Cirtefccafe 2<»mb*r. SPSo^C1
Newmarłcet SuHoLk, LŁ
DNA TEST FOR ShaJdng Fuppy Spongiform LeucoEzacephaloMTelopam-. 5L_E M
Brrzd: Bordei Temci
AnibafńcsiM* &Jt: AC423412S
ExpLmm* aftermj:
CIEAR. the^e dog: ha*-e wo a omul oopae: of DNA Cle ar dog: ttjII ao: derelop 5 ha king Puppr Spongifbrm I^ucoEacephaloMreiopadaT ;SLEXf. a: a ie:ul: of dań SLEM aauradoa. ilthoagh Tre caniaot eselade dae po:aihiljrr ther migk: derelop 5PS due :o other maraoon: ther rn-gtr cau- that aie ao: de:ec%d ot tb: te:t.
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S:-™?- '.; ramta: 14 U 201" Sm*płexs*&: 5*xab
Citrm: Madtea Dostalora
, i c drapaka 334Praha P.Praha, 19COO, Czech Republic
Rmir nnłr «{ę>bi tn umplc «jpplr«£
Hr :V. rtw af awajf *r*ar v;J awM&nr Tai itrńjSoBBt