^<IT TEM-BF of Ba-Sr-Co-Fe-oxide ceramic & elemental mapping HM

EDXS element map L Cu ■ Nb ■ Ta

SEM image

IftstRuto to* Tcchnlcol Physłcs

Superconducting wire HM

Supe<eooduct»iV) ttgh F*łd Magnus

^<IT HRTEM imago of singlo Pt-atoms and smali, ordorod Pt-cJustors HM

C.-correctod FEI Titan3 80-300 transmission olectron microscope


vi<IT High-resolution scanning TEM along (100) zonę axis in SrRuO, HM

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^<IT SiO, nanoparticles in human HT29 colon carcinoma celi HM


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