A Doll's House

A View is the opinion thot is produced by a Value (morał principle).

E.g. I value marriage & therefore hove the view thot divorce shouldn't be ollowed

E.g. I value my reputation and therefore I hołd the view thot I shouldn't internet with disrespectful


E.g. t value the institution of motherhood in high esteem and so I have the view that a woman's proper place is with the children.

Connotations of a Doli House

•    Control: The owner of the doli house Controls its members

•    Constructed: A perfect little constructed world/reality

•    Faęade/Falsity: It conceals/rcvcals other realities

•    Confined: The house never seems big enough; There is a desire for morę

Overall Act Notes

Act One

•    The fiat is referred to as "Helmer^s Flar" -> lt's already evident that he is In control and the dominant partner in their relationship.

•    “Helmer's Study" -> There arc areas of their home that are limited exclusively to Helmcr, where neither Nora nor the children can enter.

•    Description of their house: lt‘s tastefully middleclass, however they don't appear to be wealthy and are possibly limited with money. Oespite their limited Fmances, they are stlll concerned with maintaining their responsibility. -> “A comfortable room, furnished inexpensively, but with taste."

•    Chnstmas Tree: Ifs an ornament and representation of their marriage. it becomes morę dishevelled as the truth is revealed and Nora comes to realise the falsity that is her marriage.

The tree shouldn't be out until it is ready to be decorated for the guests -> The importance of appearances in society & wlthin the family.

•    Nora is eating the macaroons as a smali sign of defiance that allows her to assert some semblance of independence -> "{She slips the bag of macaroons in her pocket and wipes her mouth.r

>    The family is surrounded by deception. Whilst she only hides a macaroon, it indicates the deeper secrets and rot in their relationship. As with their marriage, the family's glossy exterior is just a faęade.

• "my little skylark" "Little Squirrel" "my little feather brain" "my little song-bird" “Is the squirrel sulking?" etc. -> Condescending, makes her seem inferior and inconsequential. He believes she has no common sense and place in the business world.

>    She is not a person in her own right, only an inconsequential creature within his household. He describes her behaviour, not her character.

>    His language towards her demeans and belittles her.

>    Nicknames often follow the premise of "little" -> Nora Is inconsequential, to be tolerated not respected.

Often refers to her in third person, as if she weren't a real person.




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