320 ileksandei Szła
Summary. Polamfs admission !o Ihe Europcan Union causcd a iapid incrcasc of road Iraflic which includcd Iraeks. Tlić cconomic pioccsscs conncclcd with iransponalion generale soine cxter-nal costs wliich influence patlicular branches of Iransporlaiion lo varying degrees. These cosls are caused by the phenomenon of congeslion road accidents, pollution of Ihe emironment, noise. elc. The uncqual inerease of comeyance in panicular branehes of liansportalion mcans lliat sonie pails of Ihe ex1emal cosls in the price of Iransporlaiion are passed ovcr. The Europcan tiansportation poli-cy shows Ihe necessity of iniemalisalion of exlemal cosls of Iransporlaiion ihiough the intioduction of Ihe rule “conlaminaling pays." The aim of Ihe rule is lo facilitale Ihe undislurbed frec-markel compclilion belween ihe branches of Iransponalion. The EU membeis’ policy should focus on Ihe idea Ihal Ihe price of Iransponalion service ouglit lo reflecl ils negalive impacl on ihe enyiromnent
Key words: intemalization of exiemal cosls of iransponalion. policy of baianeed deveIopmem