In the above paragraph we have seen that the rite was transformed to idol worship. Along with such change the motivation is also seen changcd. When the rite was a routine for a king it was to ward off evil. But when it got transferred to images of superior beings, the motivalion was simply alariikarana i.e., adorning the idol and thus, when the molivation is changed we find change in the objecls used in the ritual. The objccts used in the ritual such as flowers, scent, lamp, conch or beli, etc. which can also be used as adomment were kept as thcy are. However mustard seeds were removed. Sarsapa is described as raksohara i.e., which drives away evil forces. Such an object which has the only capacity to drive away evil lorces becomes unnecessary in the idol worship, whercin the motivation is just to adorn. Similar is the case of pebblcs. Therelore, such things are seen removed from the ritual.

(3)    Bhuli or dhupaśesa i.e., the remnant of the fragrant stick has kept its place intact till today. The remnant of dhupa is seen kept outside the interior hall of the tempie and devotees put it up on their forchead as a means of protcction. It is described as ‘a thing which brings the deily closer’

' sBnnidhyakarakah.

(4)    The Srali hymns are seen rccited after the ritual. What could be the origin of such a practice?

In the rcfcrcnces of the AVP we have seen that by uttering a set of hymns entitlcd as ‘BrBlryBni ’ the image of Ralri goddess was invoked and worshipped. One of these hymns begins with the words ‘ B ralri pBrthriam etc., and therelore, the rite in which this particular verse is uttered got the titlc ‘Br Binka’ i.e., a rite in which the r&tri hymn ‘8 ritri* is used. This practice can be said to be the sourcc of 8ratT hymns which are rccited today. Of course, because of the transfer of this rite to idol worship, the verses are addrcssed to the idols, with much dcvclopmcnl in metre we find a drastic change in mctrical form.

(5) Why is the phrase ‘SratI ovBJane\ used when the lamps are waved in front of a person ?

We have alrcady seen that the motivation bchind the rite ‘SrBtrika ’ was to ward off evil. Latcr on it might be the case that it bccame a common rite to ward off evil. Thcrcforc, whcncvcr a person dcscrves, welcome lamps are waved. Comparc herc the rcfcrcnces of RBjalarańginT. The tcxt has used the word ‘SrBtrika' in the same conlcxl.

(6) Why is the lamp itsclf callcd BratT? What could be its source?

In the BrBlrika ritual the lamps were wavcd along with the image of


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