targets. two dimensional discrimination unique Generally, the larger the target, the As the coil is passed over a target, the is that the object s ferrous content higher the corresponding conductivity detector digitally processes the target is also rated. Smartfind graphically rating (and proximity of the Target signal and displays this as a Crosshair on represents both of these target Crosshair to the top of the screen). the Smartfind window. The position of properties on the same display. the Crosshair on the LCD is related to its conductive and ferrous properties. high Size/Conductivity low 30 Digital Display 31 Ferrous Content Size/Conductivity 31 Ferrous Content 0 The Explorer SE has an alternative It is important to note that when using The conductivity and ferrous Digital display that shows both Digital, discrimination settings (either information of the target will clear as the ferrous content (FER) and the the current Discrimination Pattern you switch between Smartfind and conductivity (COND) of a target with or the Iron Mask) are still active and Digital, until a new detection is made. numbers from 0 to 31. targets outside the accepted area will The last used display will appear the not produce a signal or indicate FER and The FER and COND numbers are the next time you turn on the detector. Any COND numbers on the display. coordinates of the Target Crosshair adjustments to Discrimination Patterns displayed in Smartfind. that are made in Smartfind will be retained and used in Digital. A FER value of 0 represents low-ferrous content and a value of 31 represents While detecting a target, try switching To switch between Smartfind and high ferrous content. Similarly, a COND from Smartfind to Digital, to compare Digital displays: value of 0 represents low conductivity the results. In time, you may prefer to use and 31 represents high conductivity. Press DETECT. different displays for different conditions. Size/Conductivity 31 0 32 Discrimination Pattern 33 Changing Discrimination Patterns The Explorer SE has four different ways of changing the Discrimination Pattern to find only the types of targets you want: Rejected Targets Accepted Targets Select from a preset list of Discrimination Reduce or increase the amount of ferrous Patterns that correspond to common signals with Iron Mask (pg. 34). desired and undesired targets (pg. 40). Discrimination is the detector s ability to When an accepted target is detected eliminate signals from undesired targets (matching the conductive and ferrous and accept signals from desired targets. characteristics of coins), the Target Crosshair will appear in the white (clear) Each coordinate of the Smartfind area of pixels and a target response will window can be turned white or black sound. to accept or reject certain targets, respectively. When a rejected target is detected (not matching the conductive and ferrous White (clear) pixels indicate that those characteristics of coins), the Threshold particular targets are accepted. Black will blank and the Target Crosshair Use a target that you have previously Manually Edit areas of the Discrimination pixels indicate that those particular will remain in the position of the last found to create a Discrimination Pattern Pattern (pg. 50). target signals are rejected. accepted target. with the LEARN feature (pg. 44). The combination of rejected and Explorer SE offers a range of accepted pixels is referred to as a Discrimination Patterns which may be  Discrimination Pattern . used on their own or in combination. The Pattern shown above is the default (Select, pg. 40) Discrimination Pattern of the Explorer The default Discrimination Pattern SE. It accepts signals from non-ferrous represents the typical characteristics coins and rejects signals from most of non-ferrous coins, a composite of high-ferrous targets. hundreds of coins from around the world. Range: All Metal, 0 to 31 Factory Preset: 22 Iron Mask 34 Iron Mask - Setting the 35 Level of Ferrous Rejection To turn Iron Mask ON To accept more high-ferrous objects (Adjust Iron Mask): (e.g. war relics): Press the IRON MASK shortcut button. Reduce the level of ferrous rejection by Press the bottom shift buttons next to pressing the bottom left shift button the slider control to adjust the level of next to the slider control. You will notice Iron Mask. that the number increases because the Iron Mask level refers to the horizontal ferrous scale ranging from 31 to 0. You may need to experiment a little with the settings. To detect with Iron Mask ON To reject more high-ferrous objects: (Smartfind or Digital): Set the level of ferrous rejection to 16. This is represented by the mask Press the IRON MASK shortcut button. extending to half way across the The bar at the bottom of the Smartfind Smartfind screen (pg. 28). AM 31 22 0 screen will indicate that Iron Mask is ON. Once adjusted, you can continue Iron Mask allows you to change the detecting in the Iron Mask adjustment Discrimination Pattern by adjusting screen, as accepted targets will still the level of ferrous rejection. Iron Mask appear as a Crosshair in the clear area of can be turned on or off (switching back the window. to Smartfind or Digital). The Iron Mask screen displays the Discrimination Or you can choose to continue To turn Iron Mask OFF Pattern (similar to the Smartfind) and detecting in Smartfind with Iron Mask (and return to detecting in a slider control to adjust the level of ON. The Smartfind window will adopt Smartfind or Digital): ferrous discrimination. The level of the new Iron Mask Pattern. Press the IRON MASK shortcut button. ferrous discrimination can be adjusted The IRON MASK shortcut button turns The bar at the bottom of the Smartfind / using the shift buttons next to the slider Iron Mask ON / OFF, switching between Digital screen will indicate that Iron Mask control. three screens: is OFF. > Iron Mask ON - adjustment screen, To reject a target using Iron Mask: > Iron Mask ON - Smartfind or Digital, 1 Create an All Metal Pattern (or recall it > Smartfind or Digital (Iron Mask OFF). from the SAVE DISCRIM screen). The Factory Preset of 22 is suitable for 2 Switch to Digital display. rejecting most high-ferrous junk targets 3 Detect a target and take note of its FER value. 4 Set the Iron Mask to that FER value. The target will now be rejected. 36 All Metal - Accepting All Targets 37 All Metal is the term used to describe a clear Discrimination Pattern, a Pattern that accepts all target signals, hence accepting all metals. An All Metal Pattern can be created in two ways: 1 To create an All Metal Pattern in the Iron Mask Adjustment screen: Press the shift button to reduce Iron Mask and clear the Discrimination Pattern.  AM will appear in the box. 2 To create an All Metal Pattern in the SELECT screen: 1 Access the SELECT screen: MENU > SELECT 2 Press the shift button next to the CLEAR option. This clears the Discrimination Pattern thumbnail, creating a Pattern that will accept all metals. To save the All Metal Pattern: 1 Access the SAVE DISCRIM screen: MENU > SAVE DISC 2 Press the shift button corresponding to the location you want to save it to (e.g. S2). The All Metal Pattern can then be recalled from the Select List in the SELECT screen. 38 Menu Structure All detector settings (except Sensitivity 39 and Threshold) are located in the menu. The menu can be accessed at any time during detecting. 