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Corwersion of Units. Measurement Conversion.

Don't know how to convert? The answer is here.



on the Web sińce 1996

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•    Historical Length

•    Historical Volume

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•    Weight to Volume

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Corwersion Tables and Instant Measurement Conversion

We run convert-me.com sińce 1996 to provide quick reliable and free units conversion service for everyone to use. Over 2,000 units in various converters, as common like inch to meter or as exotic like Roman numeral to Thai number are all instantly available to you. Try it!

Who created such a mess with various units and measures?

Everyone asked this question at least once when struggling with some units corwersion task. Why isn't there one measurement system that everyone uses? Alas, the World is not perfect and there are lots of measures and units that make people mad in all parts of the world.

There is a good point though. Our measurement converter was especially designed to make conversion of units a whole lot easier. Here you'll find instant conversions for thousands of various units and measurements, both common (e.g. U.S. or metric) and quite exotic like ancient Greek and Roman.

Try making your conversions and feel the difference. And when you're done; don't forget to bookmark convert-me.com, so when you


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