Gub swinging is a form of light cxcrcise whicli is of no use to the would-be strong man. as it stretehes and niakes supple the muscles rather than devclops theni willi incrcased contractile powcr. Sonic will say that light exercises are essential if you would rctain and improye your speed and quickness, and that weight-lifting niakes a man slow. I would say in reply that the man who wishes to lic a champion weight-li fter is not likely to be also a champion runner, tennis player or boxer, any morę than the boxer, tennis player or runner has any desire to be a weight-lifter. Beyond tliis I affirm that weight-liftingdoes not have the deleterious effect on the muscles that a certain well-known writer clainis. No one has put in morę practice with weights than I liave, yet I am not considered slow. 1 ani not a boxer, but I am a wrestler, and i beliece in a wrestling matcli with the gentleman in question X could quickly com ince him of the above fact. How-ever this may be, I will say that weight-lifting may be practiced with bcnefit not only to the phvsique and to the liealth, but that it is an interesting sport whicli has been the subject of many attacks in the public prcss from so-called authorities on hygiene and liealth, whicli have been quite unwarranted, and to whicli 1 am pleased to say the sport of weight-lifting has not succumbed.