Lirrittd non-purpote spaco and possibititicł pedesron -aaJs accoircing fc* b*f ot mc cwai cęen scooe Ho#ew. ronewng me odlew* typcfcoes ot TheTgrg<XngEastE)densonA.'eahassbo*n opeo space in Tung Dwig. one nvse be aware ot the łn-an aner-pi lo reegrale pubie ocen spaoe >mo aceosuwty and me aróng p-vaMed pubie spece The
fonw te* n rne kftow spaces, »t*re »« tranjfccmcd nio open sp*xs tNousm yeenrg. but * sM does nx acUress me problem d d<s-ox&utf, v*de certain rameły pubie spece bas ccroe inde* me rran*jemc<* ot prvase dev«opero, wth roguiabcns and nie* appłod Theopen space u mtn n« as pubie as one assured Tr« pfnataaoon ot ocen space bad contned peopfe actrrtes. aaessbtty and mobity wlhin and cut me galed conrnuntes and conntcttd stcepr^ ma*s