1 Press MENU. 2 Press the shift button next to the menu option to select it. (pg. 62) (pg. 44) (pg. 58) (pg. 60) (pg. 50) (pg. 64) (pg. 40) (pg. 56) (pg. 54) (pg. 43, 48, 53) (pg. 55) (pg. 70) Range: 8 Preset Patterns, MAIN MENU > SELECT 6 Custom Saved Patterns Factory Preset Pattern: Coins 40 SELECT - Preset 41 Discrimination Patterns clears the Discrimination The SELECT screen lists eight types Pattern Thumbnail Discrimination Pattern of targets (Discrimination Patterns) Select List low-ferrous coins Thumbnail typically encountered during treasure Lists Discrimination Patterns Shows the Pattern that is the high-ferrous coins hunting and six spaces where custom for common targets. CLEAR result of your accepted or rings, bracelets, necklaces saved patterns can be retrieved. is provided to clear the rejected Discrimination Patterns aluminium foil Discrimination Pattern. Each Discrimination Pattern in the from the Select List. aluminium ring from can Select List is designed to accept the corresponding target type. crown seal bottle cap screw-on bottle cap By accepting the Discrimination Accept Icon Pattern , you are modifying the nails, screws, shards of rust A tick indicates that Discrimination Pattern Thumbnail to the Discrimination accept that target type. Pattern for this By rejecting the Discrimination Navigation target is accepted. custom saved Pattern , you are modifying the Arrows patterns Discrimination Pattern Thumbnail to Indicate which Reject Icon reject that target type. direction the A cross indicates Select List can A number of the Discrimination Patterns that the be scrolled. from the Select List can be accepted Discrimination and rejected at the same time, creating Pattern for this Target Icon a custom Pattern that can be saved for target is rejected. Indicates the selected future use. Discrimination Pattern. If the SELECT screen is accessed while the Explorer SE is functioning in Iron Mask, the current Iron Mask Pattern will be displayed in the Discrimination Pattern Thumbnail. The Reject Icon (cross) As soon as a selection is made from the inverses the Discrimination Select List, a thumbnail of the chosen Pattern, rejecting that target Discrimination Pattern will replace the type from the Discrimination Iron Mask, and Iron Mask indicator will Pattern Thumbnail. be automatically switched to the OFF position when you return to the Smartfind screen. MAIN MENU > SELECT 42 SELECT - Saving 43 SELECT - Selecting Preset Discrimination Patterns Discrimination Patterns A number of Discrimination Patterns can Once a new Discrimination Pattern has be accepted and rejected at one time, been created, it can be saved in one of creating a custom Pattern that can be six places in the SAVE DISCRIM screen. saved for future use. To save the new Discrimination Pattern into the SAVE DISCRIM menu: To scroll up or down the Select List: Press the shift button next to the Press the shift buttons next to the up/ location where you want it to be saved. down arrows. The Discrimination Pattern can now be retrieved from the list of Discrimination Patterns in the SELECT menu screen. Saved Patterns are not erased when To clear the Discrimination Pattern factory preset settings are restored. Thumbnail (create an All Metal Pattern): Be sure to save your new Discrimination Press the shift button next to the CLEAR Pattern, otherwise all changes will be lost option. once the detector is turned off. To accept the Discrimination Pattern: Press the shift button next to the Discrimination Pattern once to display a tick. To reject the Discrimination Pattern: Press the shift button next to the Discrimination Pattern until a cross is displayed. Rejecting a target inverses the Pattern Press the DETECT shortcut button to continue detecting in Smartfind / Digital with your new Discrimination Pattern. MAIN MENU > DISCRIM > LEARN 44 Learn - Creating a Discrimination 45 Pattern with a Specific Target You may wish to instruct the Explorer For the LEARN option to work accurately, SE to detect targets with very specific it needs to recognize the same target characteristics. It may be that you have characteristics with each pass of the coil. Accept All / Reject All found a particular type of coin which Check that there are no other targets in Allows you to switch between you would like to find more of, or you the ground where you will be learning clearing or filling the whole find yourself constantly unearthing the the target. Move away from other Pattern in preparation for same types of junk. detectorists or powerlines. Accept Target Icon rejecting or accepting learnt Modifies Discrimination The LEARN option instructs the Explorer Check for interference (erratic noises targets. Pattern to accept SE to accept or reject precisely the types and random movements of the a specific item when of targets you do or do not want. Target Crosshair). If you experience icon is flashing. interference, press NOISE CANCEL, Once saved, your new Discrimination reduce the Sensitivity, or move the Patterns can be used by themselves detector to a different area. or in combination with other Volume Icon Reject Target Icon Discrimination Patterns in the SELECT This shortcut icon takes Modifies screen (pg. 42). you to the VOLUME Discrimination section of the AUDIO In time, you may find LEARN one of the Pattern to reject a menu where you can Explorer SE s most powerful features. specific item when adjust various Volume icon is flashing. For instance, once you have saved characteristics. Discrimination Patterns that accept Resize Cursor several unwanted targets, you may This allows you to Save Icon Discrimination Pattern exclude them all from your current manually increase or This shortcut icon leads to the The black and clear Discrimination Pattern, simply by decrease the size of SAVE DISCRIM menu where areas of the screen rejecting them from the Select List in the area modified on the current Discrimination schematically represent the SELECT screen. the screen by LEARN s Pattern can be saved. the current target In a similar way, you could combine all response to a target. Discrimination Pattern. of your desired targets into your own composite Discrimination Pattern. It may be useful to perform a Noise Cancel before learning a target. MAIN MENU > DISCRIM > LEARN 46 Learn - Accepting a Target Learn - Rejecting a Target 47 To create a Discrimination Pattern that To create a Discrimination Pattern that accepts a target: rejects a target: Fill in the Smartfind window: Clear the Smartfind window: Press the shift button next to the Reject All/ Press the shift button next to the Reject Accept All icon. This fills in the Smartfind All/Accept All icon. This clears the window, rejecting all targets and prepares Smartfind window, accepting all targets the window for learning the and preparing the window for learning new target. the new target. Change the size of the cursor: Change the size of the cursor: Press the lower left hand shift button to Press the lower left hand shift button to change the cursor size (small, medium change the cursor size (small, medium or large). The size of the cursor sets or large). The size of the cursor sets how how  loosely the targets ferrous and  loosely the target is matched for each conductivity characteristics are recorded. successive pass of the coil. A large cursor will recognise a wider area of Pattern as that target, a small cursor will give a  tighter Pattern but may cause Learn (reject) the target: slightly altered or damaged targets to be 1 Place the target on the ground. ignored. 