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53. Frączek Ewa, Frączek Wojciech, Masajada Jan: The new method of topological charge determination of optical vortices in the interference field of the optical vortex interferometer.
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AZ I09/2006/I-199
54. Kurzynowski Piotr, Woźniak Władysław', Frączek Ewa: Optical vortices generation using the Wollaston prism. Applied Optics. 2006 vol. 45, nr 30, s. 7898-7903, 5 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz. Lokalizacja elektroniczna:
AZ I09/2006/I-183
55. West Bruce J*, Maciejewski Artur, Łątka Mirosław, Sebzda Tadeusz*, Świerczyński Zbigniew, Cybulska-Okołow Sylwia*, Baran Eugeniusz*: Wavelet analysis of scaling properties of gastric electrical activity. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2006 vol. 101, [iss. 5], s. 1425-1431, 6 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 35 poz.
AZ I09/2006/I-160
56. Mroczka Janusz, Wojtaszek Tomasz, Wysoczański Dariusz: Single and multiple light scattering in erythrocyte modelling. W: Metrology for a sustainable development. IMEKO XVIII World Congress and IV Brazilian Congress of Metrology [Dokument elektroniczny]. Instituto Nacionale de Metrologia, Normalicacao e Qualidade Industrial, Sociedade Brasileira de Metrologia, Rio de Janeiro, September 17-22, 2006. [B.m.: b.w., 2006. 6] s., 12 tab., bibliogr. 16 poz.
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57. Mroczka Janusz, Wojtaszek Tomasz: Light scattering simulations of spheroids using three beams phase Doppler system. W: Metrology for a sustainable development. IMEKO XVIII World Congress and IV Brazilian Congress of Metrology [Dokument elektroniczny]. Instituto Nacionale de Metrologia, Normalicacao e Qualidade Industrial, Sociedade Brasileira de Metrologia, Rio de Janeiro, September 17-22, 2006. [B.m.: b.w., 2006. 6] s., 5 rys., bibliogr. 11 poz.
RZ K06/2006/I-205
58. Jabłoński Ireneusz, Mroczka Janusz: Measurement - modeling, modeling - measurement: a transitive couple of reality and abstraction in eąuipage of comprehension and prediction for example of breathing control. W: Metrology for a sustainable development. IMEKO XVIII World Congress and IV Brazilian Congress of Metrology [Dokument elektroniczny], Instituto Nacionale de Metrologia, Normalicacao e Qualidade Industrial, Sociedade Brasileira de Metrologia, Rio de Janeiro, September 17-22, 2006. [B.m.: b.w., 2006. 5] s., 6 rys., bibliogr. 18 poz.
RZ K06/2006/I-204
59. Jabłoński Ireneusz, Mroczka Janusz: Introduction to respiratory mechanics measurement by enhanced interrupter method. W: Metrology for a sustainable deveIopment. IMEKO XVIII World Congress and IV Brazilian Congress of Metrology [Dokument elektroniczny]. Instituto Nacionale de Metrologia, Normalicacao e Qualidade Industrial, Sociedade Brasileira de