The House of Lords - main issues
■ Lord Chanccllor the House of Lords is chaired by him. He traditionally sits on a woolsack, a large square seat covered with red dotli, the symbol of Britain*s former wealth. However, unlike the Speaker of the Commons, the lord Chancellor is not concemed with order. He is also a member of the Cabinet and he is the chief law officer.
■ The House of Lords is madę up of the Lords Temporal, the Lords Spiritual and the Law Lords.
■ The Lords Temporal comprise all Hereditary Peers (now about 784) and Life Peers
(now about 379). Peers are not elected and do not represent a constituency.
■ Hereditary Peers - have inlierited their titles due to being the heads of aristocratic
families. Tliis means tliat they are members of the House of Lords simply as a result of something their ancestors did. They have the titles of dukes, marąuises, earls, viscounts and barons.
■ Life Peers - have usually had a distinguished career in politics, business, law or some other profession. They are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime
Minister. Life Peers do not pass on their title when they die.
■ The Lords Spiritual -are the representatives of the Church of England (the
Archbishops of York and Canterbuiy and 24 senior bishops).
■ The Law Lords - sińce 1876 they were the most senior judges in the land who
represented the highest Court of Appeal for Great Britain and Northern Ireland.