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The European Bauhaus, an opportunity to Shift paradigms and shape our buildings

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By Olhwr Rapt | BPIE




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While the European Commission is well-positioned to initiate the development and implcmentation of a new European Bauhaus. it must be truły open to the ideas of a wide array of contributors and committed to supporting a diversity of perspectives, writes Oliver Rapf.

Otiuet Rapf is Cxeculń*t Diretior dl the DuHdrng Pet fot mantę ł/tilituie Curope (BPIC).

I had Ute privilege to speak ai one of the sery first evenis distussing the new European Bauhaus. organised by Ute Attive Mouse Alliance in late January this year. Just before on 18 January, Ute European Commission Launclted the first of Utree pltases of lite initiatise.

It was reassuring to Itear from Xavier Troussard. Head of Unit at ihe European Commission. ihal Ute EU ttas launched support to faufiiaie. conyene.grow and stale up ('Design, Deliver and Disseminaie' in the language of tlte EU) a new European Bauhaus movement. wili values of sustainability, aesUteiits. and intłus<veness at Hs tore.

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Citirens and organisations are invited to submii ideas to Ute Commission to fadlitate the sharing of suggestions, in order to to-ueate the contept in at least five different member States, bringing togethei the fuli rangę of stakełiolders affetting Ute building settor.


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