2 Press the upper left shift button next reject icon will flash Learn (accept) the target: tick icon will flash to the cross (reject) icon. The cross icon 1 Place the target on the ground. will begin to flash, indicating that the next detected target will fill in an area 2 Press the upper left shift button next to the of pixels, creating a Discrimination tick (accept) icon. The tick icon will begin Pattern that rejects that detected to flash, indicating that the next detected target. target will clear an area of pixels, creating a Discrimination Pattern that accepts that 3 Wave the coil several times above the detected target. desired target until the detector learns it by filling in an area in the Smartfind 3 Wave the coil several times above the window. The Explorer SE needs to desired target until the detector learns it by detect the target consistently to reject clearing an area in the Smartfind window. it in the Smartfind window. If you The Explorer SE needs to detect the target have more than one target, repeat the reject icon will flash consistently to accept it in the Smartfind procedure for each one. window. If you have more than one target, repeat the procedure for each one. 4 Press the shift button next to the flashing cross to disable the LEARN 4 Press the shift button next to the flashing option. tick to disable the LEARN option. Be sure to save your new Discrimination Be sure to save your new Discrimination Pattern, otherwise all changes will be lost Pattern, otherwise all changes will be lost once the detector is turned off (pg. 48). once the detector is turned off (pg. 48). MAIN MENU > DISCRIM > LEARN 48 LEARN - Saving 49 Discrimination Patterns To save the Discrimination Pattern: 1 Press the shift button next to the Save icon to go directly to the SAVE DISCRIM menu. 2 Press the shift button next to the location you want to save it to (e.g. S2). The learnt Discrimination Pattern can now be retrieved from the list of Discrimination Patterns in the SELECT screen. 3 Press DETECT to navigate to the EDIT The DETECT button will navigate through the screen where the Discrimination Pattern Learn, Edit, Smartfind and Digital screens, can be further edited in detail if required then switch between Smartfind and Digital. (pg. 49), or press DETECT again to return to Smartfind / Digital. Saved Patterns are not erased when factory preset settings are restored. Be sure to save your new Discrimination Pattern, otherwise all changes will be lost once the detector is turned off. MAIN MENU > DISCRIM > EDIT 50 EDIT - Editing 51 Discrimination Patterns EDIT enables you to make manual changes to individual areas (specific Target Frame Size Target Frame Discrimination Pattern pixels) of the Discrimination Pattern. This allows you to select the Any area of the screen The shaded and unshaded size of the framed area you enclosed by this frame areas of the screen LEARN may not provide the exact wish to accept or reject from may be excluded from schematically represent the discrimination result you wanted (even the displayed Discrimination or become part of your current Discrimination Pattern. when using a different-sized cursor). Pattern. There is a choice of preferred target Pattern. Rather than start all over again, you three sizes. can just  touch up your learn results. Similarly, you may find that the Discrimination Pattern for a specific target type (e.g. foil) may need to be modified to suit your requirements. Accept or Reject Horizontal Navigation Vertical Navigation Framed Area Pressing the shift buttons Pressing the shift buttons Instructs Explorer SE to adjacent to these arrows next to these arrows accept the framed area moves the target frame moves the target frame on selection of the tick to the left or right of the up or down the screen. icon. Selection of the screen. Make sure Pinpoint is OFF before using cross icon will reject the EDIT to customize your Discrimination framed area. This edits Pattern. the current Pattern. MAIN MENU > DISCRIM > EDIT 52 EDIT - Editing EDIT - Saving 53 Discrimination Patterns Discrimination Patterns Select the Discrimination Pattern that To save the edited Discrimination you would like to edit (Select, pg. 40, Pattern: Learn pg. 44). 1 Press the MENU shortcut button and select SAVE DISC from the menu. 2 Press the shift button next to the To change the size of the target location you want to save it to (e.g. frame: S2). The edited Discrimination Pattern Press the top left shift button to switch can now be retrieved from the list of between three target frame sizes. Discrimination Patterns in the SELECT menu screen. To move the target frame: Saved Patterns are not erased when Press the shift buttons next to the factory preset settings are restored. navigation arrows. Position the resized Be sure to save your new Discrimination frame over the screen section you wish Pattern, otherwise all changes will be lost to edit. once the detector is turned off. To reject the framed area: Press the center left shift button once. You will note that a cross appears next to the button and the area of screen within the target frame has turned black. You can now move the target frame in any direction using the horizontal and vertical navigation arrows. To accept the framed area: Press the center left shift button until a tick appears next to the button. This instructs the Explorer SE to clear the framed area. Be sure to save your new Discrimination Pattern, otherwise all changes will be lost once the detector is turned off. MAIN MENU > OPTIONS > CONTRAST Range: 1 to 10 MAIN MENU > OPTIONS > RECOVERY Range: FAST, DEEP Factory Presets: 5 Factory Presets: FAST=OFF, DEEP=OFF 54 RECOVERY ºö CONTRAST 55 Enhancing Explorer SE Performance RECOVERY allows you to select the In the DEEP setting there will be a The LCD may be hard to see in bright way the discrimination process works. slightly slower reaction in target signal or overcast conditions. RECOVERY settings affect both the and target ID due to the more detailed detector s audio and display response to processing of the target characteristics. To adjust LCD Contrast: target characteristics. Press the shift buttons next to the FAST To select a RECOVERY setting: arrows of the slider control to adjust By selecting this setting, the detector 1. Press the shift button next to the the contrast of the LCD. will react faster to the signals received, desired RECOVERY setting. but the discrimination and target ID Press DETECT to return to Smartfind may be slightly less accurate. Use FAST 2. Press DETECT to return to Smartfind/ and continue detecting. in areas littered with objects, where a Digital and continue detecting. desired target could be hiding next to unwanted objects. DEEP This setting affects only weak target signals and enhances them to allow identification of deep targets. This setting should be selected in relatively uncluttered areas where deep targets are anticipated. Strong signals are unaffected. Best compromise Better audio Improved audio Less accurate of depth, audio response in response for discrimination and response,  trashy areas weak signals, Target ID; amplified Target ID and at the expense in less cluttered signals for small discrimination for of target ID and environments. targets, response normal detecting discrimination time is similar conditions. accuracy. to DEEP=OFF, FAST=OFF. Range: 1 to 11 MAIN MENU > OPTIONS > NOISE Factory Presets: 5 56 NOISE CANCEL - Reducing 57 Electrical Interference The detector may become noisy Noise Cancel is handy for metal To automatically select a due to electrical interference from detecting competitions when several Noise Cancel channel: powerlines, electrical equipment or Explorer SEs are working close to 1 Hold the detector 30cm above the other detectors operating close by. The one another. Each detector can be ground, making sure there are no detector interprets this interference as set to operate on a different channel large targets or obvious electrical inconsistent, short beeps, and erratic so interference between detectors is interferences close by. movement of the Target Crosshair eliminated. In this case it is best to select 2 Press the NOISE CANCEL button. on the Smartfind display, or erratic