VisiLogic Help, Version V300-21-G23 Rev: 3.00

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SMS: Send



Before you begin Minimizing EMI

Getling Started

Hardware Configurabon


Controller Setbngs

HMI Displays



COM Ports and Data Communicabons j] COM Port Init £ RS232 2) RS485 Opbons ^ Modems

Modem Connecbon and Pinouts JQ PLC-side Modems i] PC-Side Modems (Modem Services)

J] Dial and Hang-up Web Server i] Send e mail T] Telegram Parser S3 ASCII Table

Modem Troubleshoobng i] Downloading an OS via Modem ^ Ethernet

^ PC-PLC Communicabons tli Commumcabon FBs ~ % GPRS

EJ tljSMS_

J] Using SMS Messaging 3 SMS Operands J] SMS Configurabon T| SMS Scan


J] SMS Vanables J] SMS Check GSM Signal Ouality j] Sending SMS messages from a celi phone I] Com Port Init

^3 Modem Status and Error Messages ■S3 Modem Troubleshoobng D SMS Message lndex Numbers

To send an SMS, place an SMS Send operation in your Ladder application. Before you can senc an SMS Configuration, and set conditions as explained in Using SMS Messaging.

Notę ♦ Communications cannot flow through the port during initialization.

Status SBs.

♦    Before using a modem, prepare it as described in the help topie PL

♦    If the SMS Configuration is busy, messages cannot be received. Av Modem is Busy MB, as an activating condition for SMS: Send.

UseonMB to piace a

Reguest to Sand SMS




COM INIT 2 ■ m20H

S8 82 r-fcH...ĆHtt


Inłwfced COM -1 PI-



Modem Busy

Ml 0

Slotu: Messages

Befote activallng SMS Sand, check that the Cootiguration is tree vta Modem Busy

MB 10

MB 1 |R) Reguedto

MB 1 |R] Reguetfto


MB 0

Modem Busy (GSM) -1 *







MB 10


M8 3

Send Statui



SMS: Send sands a single message fromSMSJ, an indrect message a message trom withn the Send FB

Ml 2 'Send Fel

Notę ♦ You can send only one SMS message at a time, but you may send it

♦ The Send Status MB turns on if there are morę than one Send operat second Send is activated. In this case. Modem Busy MB of the SMS: C


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