Measurements: A guarantee for the economy, trade and public security.
Ali abstracts and papers must be submitted in English or Spanish language to the Organizing Committee, through the following e-mail addresses:
The abstracts will have a maximum of 250 words and include the following information: title, author(s), institution(s), city, country, and e-mail of the main author.
The papers will be at least 5 pages long and at most 15 pages long and use the following format:
• Introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions and references.
• The word processor to be used in both cases will be Microsoft Word of the package Microsoft Office 2007 or higher, in the following format: justified text, font type Arial 11; linę spacing 1,5; indentation 2,5 (on all sides).
• Title of work: font type Arial 13, centered and in boldface.
• Fuli name of author(s), name and address of institution, e-mail, phone number, código ORCID and country of origin (all in boldface).
• All pictures, tables, charts, etc., must be inserted in the document, which must not exceed a size of 1 MB. If it is greater than 300 KB, it must be compressed using WinRar 3.0 (or lower).
• The presentations will be submitted in Power Point of the package Microsoft Office 2007 or higher, or in PDF format.
• The orał presentations will not exceed 15 minutes.
The posters will be at most 1 m wide and 1,20 m high.
Deadline for submission to the Organizing Committee
• Abstracts: February 28, 2020
• Whole papers: April 30, 2020
Acceptance of papers: A communication stating the accepted papers will be issued before March 27, 2020
If you need a letter of invitation to the Symposium for your travel arrangements, please submit your request to the Organizing Committee: metroloaia2020(8)jnim et. cu or
metroloaia2020(a)ncnorma. cu