the channels manually. Keep the detector completely changing of FER COND numbers in the If you would like to know what channel still during the automatic channel Digital display. has been chosen after an automatic selection. This may take up to 30 The Noise Cancel channel can Noise Cancel, access the NOISE CANCEL seconds. be changed so that the detector screen and check the channel displayed. The detector will select the quietest experiences the least interference for It is best to select a channel with the coil operating channel. the current environment. The channel in the detection position, 30cm away can be changed automatically by the from the ground and as still as possible. NOISE CANCEL shortcut button, or This gives the detector the best chance manually in the NOISE CANCEL screen of hearing all surrounding interference via the menu. (not from the ground or targets) and The NOISE CANCEL button instructs selecting the quietest channel. the detector to automatically listen to To manually select a every channel and select the quietest Noise Cancel channel: channel. Automatic Noise Cancel may 1 Hold the detector 30cm above the take up to 30 seconds. ground, making sure there are no It may be useful to switch to Manual The NOISE CANCEL screen, accessed via large targets or obvious electrical Sensitivity from the Smartfind or the menu, allows you to manually select interferences close by. Digital screen before attempting to and listen to every channel for the least perform Noise Cancel. 2 Access the NOISE CANCEL screen via interference. the menu. The number associated with Noise Once a channel is selected, most Cancel does not denote an increase or 3 Use the shift buttons next to the audio responses to electromagnetic decrease in power. It is simply a channel adjustment arrows to select a channel disturbances (e.g. powerlines) will be number which can be remembered. listening for interference (or  noise ). eliminated. Adjust the detector to a new channel If you perform an Auto Noise Cancel and listen again. Listen to each while in the NOISE CANCEL screen, you channel and select the one with the will have to exit and return to the screen least amount of noise. for the new channel to be displayed. Range: 1 to 10 Range: 0 to 10 MAIN MENU > AUDIO > VOLUME Factory Preset: 8 Factory Preset: 10 58 VOLUME 59 Volume is the level of sound emitted by MAX LIMIT GAIN With a setting of 5, the audio response the detector when a target is detected. The MAX LIMIT is the overriding Volume. This controls the amplification of target is being partially amplified. Weak to It sets the maximum Volume of target audio responses in respect to the medium strength signals will give A high Volume will give a great signals. strength of the original signal. proportional volume, but strong signals difference between a small and large will not sound much louder than target, but may be dangerous to your The sound produced by a distant target With a setting of 1 the target signal will medium signals because the Volume has hearing if a large target is found. starts softly. As you get closer, the be unamplified. Weak target signals reached its maximum limit. Volume level increases rapidly until it will sound soft, medium target signals The Explorer SE is factory preset at reaches the maximum level that has will sound medium and strong target With a setting of 10, all signals maximum Volume. This is usually been set. signals will sound loud. There will be will be amplified to a very strong appropriate with either the detector s greater differentiation between target audio response. It will be harder to built-in speaker or headphones. If the To adjust the MAX LIMIT: signal strengths. The weakest signals differentiate medium to strong signals, Volume is too loud in the headphones, Press the shift buttons next to the MAX will produce an accordingly faint audio but even weak target signals will be use the Volume control. LIMIT slider control. and may not be heard. easier to hear. Headphones allow you to discern subtle variations in audio response and lessen exposure to adverse conditions (i.e. It is also possible to wind) which may distort sound from access the VOLUME the speaker. Headphones also minimize screen menu from disturbance from your treasure hunting the icon shortcut of for other people in the area. the LEARN screen. Lower Volume settings and using headphones will extend battery life. Audible Target Response Audible Target Response Max Limit Max Limit Max Limit Target #2 Target #2 Gain=10 Gain=5 Gain=1 Max Limit Target #1 Target #1 Threshold Threshold Target Signal Strength Target Signal Strength Weak Medium Strong When Volume and Threshold settings are used together, there is a greater control over target audio response. Sound Loudness Sound Loudness Range: 1 to 10 Range: 1 to 10 MAIN MENU > AUDIO > TONE Range: 1 to 10 Factory Preset: 10 Factory Preset: 8 Factory Preset: 5 60 TONE ºö 61 Adjusting Audio Pitch Tone is the pitch of sound emitted by THRESHOLD TONE VARIABILITY LIMITS the detector. Adjusting Tone can help TH. TONE allows you to adjust the tone VARIABILITY controls how much the tone This sets the upper limit of all tones identify one target from another. of the Threshold  hum to best suit your will change depending on the target s emitted by the Explorer SE. own hearing. characteristics. It can help to separate A low limit will produce only low tone targets of different characteristics. A high Threshold tone is often preferred target signals. by people with good hearing, where A high variability represents a A high limit will provide very high a low Threshold tone is preferred by significant variation of tone from target tone signals as well as low tone people with hearing difficulties. to target. signals. A low variability represents a minimum Minelab recommends setting the variation of tone from target to target. upper limit to the highest tone you are comfortable with. To adjust TONE settings: Try testing LIMITS with a highly Ensure that CONDUCT is selected from conductive object such as a large the SOUNDS screen (pg. 64) and that silver coin. the Threshold Volume and the Volume MAX LIMIT are appropriate for your environment (i.e. for headphones or speaker use, ambient noise etc.) 1 Adjust the THRESHOLD TONE to what Low VARIABILITY you are comfortable with. This should be High VARIABILITY the tone you can hear most clearly. High Tone High Tone 2 Using two targets you are likely to Coin often seek (which display a difference of 1 or 2 on the Digital COND reading) Coin adjust VARIABILITY so you can hear the difference between one and the other. Tone Tone Foil Difference Difference 3 Select a target with high conductivity Foil (giving a high number on the Digital display) and wave it past the coil. Adjust LIMITS for a tone as high as possible but Low Tone still within the range where you can hear Low Tone well. MAIN MENU > OPTIONS > RESPONSE Range: NORMAL, LONG, SMOOTH, PITCH HOLD Target signal Factory Preset: NORMAL 62 RESPONSE - 63 Selecting the Way Targets Sound Detection Threshold Time NORMAL When the target signal drops the audio blanks, Emits a short response to targets (almost giving a crisp end to the target response. a  beep ). NORMAL is recommended for general detecting conditions. It allows Audio Tone the greatest differentiation between the ground and a target, but has the potential Target Response to miss small targets in areas littered with Threshold Threshold objects producing a target response. Blanking The RESPONSE option allows you to Time select the way target signals sound LONG upon detection. RESPONSE can improve Offers an almost continuous audio your ability to identify certain targets in response. This setting is ideal