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Lectures on Digital Photography

How cameras work, and how to take good pictures using them

Instrucłor: Marc Levoy



▼ Course Schedule

tocturei-21mar16 tocture2-23mar16 tecture3-28mar18 tedure4-30mar18 todure5-04apr16 torturo6-06apr16 IOCturo7-11a»r16 iecture8-13apM6 torture9-18apr16 torturę 10-20apr 16 tortura 11-25apr16 Ierture12-02may16 tortura 13-04 may 16 tortura 14-09may 16 torturol5-16may16 torturel6-18may16 torturei7-23may16 torturel8-01jun16 Apptots


Whats inside a digital camera? Here‘s a cutaway view of the Canon Digital Rebel 1000D. Here's a morę instnjctiye diaaram. showing the main optical paths. I’ll show the parts of a camera (every screw) during one of the lectures.

Most photography books talk about depth of field and    This is a classic high dynamie rangę    Dorothea Lange's iconic portrait

depth of focus. but few of them give a formula for it.    (HDR) scene, because the beach and hills of a migrant mother during the

Here it is. N is the F-number, f is focal length, C is    are much darker than the sun. This    Great Depression We'll survey

pixel size, and U is distance to the scene. We'll study picture was captured by the Nexus 6P    the history of photography,

this formula in lecture. and youll be invited to    using HDR-» modę. How is this done7    study the work of good

experiment with depth of field in (optional) weekly    We'll talk about it in lecture. Here are    photographers, and talk about

photographic assignments.    morę HDR-*- shots from the Nexus 6P.    photographic composition.


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