EXERCISF. NO. 2 (U»e beli al iime weijhl n in EoccrcUe No. 1)
Figurę 4
Place beli on ihe fluor and tben lic down on your back with your head abouc 3 inchcs from tbc center of the handle bar. J^each over your head, grasp the handle. lift the beli an inch or iwo from the floor. so as to make surę that you bave it balanced. After you havc sec u red the correct ba lance. lift the bar beli across the face to the chest. In this movcment the beli need be raiscd only a few inchcs from the floor.
Pupils whose heads are very long from front to back can save their strcngłh by turning their head to one side and thus save an inch or two in the hcight to which the beli has to be lifted.
After you havc pullcd the beli across to the chest. rest a moment in position Figurę No. 3. with the upper arms resting on the floor, and the forearms straight up and down.
Now push the beli upwards to fuli arms' length. as shown in Figurę No. 4. and as you do so spread the ribs to the utmost. making your chest as decp as possiblc. Lower the beli to position Figurę No. 3 and repeat the pushing-up ntovement 5 limes. After you complcie it the fifth time. then replace the beli on the floor behind the head, or, if you are not strong enough to put it back on the floor quictly. then rest the handle-bar across your stornach, let the beli tip to one side until one globc touches the in Figurę -f mul then to puli the kncea upwnrd and baekwurd until you ran place the bar on the kneea piet helów thn knee-cajje. Puli tightly with the urms to hołd it therc and rock forwnrd to a sittiug position with tire heels againwt the but-toeks. The wright of tlie heli will puli you over until you can statui and replaee it. on Uic floor.
Therc are two ways of controlling the nrinn in this exe.rcise. in one style you grasp the hor with the honda shoulder wi<lth apart and lower it ubout as in Figurę 3 excepting that you kccp tho o łbowa nguinst, the nidc» and bring the bur just, ubovo the diaphragin. Tho second methud is to grasp the bar u Iittlo morę than shoulder width apitrt and this time as you lower it, nlluw the olbowa to toucb the floor straight out from the uhoulders so that they make a straight linę of elbow-shoulder-shoulder-elbow, now with the hor direetly uhove the shoulder* and elbows. Vou run use one stylo one workout and the ot ber tlie ncxt, or do half yoiu- repetitions in one man-ner, shift the band slightly and eontlnue for the remuinder. In this case, use the iirat. described ex-ereise first.
Im.case one repetition evcry third day umil 10 repetitions. then incrcase 10 pounds. and start again at 5 repetitions. etc.
i Sec Page 3 in Preliminary Instructions.)
floor. and then you will havc no trouble in holding up the other globe wbilc you rise co a sitting position. Another system which urny re-«|uirc a little prnotice is to hokl the beli aloft os
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