for differing circumstances. LONG audio lasts until the end of detection. responding to several targets close There is no blanking at the end of the target response. As the coil is swept over a target, the together. It is recommended for the experienced user, who can pick the target signal rises. At the peak of the Audio Tone differences in tone between various target signal, audio is emitted. targets. LONG can be more confusing for Target Response Minelab recommend learning the the beginner but has the potential to offer Threshold Threshold detector in the factory preset NORMAL greater accuracy and depth. audio response. After you are familiar with the way the Explorer SE interprets Time SMOOTH various targets, then feel free to This setting is simliar to LONG, with experiment with the various options. Audio Tone the addition of some filtering of the Each response may work better in a audio tone response. SMOOTH reduces Target Response different scenario and you will quickly the variability of the pitch, offering a Threshold Threshold develop your own preferences. smoother continuous sound. Time PITCH HOLD Offers a target audio response similar to NORMAL (almost a  beep ). When PITCH HOLD is selected, the tone of the Threshold After a detection is made, the pitch also changes - after the target signal is of the Threshold changes to the highest heard, the Threshold  hum returns in a tone produced by the target. pitch similar to the pitch of the signal. The Threshold tone will not change on rejected Audio Tone targets, so if the Threshold changes on even the faintest response, you probably have a Target Response Threshold very small or very deep target to recover. Threshold The pitch of the Threshold will not change Blanking until a new detection is made. Time End of Detection Start of Detection MAIN MENU > AUDIO > SOUNDS Range: CONST, CONDUCT, FERROUS Factory Preset: CONDUCT CONDUCT FERROUS 64 SOUNDS - 65 This is the Factory Preset selection. Selecting FERROUS emits the tone CONDUCT emits the tone according to according to the target s ferrous content Tone Identification the target s conductivity (the vertical (the horizontal axis of the Smartfind axis of the Smartfind screen). screen or the first number in the Digital The SOUNDS menu allows you to display). A high tone signal denotes a large, define how the tone varies with target highly conductive object with Target A low  blaat tone denotes a highly characteristics. This can be a very useful Crosshair displayed near the top of ferrous object, displayed on the left CONST feature in identifying targets close to the Smartfind screen (or near a Digital of the screen and having a high FER Selecting CONST eliminates the each other. rating of 31). A low tone denotes a small number. A high pitched  squeak tone variation of the tone upon detection. It is possible to instruct the detector to denotes a non-ferrous target, displayed object with low conductivity. The Target All targets regardless of ferrous or emit a distinct sound responding to an on the right of the Smartfind screen and Crosshair is displayed near the bottom conductivity information will sound the object s ferrous characteristics, rather having a low Fer number. of the Smartfind screen (or near a Digital same. than its conductive properties. To test rating of 1). Ferrous is often preferred by relic and CONST is a good option for new users sounds upon selection it is necessary to CONDUCT is often preferred by coin jewelry hunters as low conductive who find the different tones a little move the coil across one or more targets hunters, as desirable targets such as targets will often give a higher pitched overwhelming. with different conductive and ferrous gold, copper and silver coins will give a signal compared to CONDUCT, as shown properties. PITCH HOLD will not function with CONST high tone signal response. Compared to by target 3 in the example below. selected. Try testing the SOUNDS settings with an lower conductive junk targets such as It may be logical to select FERROUS if All Metal Pattern and a range of different foil and pull tabs. searching in Iron Mask, that way there targets (pg. 36). is no chance of a high-ferrous target producing a high tone signal due to its high conductive characteristics. Targets 1 and 2 will produce an identical Targets 2 and 3 will produce an identical Targets 1, 2 and 3 will produce identical high tone response as their conductivity high tone response as their ferrous tone response. is the same (COND 23). content is the same (FER 6). Target 3 will produce a much lower Target 1 will produce a low tone tone response as it has a much lower response as its ferrous content is high conductivity rating (COND 5). (FER 25). 66 Pinpointing - Locating the Target 67 The exact location of a target can be In Pinpoint, the detector gives a 1 Once the approximate target location The detector may become noisy if Pinpoint located by using PINPOINT. continuous audio response. This is known, move the coil away from that is enabled above a target. The detector response will get louder as the coil area and press PINPOINT. may also become noisy if left in Pinpoint. If In normal operation, the Explorer SE is passes directly above the target. this occurs return to normal detection, and a motion detector, meaning it must be 2 Sweep the coil slowly over the target try Pinpoint again. moving over a target to detect it. The Pinpoint audio response is tone location. and volume modulated. The difference Even though the Target Crosshair and FER Enabling Pinpoint instructs the 3 Taking note of the response, reduce the in tone and volume produced will help COND numbers are updated in Pinpoint, detector to temporarily disengage span of each successive pass of the coil locate the position and depth of the Pinpoint is not recommended for normal Discrimination Patterns and become a until you are confident of the location target. detecting. In Pinpoint the detector  locks non-motion detector, therefore targets of the target. Make a mental note of the onto the strongest target signal, which normally discriminated against will emit In Pinpoint, the depth and Crosshair or position, or mark a line on the soil with may result in missing targets in trashy a signal when underneath the coil. FER, COND are updated. This is useful for your shoe or a digging tool. areas. identifying other targets next to the target 4 Move to one side so that you can pass you want to recover. the coil over the target at right angles to your initial direction. When the detector sounds you should know exactly where to dig. coil this target will produce a loud, high tone sound this target will produce a quiet, low tone sound low high low Volume high Tone low 68 Recovering the Target Where Will I Find Treasure? 