

ŁCWU iajamton


Serial Port (USB / Bluetooth 2.0)


P* ^ SD fc <l»)




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P SI LOFI ROBOT Serial Port (USB / Bluetooth 2.0) p* ^ o tfź <l») 08:56 10.06.2019 P
AtóllfljisiLori liflfU Ksfa iMittoii LOFI ROBOT Serial Port (USB / Bluetooth 2.0) P §1 fil <f pp
[o.o] AtólsJlua KO) U ib&Ułdteuj LOFI ROBOT Serial Port (USB / Bluetooth 2.0) 3 im P Pt P* ^
Atókil/is) kdJlI tóditóli ŁaLiaiłsUai) *TLonLOFI ROBOT Serial Port (USB / Bluetooth 2.0)P
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gram08 U Pp-YCt S tAul cCc ^ iip<~s^<± r sY^j ° Yso- Mc^ *b w w< -tcś~<x   &nb
str6 (15) Notę MODĘ (Configure Serial Port) Configures a serial Communications port. lhis version ot
Tracłting through serial port $ST+TRACKING=0000,1,15,0,5,0,0
MAX232 A switch can be inserted to allow powering from EITHER the serial port OR a 9v battery/mains
PAN o File View My Bluetooth MyServices Tools Help Personal Area Serial Port A (COM6) Serial Port B
Interfejs COM (1)
27 04 Select tłie device (serial port) to which your modem is connected. If you have no modem, selec

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