milo 01 11

milo 01 11

tion jcliuwn in Figaru 8. Itepcnt the movemcnt fi limes. Remem Iwr also thc ndmonitiun thnt you aro to presa tho weight upward and not givo it u start by jerkiug tho lega, or finish up from Fig-um 9 to Figurę 28 by faking uh in Figurę 30.

Wbcn prcwing thc wcight ovcrhcad NEVER allow thc knccs or thc back to bend, for if you do, thc csorcitc is robbcd of iti fuli valuc. As you bcgin to usc morę wcight. thc tcndcncy to bend both thc kncc* and thc b3ck will bc much greatcr. but thii you must fight. for as wc havc said bcforc. an cxcrcise donc 5 limes corrcctly is of greater valuc than an cxcrcise donc 12 times in a wrong way. Do not grip thc handle bar too strong!v with thc hands as it Jus a countcr acting tcndcncy; also, tense thc thigh mu«lcs when pressing thc beli aloft; that will help grcatly to incrcase their dcvdopmcnt.

Incrcasc one repetition evcry third oxerdning day until you rcach 10 repetttions. then inerease thc wcight of the beli 10 pouneLs, and start again at 5 repetition*.

TIllS IS A VERY imi>ortant excrcise in stimulating muscular gtowth. It is wisc to jctk thc beli from the chcst to arms* lcngth abovc the hcad. when commcncing this cxcrcisc. and then lowcr the bar beli. until it rests at the back of the ncck. as in Figurę S.


By reforriug brielly to Figurę? 8A, B, C, D, you cnn undertitand vcry readily jiut how lite bnr beli ia brought from the floor tu the diost in preparation for tossing it ovorhead to the back of th« ncck as in Figurę 8. You can either hond forwnrd ti« in 8A and grasp thc har rnreftilły or elso stand orect urtfl divu for it with plcnty of snap. The importnnt tiiing in either cvcnt is thnt as soon as you grnsp Iłu- Imr and start upwnrd with it. you lift it as rapully a* pombh from 8A to 8B. Jork it upwnrd as thnugh you were netu-ally trying to tenr it a way front the floor. As it gotw to ubout SB and begin* slawing down up-prcciably, do not patuw, iiut iustuntly dtick bc-nenth Ute bar so tliat it comes ngninst your chest os in 80. This is called dipping and litero nr.; a nttmber of way* of nccomplishing it. One is ftimply to squat quicklv somewlmt as in Figuro 13A, but with the body morę crect so that the l>ar touclies the chcst and not, of course, the back of the neck. Most. lifters, howover, prefer to use the foro-and-aft Split as in 8C. The. int-INirtant fuetor herc is to jump clenr of the floor with both f(ct just as tho beli rendtes the top of tho initiał lift ns in 8R. Whilo eomplctely in tłu* nir, you jump slightły forwnrd with one foot and a considernhly greater distance baekward with thc other. Ali the whilo the boli is suspoiided nlmost motianless in mid-air. so that by thc tiinc it woukl normally bogiń fulling back downward to the floor, the lifter hau dipped and i* baek on his feel as in 8C willi the bur n< his chcst. Sonic lifters. especinlly when using n weight well within their limit, split dingonully forwnrd and Imrkward and stall othcrseimply jump with their foot spread well npnrt to tlie sides and the knees bont. You will fmd it bost. howover, especinlly for Imudling a hcavy wcight, to use the Split style, nnd the lit;avier the woiglit, the farthnr upart you will hnve to split your fect and thc Iower your dip will be undor the bar. It ic highly importnnt (nnd mcrcasingly so a# the weight gets heavie.r) that you lift the tiar straight upwnrd and movc both feet nt the same timo. Do not simply step forwnrd with ono foot or back woni with the other; the uction must be simuitanfOUS so that your body drofk» down under the weight and nut down forward ngninst it or down backuattd away from it as woukl re-nult from inoving only the front foot <ir thc baek foot, respcctivcly.

( tn Pac 2<)



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