69 A trowel, knife or small spade are good A question most new detectorists ask Basically, anywhere people have been tools for recovering targets. is where do I find treasure? There are in the past there is a chance you ll actually lots of areas in which you can find buried treasure - coins, relics, and Once a target has been located, clear search, and it is best if you research jewelry lost years ago are sitting in the the surface of loose material and check where people have been in the past, ground waiting to be found, and are again for a signal. If there is no signal and what type of objects they may have also being replenished on a daily basis! then the target is amongst the surface had with them, and hopefully lost. You The trick to maximising your return is to material. In this case, search the surface can also go to areas people still use on select sites that have the most potential. material until the target is located. If the a daily basis such as the beach or parks, target is still in the ground, Pinpoint its For example, a small park that is just and look for modern coins and jewelry. position. used as a walkway between houses Here are a list of some of the more is likely to be littered with junk with When digging, the aim is to leave the productive places to search, but be sure very few valuable targets in it. Whereas area of ground exactly as you found it. you obtain permission before entering a larger old park with picnic tables, Using a sharp tool, cut a neat portion any private property: playgrounds, etc. would have had of grass or soil and place it on a plastic thousands of people sitting around, sheet. This prevents the material being > Your own backyard playing sports, laying on blankets etc. scattered around and allows the hole to > The beach and you can almost be certain that there be refilled quickly. Dig carefully to avoid will be some goodies waiting for your > Showgrounds & racecourses defacing or devaluing the object. metal detector. > Picnic areas Check the hole for the target. If it is In addition to obtaining land owners not in the hole, place the detector on > Battlefields permission before searching on the ground with the coil flat, pick up a > Camping grounds private property, be sure to check handful of soil and pass it over the coil. local regulations, and always refill your > Swimming holes Be sure not to wear rings, bracelets or holes. If you leave the ground exactly a watch which will produce a signal. > Parks and playgrounds as you found it, you shouldn t have any Repeat this procedure until the target is > Ghost Towns & ancient town sites problem detecting the same area in the located. future. > Old homes & public buildings Ensure that no other targets remain, > Old gold mining sites then refill the hole. All soil and portions of grass on the plastic sheet should > Sports grounds be returned to the hole as neatly as > School yards and ovals possible. Step lightly on the soil to > Around jetties and piers compact it. A simple and effective target probe can be made from a large flat-end screwdriver. > Drive-in theatres Leaving holes, or a scarred area, may Round off the tip of the screwdriver with a result in action being taken to prevent file to minimise damage to targets. the use of metal detectors. Please ensure that you remove all rubbish and Ask for permission before searching on leave an area of ground as you found it. private property. MAIN MENU > USER > USER SETTINGS 70 USER SETTINGS - Saving Your User Preferences 71 Preferred Settings SETTING RANGE FACTORY USER A USER B PRESET Changes to detector settings USER SETTINGS provides you with two Sensitivity Mode Semi-Automatic, Semi- (e.g. Volume, Tone and Sensitivity), sets of memorized settings, USER A and Manual Automatic are automatically saved. The detector USER B. These sets can be used as an Sensitivity Value 1 to 32 22 remembers these settings when it shuts alternative to the factory presets. USER Threshold Volume 0 to 40 16 down. However, you may find that SETTINGS allows you to load your own Discrimination Function different locations require a separate defined settings saving you from having Discrim, Iron Mask Discrim combination of settings for maximum to  set-up the detector every time you Iron Mask Value 0 to 31, All Metal 22 effectiveness. turn it on. Noise Channel* 1 to 11 5 x x Two people may have different Display Type Smartfind, Digital Smartfind preferences (e.g. Threshold, Response) Display Size Normal, Full Screen Normal or perhaps you divide your time Contrast 1 to 10 5 between a couple of very different detecting environments (e.g. the beach Learn Cursor Size Small, Medium, Large and a highly-mineralized battlefield). Large Edit Frame Size Small, Medium, Small Large To save current settings: To load saved settings: Audio Volume Max Limit 0 to 10 10 Press the shift button next to Press the shift button next to Audio Volume Gain 1 to 10 8 SAVE ºö USER A or USER B. LOAD ºö USER A or USER B. Audio Threshold Tone 1 to 10 5 A screen prompt will appear asking if A screen prompt will appear asking you want to save current settings in the if you want to discard your current Audio Tone Variability 1 to 10 8 memory. Select OK. detector settings and load the Audio Tone Limits 1 to 10 10 memorized settings. Select OK. You can now proceed to detect with Audio Sounds CONST, CONDUCT, CONDUCT these settings, knowing they have Settings will load in approximately FERROUS been saved for future use in similar 3 seconds. Audio Response conditions. NORMAL, LONG, NORMAL SMOOTH, PITCH HOLD Options Recovery Fast On, Off Off Options Recovery Deep On, Off Off * Noise Channel is selected automatically Restoring Factory Presets will not delete by the NOISE CANCEL shortcut button or any saved USER A or B settings. manually through MAIN MENU > OPTIONS Restoring factory presets discards all The Noise Channel cannot unsaved adjustments, except the saved be saved into USER A or USER B. Discrimination Patterns and USER A and USER B settings. Other selections not saved: Backlight status, Pinpoint. 72 Battery Performance 73 To extend battery life: The average life-span for both good Unlike Nickel Cadmium batteries, the quality alkaline and NiMH rechargeable NiMH battery pack DOES NOT have to be Use headphones. The speaker draws batteries under constant use is flattened to be recharged. significantly more current than compared on the graph below. This headphones from the battery. Whenever the detector has been unused graph assumes the backlight is turned for a lengthy period, recharge the battery Turn off the backlight. The backlight off and headphones are being used. pack to ensure full performance. adds about 8% to the current It is recommended that the batteries consumption of the detector. There is no limit to the time the battery be replaced or recharged as soon as pack can be left on charge. The battery life indicator appears on Turn the detector off when not in use. possible to avoid missing any targets. all of the Explorer SE detect screens. When the battery power has been Alkaline batteries will power the depleted, it is recommended that the Explorer SE for up to 16 hours of batteries be replaced or recharged as constant use. The NiMH 1600 battery soon as possible to avoid missing any pack will power the detector for up to targets. 16 hours of constant use and the NiMH 1800 battery pack for 20 hours. 14 13 The battery will be fully shaded at maximum battery charge. 12 When the alkaline or NiMH batteries approach the point at which they do not supply enough power to operate the 11 Explorer SE, a falling extended chord is emitted from the AA battery speaker (or headphones). When this low battery warning is heard, there will be only a few minutes of life left in the 10 batteries. 1600 NiMH When the battery symbol is completely empty, the detector 9 will sound an extended  dropping tune and display a 1800 NiMH message immediately before turning itself off. 8 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Approximate Time in Hours Battery Voltage (volts) 74 Accessories 75 Technical Specifications Length Unextended 43 Inches (1100mm) Parts and Accessories available Recharging NiMH Battery Pack for the Explorer SE: with the Car Charger: Length Extended 55 Inches (1358mm) 1 Remove battery pack (pg. 10). 10 Slimline FBS Coil Shipping Weight 3 lb 7 oz (1700g) Excluding Batteries 8 FBS Coil With Lower Shaft 2 Insert the car charger plug into the Coil 10.5 inches (264mm).  Double D Waterproof 10 Coil Skidplate accessories socket of your vehicle. 