EXERCIS£ NO. 13 For N«k Dev«?lopment
Stand crcct. holding the bar beli with the overgrip. the bar touching the thighs. Kecp the cłbows at the sides. and raisc the bar slowly until you arc in position Figurę 26. When the beli gets that high stop. hołd it a second. and lower it again to the thighs.
In this exercise you don’t bring the beli all the way to the ebest. bccause that is not neccs sary. When your forcarms and upper arms arc at right anglcs. as in Figurę 26. the movcment is complcte. Examine tl>e picture carefully. and you will notę that. the weight of the beli is rest-ing on the thumbs and end-joint* of the fingers.
Repeat this exercise four or fivc limes. Therc is no nccessity in telhng you which muscles it dcvrlops. You will fmd that out for yourself. Pagc 20
The neck. being the wat of nervous organi/a-tion is an important parr of the body to de-vclop. Neck dcveIopmcnt prononnees itself by supplying the owner with tremendous vigor. be-sides perfecting a poisc of head and carriagc that givcs the owner an attractivc appearance.
Take up your position on the floor as in Figurę 24. with the neck and shouldcrs fiat on the floor. Now, with neck strength only. raisc yourself up. until you are supported on the top of the head as in Figurę 25: then gcntly lower back to the original position. Wbcn raising up onto the head. do not use the legs to help thrust you up: just use neck strength. Repeat the cx-crcise six limes.
W hen you can use 25 pounds. begin to wprk up to 10 repetitions; add a linie weight and start again on six repetitions.
Figurę 25
Wilh B«r Bell to Dov*lop the Outiide of the Foroortn*
Construct a light bar beli. by using the long handle and the platcs. In ihis excrci.se you should use about half as much weight as you arc using in Regular Excrcise No. 1.