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fc.I..R. 19%: Ecology and field biology (51*1 cd), Harpcr Collins College Publishers, USA t, L.R. & Smith. T.M. 1998 : F.lements of ecology (4ł 1 cd), An Imprint of Addison Wcslcy, _ - —an Ink., Califomia
I etM.GJr. 1997:Environmenlalscience,Workingw’ithEarth(6tłled).WadsworthPublishing
.er. J.E & Clcmcnts, S.F.. 1966: Plant ecology. Tata McGraw Publishing co. Ltd. Bombay.
Fuli Marks - 35 Pass Marks - 12
Tfeśt - I / Marks - 7
:aetics: MendePs cxperiments and principles of inheritance, Backcross and Test cross, . a intcractions and modified Dihybrid ratios - complcmcntary, supplementary. duplicate x-; epistatic factors, lethal gene.
1 I ait - D / Marks - 7
: -Itiple alleles: Multiplc allclcs in Drosophila (eye colour). man (blood groups) and plants cTincompatibility)
*antitative genetics: Quantitativc traits and qualitative genetics, the multiple factor - octhesis, descriptive siatistics.
' ait - III / Marks - 7
L;skage and recombination: Coupling and repulsion phases, point test crosses with their gnificance in chromosome mapping. interferencc and co-efficicnt of coincidcncc. f :\chromosomcs mcchanisms of scx determination, scx linked inheritance in Drosophila and san, scx limited characters.
Unit - IV / Marks - 7
Matcmal influence on inheritance: Shell coiling in snails and kappa particles in Paramccium, :>toplasm inheritance in ycast (mitochondria) and Mirabilis jalapa (plastids). Changes in :-.romosome structure. origin. typcs and effeets of duplications, deletions. inversions and rranslocations
Unit - V / Marks - 7
Altcrations in gcnctic make up: Changes in chromosome number, origin, typcs and effeets cf auto and allopolyploid. origin and mciosis in nullisomics, monosomics and trisomics. gene
7DC Syllobus (Science) II Assam University