8 Coil Skidplate 3 Insert the car charger plug into the Audio Output Internal Speaker and Headphones socket at the tapered end of the battery Sealed 1600mA/H NiMH Battery Pack Headphone Input 1/4 Inch (6.3mm) 100 © Stereo Jack pack. A small light on the car charger Sealed 1800mA/H NiMH Battery Pack illuminates indicating that the car Transmission Full Band Spectrum. Simultaneous Frequency  AA Housing Battery Pack charger is in operation. Transmission ranging from 1.5kHz  100kHz Mains Charger 4 Leave for 18 hours to fully recharge. Ground Rejection Auto Ground Compensation  12V Car Charger If the battery was not completely Advanced Digital Filtering discharged, the charging time will be Koss UR-30 Headphones Discrimination Smartfind"! Two-Dimensional Discrimination shorter. RPG Headphones Visual Display 64 x 128 Pixel Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) The car charger is provided with a 3AG Control Panel Carbon Fibre Lower Shaft 2Amp fast blow fuse for short circuit Tall Man Lower Shaft Batteries 12V protection. This can be accessed by unscrewing the tip of the accessories plug. Patents US 4890064, US 5537041, US 5506506 Armrest Some vehicles will need the ignition to be Armrest Strap with Buckles Custom Select Discrimination Yes switched on to  accessories for power to be Coil Nut & Bolt (pk of 5) supplied to the charger. Learn Function (Accept/Reject) Yes Coil washers (pk of 10) Charging the battery beyond full capacity Saved Discrimination Patterns 6 will not damage the NiMH battery pack, Control Box Cover but it could gradually discharge your car Edit Function Yes Detector Carry Bag battery. Auto Noise Cancel (Scanning) Yes Instruction Manual Manual Noise Cancel Yes Minelab Cap Minelab Polo Shirt User Saved Settings Current, User A, User B Minelab Sleeveless Body Warmer Minelab Trash Bag Response Normal, Long, Smooth, Pitch Hold Recovery Selectable (Fast & Deep) Troubleshooting 76 Detector Care and Safety 77 > Check the state of the batteries and battery connections. Detector does not > Ensure battery pack lid is completely closed. start at all The Explorer SE is a high-quality Keep the detector clean and dry and > If using alkaline batteries, check whether they have been electronic instrument, finely engineered avoid getting sand and grit into the loaded in the right polarity. and packaged in a durable housing. shafts or fastenings (e.g. yoke bolt and Taking proper care of the detector is camlocks). Do not use solvents to clean mostly common-sense. the detector. Use a damp cloth with mild > Check the state of the batteries. If necessary, try starting with Detector starts, but batteries known to be in good condition. soap detergent. switches off by itself Do not leave the battery pack in the > Detector may be too hot. Allow detector to cool down in a Explorer SE handle when the detector is Ensure the coil cable is in good shaded area. not in use for extended periods of time. condition and not subject to undue > Try starting the detector with search coil disconnected. If the Damage caused by leaking batteries stress. detector starts normally, check the state of the coil cable. If could be severe and would void the The Explorer SE coil is only compatible it is damaged, replace the coil. Otherwise return detector for warranty through user negligence. repairs. with FBS technology detectors such as If temperatures are very high, do not previous Explorers and the Quattro MP. > Unplug the headphones. If there is sound in the speaker but No sound leave the detector in excessive heat for Flat or faulty batteries cause many not in the headphones, check the headphones and their longer than necessary. Covering it when detector problems. Ensure that only connection. not in use will help protect it. Try to quality alkaline batteries are used, > Check the AUDIO > VOLUME > MAX LIMIT avoid leaving it in a closed car trunk or and that they are replaced when you (a setting of 0 is silent). in a car sitting in sunlight. A full-length hear the warning signal through the > If there is no sound in the speaker or the headphones but detector carry bag is available to protect headphones or speaker. the detector appears to work normally otherwise, return the the detector when in transit. detector for repairs. Do not dispose of battery pack in The control box has been designed fire (contact local authorities for to resist moisture. However, Minelab Erratic noises > Press the NOISE CANCEL shortcut button or manually disposal/recycling). Do not attempt to advises protecting the control box in select a quiet channel. disassemble or short circuit the battery extreme conditions. Obviously the > Reduce the Sensitivity. pack. control box should not be dropped > Change the orientation of the coil to the vertical plane and Take precautions when transporting into water. A control box cover will give rotate to see if there is a position where the noise is loudest. or storing the detector. Although the protection against dust, dirt and rain. If this is the case, it means that there is a source of detector is constructed from the highest interference nearby which must be avoided. Never allow the detector to come quality materials and has undergone > Check battery charge and battery connections. into contact with gasoline or other rigorous durability tests, the display > Ensure coil connector is tightened firmly. petroleum-based liquids. screen could be prone to scratching or > Check headphones and their connection. serious damage if not treated with due > Check for sand or grit between coil cover and coil. care. > Ensure the detector is turned on. No target response > Check headphones and their connection. > Check coil connection. > Check discrimination level. No signal will be given if target is within black area of screen. 78 Glossary of Terms 79 Alloy A substance which is composed Digital One of Explorer SE s displays. Ferrous Content While metals are Iron Mask The Iron Mask function of two or more metals (an alloy may also Digital rates an object s conductivity commonly divided between ferrous and rejects objects with ferrous properties. include non-metals). and ferrous content as a figure between non-ferrous metals, this usually refers to This level of ferrous rejection is 0 and 31. them being magnetic or non-magnetic. represented with a dark  curtain which Camlock Lever which releases or locks However most metals do have some moves across the horizontal dimension detector s assembly components. The Discrimination The ability of a metal ferrous content, even when classed as of the Smartfind screen as the Iron Mask Explorer SE s upper and lower shafts are detector to identify the user s desired  non-ferrous . is adjusted. held together by the shaft camlock. This target and eliminate signals from shaft assembly is fixed to the control undesirable objects. The Explorer SE can Except for the very purest of metals, the Learn allows the user to accept or reject box by the control box camlock. be programmed to discriminate against Explorer SE is able to test the ferrous certain targets to create a personalized unwanted targets in either Iron Mask or content of a metal target and use this in Discrimination Pattern. Coil The coil is the circular plate swept Discrim. it s target identification. across the ground surface during Low-ferrous containing little iron. Low- detecting. It transmits electromagnetic Discrimination Pattern A two- Full Band Spectrum (FBS) ferrous objects or non-magnetic metals signals into the ground and receives the dimensional pattern made up of shaded Simultaneous frequency transmission (such as silver or copper coins, gold response. and clear regions of the Smartfind ranging from 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz. This jewelry, etc). screen. Characteristics of a target are range in frequencies means that the Conductivity A