Adult flea harbours the mfective cysticercołd
Host is Infected by mgesting fleas’ contaming cysticercołd.
Humans, normally children. acquire the infedion by mgesting the infected flea.
Infected larval stage develop into adult
Scolex attaches in intestine
^ Adult in smali intestine
Each proglottid contams egg packets that are held together by an outef embryonłc membranę (see©)
The progłottids disintegrate and release the egg packets.
Oncosphęre Cysticercołd Oncospheres hatch from the eggs and penetrate the N intestinal wali of the Q lan/ae. Cysticercoid larvae devetop in the body cavity.
Egg packets containmg embryonated eggs are ingested by larval stage of flea
A= Infectwe Stage A- Diagnostic Stage
http://www.dpd cdc.gov/dpdx