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System for experimental identification of the bevel of the overhead travelling crane


The article presents the problem of the bevel of cranes as a phenomenon essential for the safe operation of cranes and their correct dimensioning. Characterize the factors affecting the size of the bevel of the crane. Describes the experimental identification of opportunities bevel size of the crane and proposed physical ąuantities that are a good measure of the total crane beveling.

Presented implemented in laboratory light overhead traveling crane measuremenl system that allows the measurement of lateral forces and the identification of kinematic parameters driving the crane (position and velocity of the two headstocks) to determine the size of the total crane beveling. Applied in this case, known in the art vehicle so. "fifth wheel" eliminates slippage previously used passive crane wheels.

Keywords: overhead travelling crane, the bevel of the crane, dynamie loads, measuring systems


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Logistyka 3/2015


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