The necesstiry aoBar fulimcm is abtained by increasinn <u the ixick neckline.
There are 2 ways of making attractive shawl collars knilting them on laier or working them right with the piece.
W hetlier .1 shawl collar is
worked on .a cardigan or a pullovec, it always looks best w hen it lies close againsr the neck. For this rcason, the nccklinc should not be too largo. A total width ot ó'<" to 7" i-* enough. On a pullover. the neckiinc should begin at chost heighr, in orhet words about 10" helów the shoiilders. On a cardi-gan. the slantcd edge can sran evcn lowcr down.
lncreases on shawl collars
In order lor a shawl collar not to puli up, like a turtleneck, srirches always havc to be inereased at the back neckline to get the necessary tuli-ness. For a collar knit on in 1 x 1 ribbing, work double inereases. To vlo this. tnerease 1 stitch purl twisted out of the hori:ontai thread aftcr a knit stitch. knit the ne.\t purl stitch, and tlien merease I stitch purl twisted out of the next horizontul thread agam. The paltem repem ot’ the nbbing patrern continucs wirh-out intemiption.
When a shawl ct'llnr is worked with the piece it.self, shortened rows lun ę to lv worked mstead ot inereases ar the back of the collar.
Shawl Collar Knit onto a Pullover
On the pullover shown ahovc, the center 14 stitches arc bound oft straight across for the insei piece.
Aftcr rhat. make the slantcd edges for the neckline by knitting 2 siirches togerher, next to the schodgo stitch, on the right sidc of the sweater, and working a single dccrease «iver these .stitches on the left sidc. For the back neckline. bind olT the center 20 stitches. ihen 3 stitches oncc and 2 stitches once, on both sides of the center, every olher row.
AfTer you sew the shoulder seams, pick up an odJ number of stitches front the back neckline wirh .1 cir-culiu ncedle or flcw nccdles. slarting and ending at a shoulder. Tum the work, slip the first stitch knitwisc, and then work in ribhing paltem. At the end ot the row, pick up stitches trom rhe slantcd edge ot the front. Always pick up the stitches on the front to the next decrease madę on the slnnred edge. Fierc, rhe dc-ercases were madę cvery sixth row s<> that at the end of each row. you should pick up an additional 6 srirches. Tum the work. dip the tirsr stitch. then work in ribbing patiem-Continue working the same way, picking up 6 stitches at tlić end of each row umil you have reached the bottom end ot the neckline edge. Cast on an additional seh edge .stirch herc so that you can sew the collar 011 latcr. Also make surę rhat there is .1 knii stitch on the right sidc of the work iu-Nt ni the selvedge stirch.
At the same time, when the collar is about long at the back neckline. wi»rk double inereases eecnly Jistributed over the back neckline. This i> the only way the collar can be turned over toosely to the ourside Inter! Work the inereases about 2-5 stitches aftcr the shoulder, bclore and aftcr a purl stitch, then work 5 stitches and make another double Keep rejttating rhcse inereases up to the other shoulder. The łresjucncy of inereases i- the same fol almost alt thickncsscs ot" yam.
Once all the stitches have been picked up. continue working unril the selvcdgc is us long as tlić bottom neckline edge is wtde. then bind rhe stitches oft. Sew the top part of the shawl collar onto the bottom edge of the neckline with invisible stitch. Since the ribbing patrern reifutrcs morę rows for rhe same length. as