(Um tb« Umt wright aa in No. 6)
Stand crccc — bar beli grasped in b o t h band i with ovcr-grip, arms hang ing pcrfcctly straight from the shoulders. Shrug your shoulders. and raise the beli as high as possible. but don't bend the arms. Lower the beli again, and rcpcar the shrugging mo-tion scveral times, and cach timc you raise the shoul* dors try to bring them as near the cara as possible.
Figuro 15
Figurę Da
Figurę No 15 will show you very plainly which muscles this cxcrcbe devclops. They arc rallcd the trapezius muscles: they run across the upper part of the spinc. and out along the shoulders bĆtwcen the ncek and the deltoid muscles. Anyone who develops the«e muscles will get a good sloping pair of shoulders, and will dcvelop the basc of the ncck.
The trapezius muscles arc vcry import ant to the lifter, as they are called on vcry severcly in lifting the beli from the floor to the shoulders, and in maktng a onc-hand Snatch or Swing lift from the floor to arms' Icngth above the hcad.
This is one of the easiest of all the czerciscs. and you can repeat the motion 14 limes to start with. Every third day incrcase two times. till 30 times: then incrcase the weight of the beli 10 pounds. etc., etc.
R«i!M'cnt»r m tłu* eawrdw and in tlir mott nn« lite advino ginra ca jiorp 4 undrr "Hnw To Hołd • Bar Bell" ohout tlm oppoaed grip and the Jtnok tir lock głip for Uio grratrmt naee. and tbc thumb-bj-fiiiKora atrle tor Inctraitlng thn imrk ot tlio honds.
Pagc 14