11 Am Sitting in a Room (1969) Alvin Lucier2Senstęr (1970) Edward Ihnatowicz3 AARON (1973) Harold Cohen * Reflecting Pool(1979) Bill Viola 5 La Plissure du Texte: a Pianetary Fairytale(1983) Roy Ascott6 Lorna (19®3-i98/,) Lynn Hershman Leeson 7Family of Robot(1986) Nam June Paik8Electronic Civil Disobedience (199Z,) Critical Art Ensemble 9The WorkTs First Collaboratiye Sentence (199Ą) Douglas Davis 10 A-Volve(199Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau nwwwwwwwww. jodi.org (1995) Jod i12 Beyond Pages (1995) Masa ki Fujihata 13conFIGURING the CAVE (1996) Jeffrey Shaw ^Immemory(1997) Chris Marker 150neTrees (1998_)

Natalie Jeremijenko 16n-cha(n)t(2001) David Rokeby 17Listening Post(20O1) Mark Hansen, Ben Rubin 18Can You See Me Now? (2001) Blast Theory19 ELectrical Walks {200lt) Christina Kubisch 20Ear on Arm (2006) Stelarc 21Natural History of the Enigma (20°3-2008) Eduardo Kac 22 Reenactments (2007-201°) Eva i Franco Mattes 23Taroko Gorge (2009) Nick Montfort May The Horse Live in Me (2011) Art Oriente Objet 25Journey(2012) Jenova Chen

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