1 _ p-leof priori ty and its limitations, nanieś of hybrids and cuttivars, concept of biocide. - IV / Marks - 7

ogeny of angiosperms : A generał account of the origin and cvolution of angiosperms al refcrcncc to Bennettitalcan, Gnetilian, Caytonialean and Herbaccous origin theories), t— -J\e livingangiospenns, co- cvolution of angiosperms and animals.

i - V / Marks - 7

;«m taxonomy : Supporting evidences/input$ for taxonomy, taxonomy in relation to ~y. embryology, paleontolog)’, Cytology (cytotaxonomy), secondary metabolites in plants :axonomy).

ical taxonomy, Molcculartaxonomy, Basicsofbio informatics.

--5-ested readings :

Ktzijsperm systemalic

>r.is. P.H. & Heywood, V.H. 1963 : Principles of angiosperm taxonomy, Oliver and Boyd, Laadon

-r-Acod, V.H. and Moorc, D.M. 1984 : Current eonccpts in plant taxonomy, Acadcmic lerc. London

S.B., Jr. & Luchsinger, A.R. 1986 : Plant systematic(IInd cd). McGraw Hill Book Co. York.

-rencc.GH.M. 1951 : Taxonomy of vascular plants. Mac-Million, New York n. V.N.1984. Taxonomy of angiosperms. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

I. A.E. 1986: Fundamcntals of plants systematic, Harpcr and Row, New York G1999: Plant systematic, Theory and Practice, Oxford & 1BH P\1. Ltd, New Delhi c Sey; C. 1982: An introduction to plant taxonomy: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, radon.

ce. C. A. 1989 : Plant taxonomy and biosystematics (llnd ed), Edward Arnold, London od land. D. W. 1991 : Contcmporary plam systematic. Prentice Hall, New Jersey : rdenstam. B., El-ga/aly, G & Kassas, M. 2000. Plant systematic for 21st ccntury, Portland -rss Ltd, London.



Fuli Marks - 35 Pass Marks - 12

t sit — I / Marks - 7

Tac cnvironmcnt: Soil - generał and adaptations, water- generał account and adaptations.


“DC Syllabus (Science) II Assam l/niversity


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