por ary architecture, as well as contemporary idea* of
INTERNAI IONALLY adj\owlcdgcdcxpcrtProfcssorYuriTsiYian dcmonstratcs bolh the cultural source* And the tpocial vh»nn found in the negkcted mastcrpicccs of prc*Rcvołutionary Russja. cspecially the film* of Evgeny Bauer.
With about 100 film dip* and hundreds of vmial illustrationa. Dr. Tsirian uncovers many diff«wl pathway* lo an undcr*tanding of Ihis period, bring-ing together a varicty of different cultural source*.
The fint gruup of puthway* i* Stylisbc. looking at the devdopmcnt of fibnmaking craft. mcluding stagjng, camera movement, lighting. produc-(ion dewgn, musical accompanunent, and actmg, featuring the ^scmciotic" theories of Francoi* Deltarte, and the tpccial txpmdv( repertory of silcnt actors
The Cultural milieu »featured in the MCOOd gruup of pathwayt. Immau-ri»if Bodirs will show early film's dialogue with Rustian and European cul-ture—not )ust painting and thoater, but also literaturę, musie and rontem-dreams and vfekm.
Jtttmufehuf B*xirn is the sreund in The CineDiłCA National Media Serie*. following the acclalmed BIiKd Cihwim by Marsha Kinder.
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