[f£ Visilogic Help. Version V300-21 <523 Rev; 3.00


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Ukryj Wstecz    Drukuj Opcje

Sp*s Ueści | |ndeks | Wyszuka] | Ulubione |

2 Welcome 2) Eleaming

31 Before you begm Minirmzmg EMI ffi ♦ Geang Staned b: ♦ Hardware Configurabon K ♦ Operands ffl ♦ Cootroller Settngs 6 ♦ HM Displays B ♦ Ladder B ♦ Communications ffl ^ Networks (CAN. Serial)

.udt FOe Name Can be up to 8 characters long, and may be provided by constant text or register. Notę that if the name comes from an MI, the funcbon cop«es a vector 8 bytes long, or unbl it finds a 'nuli' character.

Overwnte/Append If the funcbon finds a .udt file in that folder of the same name, e Solectmg Overwrite replaces the file.

e Selecting Append adds the new data to the eiasbng .udt file. You can assign a umque name (DT Tag) to each appended section. marking the sections for later use in your program.

The Tag may contam up to 16 characters.


| Alarms ^3 Trends *k3 Stnng Library 2 Web Server ■%3 Intormation Modę \3 On-Line Tust Modę (Oebug)

^ Remote Access Accessing a PIC via PC 2 Remote Operator via MoMe App ^3 Projectfiles(Clonefiles. *dvi *.vdf*.ure.*ura) ^3 PTO Funcbons Senple Mofton Control ^3 UmVision Licensmg > Cards

SD Cards \3 SD Ladder Functions ^3 Set SD Card Password

rd. Folder Report Fi


SD Card and Trends \3 SD Card Data to Excet ^3 SD Błock Functions SD File Functions 2 SD Clonmg via Ladder 2 SD Safeły Remove B ♦ VisiLogic Tools

2 VisiLogic Version Swapper a: % Remote Operator a:    Remote Access

R ♦ Modems

& ^ Welcome to SD Card Suitę

Status messages This MI is a bitmap; a bit tums ON to mrfecate status.

The MI is mitiakzed when the funcbon starts.

Ali bits OFF - No errors, and the SD card is idle

Bit 1 - The SD card was formatted in an SD Tooh vers»on that is not compabble with the VisiLog£ application in the PLC. or VisiLogic version ts not compatibie with the PLC OS. Check to see if you need to update versions.

Bit 2 - The structure of the .udt file and the Data Table are not identical

Bit 3 - Data checksum error. Please sond appbcabon and any related mformation to supportQlunitrontcs.com.

Bit 4 - Failcd to open Me

Bit 5 - Farfed to read from file

Bit 6 - Failed to dose file

Bit 7 • In progress

Bit 8 - No SO card found

Bit 9 - SD error, check SI 66 for error message

Bit 10 - Requested Data Table does not exist

Success Bit    Turns ON when the data « successfully wntten to the SD Card. It remams ON unbl it s reset by the

application, or unbi the appbcabon calls the funcbon.

Notę ♦ The maximum number of Data Table files that can be created in a folder SD card is 64, including the main DT folder.





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