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Global Europę

Capturing the untapped benefits of deep energ

DISCLAIMER: Ali opinions in this column reflect the views of the author(s), r

By Adrian Joyce | Renovate Europę    ©Dec 11,2019 (updated:© Dec 12,2019)




B ji dingsaccoun:for.iO%of EJ energ,- demand anc 36% of C02 emissions. Bur 'nost rroub irg is that nine out of ter exis:irg buildirgs v/ill still be in use in 2050. writes Adrian Joyce. [Shutterscock]

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As the European Green Deal takes shape, it bears repeating that the State of EU buildings holds the potential to make or break whatever energy, emissions and environmental targets are set in the coming months, writes Adrian Joyce.

Adrian Joyce is campaign director ar Renovate Europę, a political Communications campaign with the ambition to reduce the energy demand ofthe EU building stock by 80% by 2050. This article was first published in Foresight Climate & Energy, here.


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