1.1.0. Description of arairika
Three pariiistas of the AVP, viz.,
(i) purohitakarmSni (ii) PistarStrySh KaJpaJfi; and (iii) BrStrikam present quile a dctailed piclurc of the rite SrStrika. In addilion to these we get a passing remark in the pariiista entitled RSjakarmasSrhvatsarfyam.
These pariiistas employ some verses from the Atharvaveda. These verses are commented upon by SSyana3. Sometimes the Kauśikapaddhati on the Kauiikasutra 4 of the Athanaveda explains the application of these verses. Wilh the help of these two texts one can fulfil the lacunae of the above pariiistas. For our purpose this materiał is morę than enough. Though the above three pariiistas appear to be treating different topics, they are mutually linked and aim at describing the same ritua). Rather these could be described as aiming at describing one single rite. Now let us see the details of these one by one.
1.1.1. AriUrikam (The AVP 7)
Before giving details of the ritual this pariiista narrates a purSkalpa. It says — “Once upon a time Indra could not sleep because of the magical acts of the demon priest. Thcrefore, he approachcd Brhaspati who was a Alharvana i. e., a priest knowing black magie. Indra requesled him to counteract. Brhaspati cxplaincd to him a rite called SrStrika , which gives power, bestows hcalth and prosperity and also destroys calamities caused by wicked persons. ” (The AVP1.\- 64a).
One ( Purohita ) should make a lamp out of dough, and light it up by adding oil and wiek. While lighting it, he should recite the verses ‘ ati nihah [AV 2.6.5) 5 and ‘prSnySn ’ (AV 7.35.1)6. It (lamp) should be kept in a vessei (piąte) along wilh flowcrs, mustard sccds and rice grains, Priyańgu. He should kecp Dhuti (sacred ash) which drives sin and should keep oblation(s) in the same vcssel. He (Purohita) should make the lamp sacred by uttering ‘preto yantu ekasatam ' (AV 7.114.2) 7 and should wave the auspicious lamp thrice by the hands of a counsellor in front of the king. Then the discases, possessors and vighnavin&yakas (what bring calamities) are pacificd. It should be beneficial for the territory of a king and for cows and Brahmins. Then wilh the sound of conch the lamp is taken away and a stream of water is poured out by the priest or by the astrologcr or by a well-wishing maid-servant. A priest, first taking himself a sip of water, and then making the king to sip water should make the king to present gold to a Brahmin as per his capacity. The original procedurę of this rite was performed by Partcaguhyaka. With the help of this rite a king is free from danger and his lamę and power will be cvcr-increasing.
This rite reveals the following characteristics: