A better Europę is possible only by fostering the social inclusion with art. social entrepreneurship, volunleering and intercultural dialogue.
The FOSTER SOCIAL INCLUSION projoct wants to improvo adult oducators’ skills and loarn about cffec1ive mcthodologics and approaches for people at risk of social oxclusk>n The devoloprr>ent of educalors is basod on a poor-loarning approach
The projoct aims al tho croation of good practicos colloction of training actwitios. projocts. worksbops. for knowing succossful social inclusion casos at Europoan levol. Tho projoct is invostigating offoctivo good practicos to extond, roply and adapt the bost ones.
The projoct partnors aro going to devolop and sharo training modules increasing social inclusion of poople at risk of social exclusion such as migrants, refugeos, hoalth-relatod conditions, low-skilled and low-qualified. femate and gender-related discriminatioa
Training modulos and good practicos handbook will bo availablo for froo, onlino. in all tho project łanguages
totefSccMl wci»lęmrępirr<u-ihp»noan joc* miwn
r . ERASMUS+ $tui«ęic 10' Wu? £di»:ation - tw3'a'Oii ot Piicticot.
trasmus-ł- Prości no 20ł9-l-PW1<«W-0«ł7J I PtrwS- 01/W20I9 • J&TO2021