measure of the ability of Mineralized Ground used to determine its position on a two- signals received from the detector a target to allow eddy currents induced Containing certain minerals which dimensional display. A Discrimination coil are analyzed from a wide range of by the transmitter. can cause false signals to be given. Pattern can be modified by the user to responses. Mineralized ground is handled Control Box Encloses the electronic accept or reject certain targets. Full Screen Target details shown on the automatically by the Explorer SE s components necessary to generate and Edit allows the user to customize an full screen with display border and the ground compensation. interpret signals transmitted from the existing Discrimination Pattern to match other screen elements removed. An icon search coil and provide user access to Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Nickel preferred target characteristics. at the center right of screen switches to functions via the control panel. Metal Hydride batteries are the modern full screen display. Ferrous Composed of or containing equivalent of older NiCad (Nickel Control Panel This panel, which is iron. A ferrous object is one that is Ground Compensation The ability Cadmium) batteries. NiMH batteries the front of the control box, houses predominantly or completely iron. of the detector to compensate for the have a longer life-span and are not the display screen and provides press- Ferrous objects (e.g. nails) are usually effects of ground mineralization. affected by memory to the same button access to all of the detector s not desired by the detectorist. degree. operating functions. Handle Assembly Part of the detector made up of the control box, handle and armrest. 80 81 Glossary of Terms (Continued) Pinpoint Function allowing an object to Shortcut Buttons on the control panel be precisely located. Pinpoint overrides offer quick access to the functions and the automatic motion detection and settings most likely to be used during discrimination settings of the Explorer detector operation. NOISE CANCEL, SE. IRON MASK, PINPOINT and DETECT are all shortcut buttons. Recovery allows the user to modify the way the discrimination process Slider Control Visual representation works and affects the audio and display of setting adjustments for a particular responses to target characteristics. function (e.g. screen contrast). Settings are adjusted with shift buttons at either Response The signal or audible side of the display screen. indication of a target. Also a menu option affecting the audio response of Smartfind One of the Explorer SE s the detector. displays. Smartfind visually represents target details using two-dimensional Sensitivity The detector s level of discrimination. response to a target in the presence of ground noise and/or electromagnetic Threshold (hum) The audible level disturbance. of sound emitted when no target is detected is the Threshold. This Shaft Assembly An adjustable Threshold hum is the background sound assembly made up of the upper and made as the Explorer SE operates. The lower shaft connected by camlocks. The optimum Threshold volume is a faint, shaft assembly connects the coil to the but audible hum. handle assembly. Shift Buttons The three buttons at either side of the display screen. They allow selection of adjacent menu items, movement of screen slider controls and adjustment of settings. 82 Warranty Service Repair Form 83 Today s Date Detector / Model There is a two-year parts and labour Repairs warranty for the electronic control box In the unfortunate circumstance that Serial Number of the Explorer SE. The coil has a one the detector needs to be returned year parts and labour warranty. Refer Purchased From to Minelab for service, please fill out to the supplier or Minelab for service, the Minelab Service Repair Form (or a Purchase Date either in or out of warranty. The Minelab photocopy of the same) and enclose it warranty does not cover damage caused with the detector. Faulty Part(s) by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, Please supply as much detail about modifications, or unauthorized service. the fault as possible. This will assist our For specific details of the Minelab service engineers to rectify the problem Owner s Name warranty, please refer to the detector s quickly and efficiently.  Product Warranty Card . Address This warranty is not transferable, nor Telephone ( ) Day Home is it valid unless the enclosed warranty registration card is returned to Minelab Fax ( ) or your Minelab dealer within 14 days of the original purchase. Email Description of Fault Please explain how we can replicate the problem in order to fix your detector. cut out or photocopy Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd © PO Box 537, Torrensville Plaza This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. Adelaide, South Australia, 5031 Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be Australia reproduced by any process without written permission from Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd, Tel: 61-8-8238 0888 118 Hayward Avenue, Torrensville, SA 5031, Fax: 61-8-8238 0890 Australia. Email: WARNING. This document contains Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd rights, technical data or restricted rights data, or both. Patents and trademarks apply. Minelab International Ltd Laragh, Bandon Co. Cork Ireland Tel: 353 23 52 101 Fax: 353 23 52 106 Email: Working for a Cleaner, Greener Future Minelab USA Inc 871 Grier Drive, Suite B1 For Consumers within the European Union: Disclaimer: THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH Las Vegas, Nevada, 89119 Do not dispose of this equipment in general The Minelab metal detector discussed PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES household waste. USA in this operating manual has been Operation is subject to the following two The crossed out wheeled bin indicated expressly designed and manufactured as conditions: (1) this device may not cause Tel: 1 702 891 8809 on this equipment is an indicator that this a quality hobbyist metal detector and is harmful interference, and (2) this device unit should not be disposed of in general recommended for use in coin, treasure and Fax: 1 702 891 8810 must accept any interference received, household waste, but recycled in compliance general metal detection in non-hazardous including interference that may cause Email: with local government regulations or environments. This metal detector has not undesired operation. environmental requirements. been designed for use as a mine detector or as a live munitions detection tool. Please dispose of this equipment via a recycling service or centre, or by returning Please note: the unit to the respective Minelab or Halcro Since there may be a variety of options outlet as appropriate for your unit. This will available for this detector, equipment enable the equipment to be disposed For further product information may vary according to the Model or of in an environmentally safe manner. items ordered with your detector. Certain and detecting tips, refer to: Disposal of unwanted electronic equipment descriptions and illustrations may also differ in landfilled waste may contribute to (in this manual) from the exact Model that adverse long term environmental effect you purchased. In addition, Minelab WWW.MINELAB.COM due to the leaching of contaminating and reserves the right to respond to ongoing toxic substances contained within some technical progress by introducing changes electronic equipment. Item Number: 4901 - 0061 in design, equipment and technical features at any time. Revision: 1.1


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